Culture Transmission>Feedback Sheet

Feedback Sheet

1.Motive and Purpose

The main purpose for this activity is that we want to understand how students feel about Shenjiang culture. We also want to know how much students understand the culture after we have done promotions on campus for a certain period of time. We hope to see more feedback from students on campus, so that we can know the effects of our activity, and their impression and view about Shenjiang culture.


2.Feedback From Students

These are some afterthoughts written by students on campus for this activity. We have received many feedback sheets and only picked some to show here. We are very touched to see feedback from many students. We also appreciate teachers in each class who helped for promoting this activity, so that our promotion could move very smoothly.


These are some feedback sheets written by students and some face painting work.

These works were done of students’ first impressions on Shenjiang statues.