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By Using YouTube, Raoping Hakka Learning Breaks the Confinement of Region
Started from 2014, Mrs. Qiu has been posting Raoping Hakka related videos on YouTube. Until now, the videos have amounted to 105 in number and they are offered to those who are interested in Raoping Hakka.

Go on the website YouTube (URL: https://www.youtube.com) and type the words “Meidu Qiu(邱美都) or Raoping Hakka(饒平客語) in the search engine. You will see related teaching videos.

30. Volunteers.
31. Hakka Song – the Love of Moon.
32. Bu Ma Zhen (a Hakka activity) in Hai Feng Lun.
33. Visit Stations.
34. National Changhua University of Education Distinguished Alumni Association.
35. Yuanlin Police Story House.
36-38. Classmates Reunion.
39. View Flowers Blossom in Tianwei.
40. Clan Assembly of Qiu’s.
41. Interview Nanping Vaillage Chief.
42. Encountering People from Yuanlin.
43-44. Portrayal of Taiyuan Station.
45. Interview Duanchang He.
46. Christmas.
47. Jing Siou Hakka Club.
48. Changhong Ma Coming to Jing Siou.
49. Interview Wengui Xu.
50. Small-scale Press Conference.
51. County Mayor Mr. Wei Talks About Hakka Culture Promotion.
52. Revival of Jin Siou True Color.
53. Parents and Children from Kyushu, Japan Come to Visit.