Culture Transmission> Club Carnival

Club Carnival

1.Motive and Purpose

Teacher Tzeng, from the Office of Student Affairs, invited our team to participate in the end-of-semester school clubs presentation, after final exams. Our instructor accepted it immediately so we could show our efforts and promote our Luzhou Shenjiang culture in this presentation. We were very glad when the instructor told us about this, since we would have a chance to demonstrate our results. Also, the instructor said that reporters would come to interview us. We would get to be on TV!



We spend two lunch breaks discussing about preparation. We also spend a lot of time making promotion posters. There are many things to be prepared for a small exhibition. One person cannot do this alone, so we discuss with the instructor to distribute the work to get ready for the exhibition. We first distribute work and list all items needed. The most important item for that day will be posters. There will be many people that day, and if we do not prepare posters, students will not be able to see what we want to present. Work distribution and item preparation are as follows:

  • 1.Work Distribution

1.Explain the origin and development of Shenjiang culture: Pin-yu Wu, Ming-hsien Hsu
2.Explain the category of Shenjiang: Shun-wei
3.Explain the meaning of Shenjiang and future development: Yuang-ting Tseng
4.Prepare drawing of Shenjiang: Yu-chi Hsu
5.Explain masks: Kuan-ting
6.Prepare name card for Shenjiang: Po-hung Wang

7.Prepare laptop: Hsin-yu Li

Kuan-ting was organizing masks for us.

  • 2.Items to be prepared
  • Items: table, standing board, Shenjiang standing board, mask, pictures, video, laptop, and Shenjiang drawing.
Posters: Origin, development, category, meaning, and future development.


We worked together to welcome carnival-comers.

  • 3.Live Activity
  • In the early morning of the activity day, we wait in the Office of Teaching Affairs for the instructor to take us to the gym of Lujiang Elementary School to set up. Lots of items are prepared. Six of us follow Teacher Ming-gui and Teacher Guan-you to move items to the gym to set up. In the Gym, we see many clubs preparing the program they are going to perform in the second class. There will be performances by the Chinese Music Band, String Orchestra, belly dance, and dancing club. After many dynamic performances, there will be a static club exhibition. The Cyberfair project team is not a club, but we are a team of monographic studies. We have asked for permission from the Office of Student Affair to demonstrate our monographic study for this semester in the “Club Achievement” Exhibition. We work together to set up the exhibition. Some move tables and some move chairs; we quickly organize the tables and chairs. We put Shenjiang masks on the table and put up posters on the walls; we show pictures, Shenjiang drawing from students, and feedback sheets on the table. There are many classes coming to visit. Some students come to our booth and we explain one item after another to them. Today is a special day; our local TV station, TWT, comes to interview us. We assign our best speakers, Shun-wei and Kuan-ting to represent us to talk. As we expected, they are not nervous at all, and talk very well. They are awesome. There are many clubs participating in the exhibition. After demonstrating all our results, we discover that even though our research time was not long enough, we needed to get together almost every day to attend classes, discuss, plan activities and write activity reviews. So when we see the results, interaction with students, all the questions students ask about Shenjiang culture, and answers we offer to them, we feel everything is worthwhile. We continue to grow and learn during the process of our monographic study, and pick up more knowledge to share with students. I think sharing, cooperation and growth are part of the spirit of the Cyberfair project. This is something we cannot learn from school.
  • Lined up masks to welcome students.


    Shun-wei was explaining Shenjiang culture to students.


    Shun-wei Huang: Today is another good day. Due to chorus practice, I could not go to meet the Cyberfair project team until after my first class. When I got there, each club started to setup their booth. There was the Service Team, Around the World table, and so on. We started to move tables and chairs. The Chinese Orchestra started to practice their music too. We set up painted masks and Shenjiang pictures. We set up our booth together. People started to come, so we needed to get ready with the explanation content. Everyone worked very hard. The Chinese Orchestra performed first. There were many people in the exhibition. My class came to support us too. When the program started, our team started to explain Shenjiang culture to them. The director walked to me and I explained the production procedure of painted masks and the locations of products to him. The director told me to talk slowly so that people would understand me. He wanted me to treat him like a guest, and we did it again. I tried to follow his request, repeating once again. Later, the teacher came to assign me to represent the Cyberfair project team in the interview. When the reporter started to interview every club, I was a little bit nervous but I knew could do it. Unlike before, I was very confident now. Anyone can change from being incapable to capable as long as they want to learn. I believe everyone did not know this, but we gradually grew our capabilities through various difficulties and practice. I improved a lot after joining the Cyberfair project. I think scores and rankings are not the most important parts. Learning will happen quickly as long as the quality of education is good. Today, I am so close to the end. Keep going!

    Kuan-ting He: During the recess after morning studies, all members of the Cyberfair project got together in the Office of Teaching Affairs. During the break, I told Shun-wei “We’ve got to go!” and then we ran to the office together. In the Office of Teaching Affairs, I saw Teacher A-Gui and Teacher Guan-you preparing things for today’s activity. After we got ready, Po-hung Wang and I took the name cards for General Qi and General Ba to the 5th floor of Lujiang Hall. Over there, I saw the Chinese Orchestra club and other groups setting up their booths. Later, when the Club Carnival started, there were many students gathered around our booth. I suddenly felt a sense of accomplishment at that moment. Ha! This activity has taught me the importance of cooperation.

