Interview with concertmasters

Yan-Ming Liao, General Director and Soprano Accordion concertmaster You-Chen Ye, Bass Drum, Gong, Cymbal, Triangle and Tambourine concertmaster
Yun-Ruei Chang, Tenor Accordion concertmaster Po-Yuan Yang, Bass Accordion concertmaster
Hao Liu, Pianica concertmaster Yi-Xuan Lin, xylophone concertmaster
Xin-Di Lin, Alto Accordion concertmaster Yu-Huan Chen, Piano concertmaster
Jun-Da Peng, organ concertmaster Jun-Wei Chen, Timpani concertmaster
Hong-Yu Chen, Drum Set concertmaster  


IntervieweeYi-Xuan Lin, Xylophone concertmaster

Interviewer:Po-Yuan Yang, Magic Finger

Q1-Which one do you prefer, glockenspiel or xylophone?

A: Xylophone. It sounds softer.

Q2-How does the glockenspiel make music sound?

A: Strick the resonance tube to shake the reeds.

Q3-How does the glockenspiel sound like?

A: It is clear and melodious with a light knock but it becomes noisy if the strength is too big.

Q4-What's the treadle for the glockenspiel?

A: To avoid lingering sound or to louder the sound.

Q5-How long have you learned for the glockenspiel?

A: About 1 year.

Q6-Why did you choose the instruments?

A: After I joined Children Orchestra, I wanted to try something new and the senior played it very well.

Q7-What would you do when you got the problem?

A: Practice harder and try some new methods.

Q8-How do you feel about playing a glockenspiel?

A: I feel great when I play well.

Q9-What's the structure of a glockenspiel?

A: Metal bars, treadles, and tubes.

Q10-What's the basic skill to play a glockenspiel?

A: Knowing the note of each key.

My interview is over. Thank you very much.

County Games Joined the Changhua County Music Competition

Reviews of the reporter

Writer: Po-Yuan Yang, Magic Finger

I made some mistakes when I started to interview since I lacked of experience and didn't familiar with the questions. After practicing and getting teacher's advices, I did better and better. I still did something wrong because I was nervous. Now I understand more about the instruments of Children Orchestra.

Source: Innovative Musical Notes

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