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Interview with the concertmasters

Before the Interview

By interviewing concertmasters of each part in Children Orchestra, we understand the good & hard times of them and the role of their instruments in our orchestra.

We also play "7 hobbies" and "secret angle & master" during this activity. It help team members of Cyber Fair to do better.


Our first interview. We used teacher's smartphone to record Simulating the interviewee & the interviewer, and recording test

Interview Question Design

(Recorder: Yan-Ming Liao, Past Master)

Today we started to design the interview questions. At first, Ms. Chiang told us about the "7 habits". I remember most is "Being active". Only we are always being active, we can reach our goal.

Then we started to design the questions. We had choose 11 orchestra members as our interviewees. I have to interview with Yun-Ruei Chang, concertmaster of tenor accordion, and Hong-Yu Chen, a very good drummer. Thanks for Ms. Liu's and Ms. Chiang's advices, I got idea to finish the activity.

Writing the most important habit by ourselves Design the question and practice it

Interview Record

(RecorderYi-Xuan Lin, Top Stricker)

Ms. Chiang introduced as the "secret angel and master" game to us. The secret angel should help their master to deal with their problem. Unlike the normal way to play it, we all knew who is our secret angel or master. We cared and inspired each other to get more progress together.

Our work today is typing with the record. We have to type our interview with the record. All of us forget to bring headphones so we ask Ms. Hsu's help. That should not happen! Yu-Huan & I helped each other. I listened to the record and she typed. But she had to be interviewed, I helped to type a part for her. We shared our opinions with each other and asked other members or teachers' opinions. We should prepare better and check it one day before the class.

Grouping work The school headphones let us finish our typing with record


Source: Innovative Musical Notes

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