¡@¡@The First Interview

 Interviewee : President Dongzi Guo


Interviewer Team Bili Wan Jun

Interviewee Mr. Dongzi Guo
Academic Background Junior High School
Workplace Tenny Co.
TEL 0933-374-463
Duration of work  37 years
Duration of foundation 29 years
Date of Interview 2012/12/10



I. Can you offer us the information on the company’s background?


Company Tenny Co.
Address 5-12, Madoukou, Madou District, Tainan.
TEL/Fax 06-570-0027 / 06-570-2256
Major Business Stationery Manufacturing and retailing
Date of Foundation 29th, May, 2004
Staff 8
Capital NT$1,000,000
Annual Revenue NT$3,000,000



II. 4Ps of Tenny


Part I

    1. Q¡G How does the company use and allocate the funds?
      A¡GIn the beginning, we focused on the machines and other equipment. We put more capital in marketing TENNY.
    2. Q¡G  What principles does Tenny hold to operate the company?
      A¡G Now, more and more people use computers to deal with the files and documents, which result in fewer opportuity to use pens. To preserve the local tradition and encourage people to write more, I use “Fantasy, Insistence and uncovention” as a campaign slogan to attract young people and those professionals.

    3. Q¡GWhat are the main products?
      A¡GOur major products are pens, followed by rollerball pens and ballpoints. We focus on exquisite appearance and materials, and the price is between 2,000 and 6,000 NT dollars. We name the pens by its appearance and design, and the pens are targeted at professionals, at the age between 30 and 45.

    4. Q¡GHow does pens help Tenny make money?
      A¡G60% of the products are for export, while the other 40% are for import. Ways of marketing are fixed price consignment in department stores, specialty store selling; we even promote our brand products via the Internet and trade shows.

    5. Q¡G What are the procedures for making pens? What equipment is needed?
      A1¡GMilling machine, CNC lathe, bench lathe, rollers, polishing machine.
      A2¡Gcut the acrylic board into long strips, grind the board into elongated cylindrical bars with grinding machine, make the groove for the future assembling with a CNC lathe, better the unperfect parts using table lathe manually, put the finished cylindrical bars into the rollers to smooth the coarse parts, and then use the polishing machines to make the bars smoother.

    6. Q¡G Any changes between the emploer and employees?
      A¡GIn recent years, the staff always have a bad attitude to think the boss can’t lose them. They even think without them the company will not be running. Therefore, as a boss, he has to think a way to find out a balance between staff and himself.

    7. Q¡GDo ideas come from the company’s team or outside?
      A¡GWe do the research and develop our own ideas by ourselves.

    8. Q¡G How do you market the pens?
      A¡G40% for domestic use and 60% for export to Western countries.

    9. Q¡GWhat are the product strategies?
      A¡G  (1)Pricing : most products are between 2000~6000
      ¡@¡@ (2)Consumer targeting : professionals at age 30~45
      ¡@¡@ (3)Customize : engraving on the pens.

    10. Q¡GWhat are the marketing methods?
      A¡G  (1)The Net : increase the publicity
      ¡@¡@ (2)Pen stores : provide information for clients
      ¡@¡@ (3)Department stores : products on consignment
      ¡@¡@ (4)Expo : increase the publicity

    11. Q¡G What are the strategies of promoting?
      A¡GWe don’t usually do the promotions. However, we give the customers bonus points when they shop online.

    12. Q¡G How does the company conduct the in-house training?
      A¡GThe mentors pass down the experience to the staff and it takes about 2~3 years to be familiar with the products.

    13. Q¡GWhat is the key to successfully operating the company?
      A¡GPerseverance and pursuit the perfection.

    14. Q¡G How well has the pen industry been developed?
      A¡GNow people use technology to send message more than the pens, and the government has no policy in this field.

    15. Q¡GWhat competences does Tenny Co. have?
      A¡G Our products can be sent as gitfs to match the receiver’s social status. The problem we are facing is people  use pens less often. So , we adopted some ways to encourage the development of pen industries such as encouraging people to write with pens , actively participating in both domestic and international expositions to inceases the publicity and setting up relevant websites.

    16. Q¡G What kind of help do you hope to get from the government?
      A¡GThe government should establish more detection units for pens to boost the consumer’s confidence. But we can’t just rely on the government. What we have to do is to open more markets and look for the new clinets by ourselves, which is a challenging task and would gives us a sense of achievement afterwards.

Part II

    1. Q¡GWhen did you start manufacturing pens? What’s the reason for you to stay in this field?
      A¡G I used to manufacture handmade buttons. 10 years ago, I got a chance to produce the pen shells on an OEM basis, and became enthusiastic about this industry. Currently, Taiwan’s manufacturing industry requires high costs and has no prospects. Therefore, I hope to have my own brand to advance and develop the pen industry in Taiwan.

