Culture Transmission> Video Promotion

Video Promotion

1.Motive and Purpose

We hope we can play videos on the campus’ television walls and school website to promote and let more people understand the Shenjiang culture. We all feel that it’s not enough to only promote by words, posters, or lectures. If we can use multi-media videos to promote the culture, it will attract everyone’s attention even more rapidly. Also, if we keep the video on the front page of the school website, anyone who surfs to the website of Lujiang Elementary School will be able to see it. We can play it on the TV walls of the school hallway for 24 hours to grab everyone’s attention too.

2.Video Production Procedure

We’ve been promoting the related information about Luzhou Shenjing culture for a while. In order to let everyone understand more about it, the Cyberfair project team has decided to promote with video. Through video, students and parents on campus will be able to learn more about Luzhou Shenjiang culture. It’s really difficult to make a video. The teacher said a lot of software could help to make video in computer classes. Fortunately, there is a PowerDirector10 class for sixth graders to learn film editing, so we ask the Cyberfair project instructor, Teacher Tsai, to teach us the details of making a video. Even though we do not quite understand, after doing it, we can discover problems. Therefore, the members of Cyberfair project have decided to make a video using the software; the content of the video is very important. We decide to interview Teacher Wen-chih Lin and Liang-chuan Wang, use the promotions and teachings on campus, and use the pictures of Shenjiang statues drawn by students on campus for the content.

It’s really difficult to make video. We need to get familiar with the software and learn how to add voice and background music. It’s not easy at all, but we have decided that the Cyberfair project members still need to try to finish it. We go to the computer room to make videos every day at noon. One week later, we almost finish the video. We do our best even though it’s not very professional. We show our video to our instructor, and he says it’s not too bad for a first-time’s work. We were very glad to hear that. Finally, there is prize for our hard work. We put the video of teaching Shenjiang culture on a link to Youtube at


Po-hung Wang: It’s really hard to make the videos, since we did not know how to start when we started it. Luckily, we had an expert, Teacher Tsai. We encountered many problems during the procedure; for example, we were confused with the timer shaft and did not know many interfaces. We still worked hard to overcome the problems and learned how to make video.

Yuang-ting Tseng: I’ve never made a video but we needed to make our own video for the promotion. I was so excited. The teacher tried very hard to teach us how to make videos. I learned how to make videos and worked hard with others to promote Shenjiang culture. With video promotion, I believe more people will know our Shenjiang culture.
Ming-hsien Hsu: Even though I’ve never made any videos, I hoped the teacher could teach us how to made a video for the Cyberfair project. I hoped I would learn more things to expand my views.

Kuan-ting He: Just like the others (except Teacher A-gui), I don’t know how to make videos. After Teacher A-gui taught us how to make video, we made a video with the pictures we had when we interviewed Master Lin. It was very successful.

Pin-yu Wu: I did not know how to make a video. After our teacher’s instructions, I seem to be able to make videos now. I still feel the computer is not my expertise, so I need more practice.


We use multi-media videos to promote the Luzhou Shenjing culture, we hope it will attract everyone’s attention more rapidly.