Culture Transmission> Poster Promotion

Poster Promotion

1.Motive and Purpose

The purpose of this promotion is to help teachers, students, and community residents know about our 2013 Cyberfair project, so the poster promotion is very important. Poster promotion is the core for the entire activity. We want everyone easily learns information of Luzhou Shenjiang culture through the poster promotion. For example, students and parents passing through the quad every day could see the posters there. If the posters are with more features, more people will be attracted and they may contact us for more information; then we can gradually carry forward the Luzhou Shenjiang culture and reach our goal of poster promotion.


2.Activity Procedure

We started to put up our posters today. The Cyberfair project team have discussed for a very long time to decide how to make posters. We first decided on all the topics. The contents include: the origin of Shenjiang, types of Shenjiang, and position changes of Shenjiang. After deciding these three topics, we distributed work and started to make posters. The instructor had previously taught us to use Word in computer class, so we used this to make posters. We divided 8 persons into three groups and used Word to make posters. We spent two lunch breaks finishing our work. We then went to put up posters together. It was raining and very cold, but we were not afraid of coldness. We went out to work with Teacher Guan-you and Teacher Ming-gui. Three sixth-graders came to help carry posters. We thank them for sacrificing their lunch breaks.
Since the school campus is big, we posted posters into four areas. The first place was the hallway of Zhongxiao building. The second place was the main entrance of Lujiang Elementary School. Since there are many people passing through here, the number of kids and parents who see this poster will be the greatest. The third place was Bader building on the campus. This is the place for the 4th grade classes. The last place was the Health Center in Reach Building. All students exercising on the playground should be able to see the posters we have posted. It’s very impressive to see the posters we worked hard on posted in these places. It was worth working hard.


Po-hung Wang: The instructors gathered us to post posters today. It was very windy and cold, but we completed the mission without any fear. We went to the Research Building, Yunai Building, Zhongxiao Building, Lujiang Building, and then Bader Building. I failed to nail the posters many times during the process since I was weaker. Ming-hsien Hsu was stronger and could easily nail the nails. I like to try things I am not good at, so I rushed to Ming-hsien Hsu and ask to post the posters. Sometimes we needed Teacher Kuo’s help since we both are not tall enough. What I learned today is “union produces power”. It’s much easier to break one chopstick than a pair. As long as we work together, nothing can hinder us.


Shun-wei Huang: This poster promotion is for attracting the attention of students from Lujiang Elementary School and letting them understand Luzhou Shenjiang culture. The weather was not very good. It was raining, but we still worked hard to post the posters.
Yuang-ting Tseng: We have posted the posters for promoting Shenjiang Culture, and let everyone know about Shenjiang. It was very cold when we were posting the posters, but we were not afraid, and continued to work hard on campus. Some positions were too high for us to reach, so we needed a teacher’s help. Someone was too weak to staple the nails and needed stronger people to help them. This had taught me that union produces strength. As the saying goes, three smelly shoemakers are better than one wise. As long as we work together, we can bring out great power. This posting has taught me one important thing that will help me a lot.
Ming-hsien Hsu: Today, our teacher asked us to get together in the Teaching Affair office and post the posters. We took tools with us and separately went to the Research Hall, Zhongxiao Hall, Lujian Hall and Bader Hall to post the poster made for the Cyberfair project. We were too short to staple the top of the posters and needed a teacher’s help. In the beginning, we were not familiar yet, so we did not nail the posters well. However, since I took over the staple gun, I stapled the posters very well and I did most of the posters. After finishing the work, we went back to the classroom. Posting requires teamwork. It teaches us how to work together to improve a relationship.
Pin-yu Wu: Today, we were going to do a special activity: posting posters. We took the delicate posters from the Teaching Affair Office and walked to the Research Hall to post. Someone made mistakes when posting posters, but no one blamed the person; instead, we made up the mistake as soon as possible. The spirit of union is worth learning for everyone. I am taller so I helped to post the poster in higher positions. Ming-hsien Hsu is stronger so he helped to staple the positions that were harder to staple. Everyone contributed the best of their talents to work together and quickly get the job done. This is the true spirit that we want to learn by participating the Cyberfair project.