    2. Q¡GWhat is your motivation to start the business? Any difficulties you met on raising the funds?
      A¡G A country need to write down words to keep its culture. So I encourage people to write more and rely on hi-tech products less. As for the capital gathering, it is not easy to gather enough capital as Taiwan’s banks requirements for applying for a loan are strict.
    3. Q¡GWhy did you choose to be this industry? Is there any relation to your academic background or previous work?
      A¡GAs I just mentioned, I hope people can write more and rely on hi-tech products less. So, I chose to work in the pen industry. Before that, I produced handmade buttons, the materials of which are the same as those of pen shells. With my understanding of buttons, I started to design pens with unique styles to draw customers’ attentions.
    4. Q¡GHave you had any difficulties operating the company? How did you overcome them? How do you deal with the competitive business environment?
      A¡GOf course, I experienced lots of difficulties, including the ignorance about this industry from the governmet, importing the materials, and gathering capital. But I tried my best to develop this industry with some methods, like the analysis of markets and consumer targeting.
    5. Q¡G How has being an entrepreneur changes your philosophy of life?
      A¡GAs an entrepreneur, I consistantly take the challenges and enjoy the process.
    6. Q¡GAny enouragement for us high shool students?
      A¡GI hope the young people can write more and rely on hi-tech products less. Also, I hope they can be persevere.

    7. Q¡G What’s the interesting thing for being an entrepreneur?
      A¡GThe products are made from scratch with a series of trials and corrections, and the most interetsing part is to see the final products.

    8. Q¡GWould you please tell us some basic knowledge about pens?
      A¡GTake the size of pen tips for example. B is for very thick, M for medium-thick, and F for thin.( In Japan, they have EF for super thin. Besides, the pens sold by Tenncy Co. are ballpoints (B), rollerball pens ( R) and fountain pens (F).




¡@¡@The Second Interview

Interviewees: the president and Tenny staff


Interviewer Team Bili Wan Jun
Interviewee Mr. Guo and the staff
Venue Tenny Co.
Date of Interview 2013/1/31



    1. Q¡G How long have you been involved with manufacturing pens?
      A¡GAbout 14 years

    2. Q¡G What’s Tenny’s company structure?
      A¡G I will ask Miss Chen to give you the information.

    3. Q¡G I will ask Miss Chen to give you the information.
      A¡G  OEM Markets: England, France, Italy, Germany, USA, Canada.
      Market for TENNY: Australia and Japan
    4. Q¡GDid you invest in the equipment boldly?
      A¡GYes. Great equipment matches the demands from domestic and oversea clients. Therefore, we produces on an OEM base from some famous international companies.
    5. Q¡GWhat do you produce on an OEM basis?
      A¡G Pens

    6. Q¡GDo you get lots of online orders?
      A¡GNot as good as the physical stores.

    7. Q¡G When was Tenny Co. founded?
      A¡GThe year of 2004.

    8. Q¡GWhen did Tenny Co. get the trademark? How much did you spend marketing your own brand?
      A¡GIt took about 2 years to design the trademark, and soince in 2005 we got the certificate, we have been spending about 300 million NT dollars promoting the own brand “TENNY”.
    9. Q¡GCan we take a photo of the certificate of trademark?
      A¡GOf course. 01183792 is TENNY’s trademark and 01074550 is the mark.

    10. Q¡G¡GWhat does Tenny mean?
      A¡G Perfection

    11. Q¡GHow much did you spend setting up your own factories?
      A¡GWe have a factory, and because the business was getting better, in 2002, we started raising the funds, and in 2004, we spent 20 million NT dollars building a new one. Meanwhile, we set up Tenny Co. to produce Tenny pens and market our own brand.
    12. Q¡GWould you please introduce yourself briefly?
      A¡GI was born in 1963. I was infected by Sabin vaccine, resulting in the paralysis of legs. I was able to walk on crutches until the age of nine. On the fourth grade, I started helping to make money to supplement the family income and pay for my own tuition. After graduating from elementary school….




Interviewee Gingpan Chen
Academic Background Commerce High School
TEL 06-5700027
Workplace The accounting department at Tenny Co.
Title Accountant
Duty Cashier and general affair
Duration of work 10 years
Date of Interview 2013/1/31


    1. Q¡GWhat is your duty in Tenny Co.? How long have you been working here?
      A¡G I am in the accounting department, and I have been working here for around 10 years.

    2. Q¡GWhat is your duty in Tenny Co.?
      A¡G I answer the phone, do the accounting, run errands, bookkeeping, etc. To be honest, although I am an accountant in this company and have to do lots of things, the boss treats and pays me well.

    3. Q¡GAre you satisfied with the pay now?
      A¡GThe pay was not good 10 years ago. But I am very satisfied with my job and pay now.