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By Using YouTube, Raoping Hakka Learning Breaks the Confinement of Region
Started from 2014, Mrs. Qiu has been posting Raoping Hakka related videos on YouTube. Until now, the videos have amounted to 105 in number and they are offered to those who are interested in Raoping Hakka.

Go on the website YouTube (URL: https://www.youtube.com) and type the words “Meidu Qiu(邱美都) or Raoping Hakka(饒平客語) in the search engine. You will see related teaching videos.

81. Hakka Daily Conversation.
82. Hakka Home Conversation.
83. Hakka Master Got Something to Say.
84. Yongjing Welcome Song.
85. Parents and Children Sing Hakka – First, Release the Chicken.
86. What’s Your Last Name.
87. Fruits and Transportation in Hakka.
88. We are Now Arriving at Yuanlin Station.
89. Xing Xian Poetry Society’s Painting Exhibit.
90. Pass Down Folk Songs.
91. Raoping Old Villages.
92. Greetings.
93. Welcome Zhaoan Hakka.
94. Puxin Welcome Song.
95. News Coverage by Changhua News “Jing Siou Elementary Schools Won 3 Golden, 2 Silver and 2 Bronze Medals in Parent-Child Hakka Competition”.
96. Changhua Zhuolan Songs.
97. Raoping Bu Ma.
98. Sing Hakka – First, Release the Chicken.
99-100. Dragon Turtle Sculpture.
101. Happy Chinese New Year.
102. Offspring from Jiang Jiu He Learn to Speak Hakka.
103. Changhua Raoping Number Poems for Kids.
104. What’s Your Name.
105. The Magnificence in Yongjing.