    Ming-hsien Hsu: Today was the Club Carnival. Teacher Guan-you asked us to came to the Office of Teaching Affairs to move things. I picked up Shenjiang pictures and went to set up our booth. I saw other activities when I got there, such as Calligraphy, Folding Cups, Belly Dancing, Chinese Orchestra, and String Orchestra. We forgot to bring in another set of pictures when we were setting up, so the teacher had to run back to the Office of Teaching Affairs to get it. One classmate felt that I looked like Third Prince, so he asked me to smile and stand beside Third Prince’s picture to take a photo. After setting up, people continued to walk in to watch other performances. Our teacher was afraid that we might be shy, so he asked us to practice once. After practicing, we saw reporters from a TV station coming to interview us, so we asked Kuan-ting and Shun-wei to introduce our activity. After the interview was done, the reporters went to interview other clubs and some students came over. I introduced our work to them, such as the mask making procedure for General Qi and General Ba, all Shenjiang masks, Shenjiang drawings done by students, Shenjiang posters, feedback sheets. The entire activity continued to proceed well to the end. After all students went out, the teacher asked us to clean up and prepare to leave. We then took all our things back to the Office of Teaching Affairs together. Today’s activity was a very good one. Reporters came to interview us and I shared our work with students. I hope we will have more time to share Shenjiang culture with students.

    A reporter was interviewing us. It was so cool!

    The principal came to participate in the activity too.

    Po-hung Wang: We went to Lujiang Hall to participate in the achievement exhibition today. In the beginning, there was no student in front of our booth, since everyone gathered around the platform to wait for the performance. Reporters came in at this time to do interviews. Fortunately, Shun-wei and Kuan-ting were there for the interview (thank you, guys!). After the performance, students came and jammed up our booth so we sweated to explain to all of them. When there were fewer students in the booth, I wanted to find some water but noticed that I forgot to bring water with me. I had to suffer from thirst and went back to the booth. Until about 11 o’clock, the carnival continued to run. People were leaving gradually. We felt a big relief, and started to clean up and went back to the classroom.
    Yuang-ting Tseng: We went to the Office of Teaching Affairs for the beginning of the activity, and prepared to set up booth. When we got there, we started to set up the booth hurriedly. Later on, our English Teacher showed up to be our first guest, and students continued to enter the carnival. Our booth gradually got very crowded. Everyone was very busy with his or her introduction, but I was still waiting for students to come to my poster introduction. I was so worried. Then reporters showed up. They interviewed Shun-wei and Kuan-ting, and asked them some questions about the Cyberfair project. They also visited our booth. Then the activity was over. We started to clean up our things. No one came to view the posters I was supposed to introduce. I think the reason was that I had been waiting for questions and did not introduce the posters to student on my own. I will improve on this next time.

    Po-hung Wang was introducing the pictures

    The reporter was recording video for our booth.

    Pin-yu Wu: In the early morning of today, the members of the Cyberfair project went to the 5th floor of Lujiang Hall to prepare the needed tools for the “Club Achievement” carnival. We finally got everything ready. Many students continuously entered the carnival. First graders, second graders, third graders, fourth graders, fifth graders, and sixth graders, wow! Almost all students were coming here. Facing a big group of confused students, I felt very nervous and excited. I thought that it was time for me to show my expertise, so I took this good chance. When the announcer said, “It’s time for the dynamic ‘Club Achievement’ exhibition, so please find a seat to sit down,” I thought, “What am I nervous for? It’s not our turn yet.” Time flew by. It was now our turn, but I forgot my lines. I was so nervous. Students came to the booth group by group, so we had to pay attention to take care of them. Later on, reporters came to interview us and made me even more nervous. Shun-wei introduced our subject, so it was unnecessary to be nervous. Even though I was disappointed, since I was not the person to be interviewed, I understand the importance of working together. In a team, if everyone only cared about themself, then the team could not resolve any problem they encounter. I believe this is the main purpose of the Cyberfair project.
    Yu-chi Hsu: Today when I got to the carnival, everyone had already set up the booth, so I did not help. My responsibility was to introduce drawings of Shenjiang. There were drawings of General Ma, drawn by me, and General Qi and General Ba, drawn by Hsin-yu Li. During the performance, everyone paid attention. There were no students coming to the booth, so we all randomly sat on the ground and chairs. The director and Teacher Tsai suddenly came in and told us that TMT reporters were coming. We stood up immediately and cleaned up our appearance and tables. The teacher assigned the best speaker, Kuan-ting and Shun-wei, to introduce Shenjiang culture to the reporters. The performance was done a few minutes later, and students jammed the booth right away. Everyone started to get very busy. There were no students asking me questions in the beginning; maybe this is because I was in the corner. Learning from this experience, we would need to pay attention to the positions of where we put our things. We also need to watch crowd flow to make sure that everything we prepared would be functioning and effective, otherwise it would be a pity. After Teacher Tsai’s solicitation, more people came to our booth. They were all very smart. They knew who Shancai and Longnu were. They could also tell us who Qianliyan and Shunfenger were. I kept looking around and finally found a confused little girl who was staring at the General Ma I drew, but when I started to talk, she ran away and I did not know why. It might have been time for her class to get together. After that, no one was willing to listen to my explanation except a group of little boys. Did my looks scare people? I was hurt, but it was still an experience.
  • Today is a special day; our local TV station, TWT, comes to interview us. We assign our best speakers, Shun-wei and Kuan-ting to represent us to talk. As we expected, they are not nervous at all, and talk very well.