”@”@Dong Zi Guo

1963 Born
1976-1983 Apprentice
1984-1990 Owner of the shell OEM factory
1991-1996 Owner of OEM factory
1996-now President of Ming-Gian company
2004-now President of Tenny Co.


”@”@President Dong Zi Guo's brief introduction

A Small Giant

”@”@Born in 1963, at age 10 months, Mr. Guo was infected when receiving Sabin vaccine, resulting in paralysis of legs. He couldn’t walk on crutches until the age of nine.  Because of poverty, from the fourth grade, he started help to earn money to supplement the family income and pay for his tuition.

”@”@After graduating from elementary school, he worked as the carving apprentice in a factory, carving ivory and coral to be exported to Japa. Later on the ivory became endangered species. So in 1984 he opened his own shell factory. At age 21, he went back to night school to study.


Conquering all difficulties on the Avenues for Development

”@”@In 1990, he closed the shell factory because of the heavy NT appreciation pressure. Then, in 1991 , he returned to take up a factory in Tainan to continue OEM on buttons and pens. In 1996, he manufactured pen and acrylic products, and established Ming-gian enterprises. In around 2000, OEM turned into cheap market in China. He determined to keep the roots in Taiwan. So in 2004, he set up a second plant specializing in manufacturing, domestic and export pens; in 2005 he obtained the "TENNY" registered trademark, and is currently promoting its own brand.


”@”@Subconclusion: Appreciating the Energy and Life-force of Taiwanese Businesspersons

”@”@Through interviews, we realized Mr. Guo, regardless his disability, worked very hard to survive in this fast changing business environment. From his experience, we have benefited a lot.