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By Using YouTube, Raoping Hakka Learning Breaks the Confinement of Region
Started from 2014, Mrs. Qiu has been posting Raoping Hakka related videos on YouTube. Until now, the videos have amounted to 105 in number and they are offered to those who are interested in Raoping Hakka.

Go on the website YouTube (URL: https://www.youtube.com) and type the words “Meidu Qiu(邱美都) or Raoping Hakka(饒平客語) in the search engine. You will see related teaching videos.

01. Gathering Raoping Hakka.
02. News Coverage by Hakka Television “Changhua Raoping Hakka Began Sprouting in Jing Siou Elementary School”.
03. Congratulation on China Zhou Association’s Establishment in Dacun.
04. China Television Interviewed Meidu Qiu in Television Program Taiwan Stories.
05. Spring in Changhua.
06. News Coverage by Hakka Television “Raoping Hakka Began to Sprout in Yuanlin Yongjing”.
07. News Coverage by Hakka Television “Completed a Research of Four Tribes –Yuanlin, Yongjing, Puxin and Tianwei.
08. News Coverage by Hakka Television “Raoping Bu Ma Group Visited Yongjing”.
09. Yongjing Ice Sticks.
10. Yongjing Fu Xing Welcome Song.
11. Taoyuan Bu Ma Group Visited Yongjing Township Office.
12. Darao Qinghe Hall is Being Pulled Down.
13-14. Normal School Alumni Meeting.
15. Grandpa and Grandma.
16. Paper Scissor Stone.
17. Come Visit Yuanlin.
18. A Night Mooring by the Maple Bridge.
19. Wisdom in Proverbs.
20. Pass Down Hakka.
21. Congratulations on baby’s one month-old birthday.
22. Blessing Words for Expectant Couples.
23. Sing Raoping Folk Songs.
24. Comments on National Hakka Read and Sing Competition.
25. Words from Raoping Xu Shi Lang.
26. Teachers in Changhua Plant Big Trees.
27. Worshipping the ancestors of Yonjing Loyal House.
28. Elevated Station in Yuanlin.
29. Sing Anthem on School Sports Day.