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Parents' Supports

Zi-Yu's Dad

I am grateful during my kid learning music. I also glad we met such a good teacher to teach my kid. As a parent, I understand her passion about music. I was going to the music competitions with them. The shaking and moving of listening the performance is still in my heart......More

Yan-Ming's Mom

When Yan-Ming was in second grade, he enrolled Children Orchestra with confidence because he likes music very much. At first, he started with a tiny pianica. And now, he is the Soprano Accordion concertmaster and General Director. He keeps practicing very hard every day. I was worried about it. He practices at school. He also practices at home......More

Di-Yu's Mom

There were some good memories and well trainings while Di-Yu's sister joined the Children Orchestra. So I encourage her to join it. Hoping she could get the same music experiences. She was too shy to express herself at first so she didn't follow the progress well. Thanks for Ms. Fang-Min Liu's and other seniors' help, Di-Yu felt better and made her willing to join the music competitions......More

Yun-Ruei's Mom

What a I have so much to talk about Ping He Children Orchestra, yet it is so deeply rooted in me that I don't know where to start. 3 years ago, my first daughter, Yun-yi, returned to the Children Orchestra. Instructed by Ms. Lai, she becameGeneral Director of the Children Orchestra. In order to increase the members, she encouraged her little sister Yun-Ruei to join in Children Orchestra. Yun-Ruei didn't know how to play the piano, but, under the instruction of Ms. Lai, she has stayed in Children Orchestra for 3 years and attended 3 consecutive Changhua County Music Competition, which has completely changed her life......More

Kai-Hsin's Mom

Early in the morning of Dec. 9th, 2013, Kai-hsin woke up at 4:50. We drove from Taichung to school while it was still dark. We went really fast on the highway for there were no other cars. It was the day that we were going to defeat our opponents and got qualified for National Students music Competition. That day, on which Changhua County Music Competition took place, was really special. Even now, I still get excited when I think back about it......More

You Wu's Mom

Back in a morning 3 years ago, I heard that Ping He Children Orchestra was recruiting. You Wu was only a 4th grader then, but I encouraged her to give it a try. At that time, the Children Orchestra's instructor was Ms. Lai and You Wu played the pianica. I often saw You Wu bring home her pianica for extra practice on both holidays and weekdays. I still remember our family's New Year celebration of 3 years ago, we chatted, listened to the music played by You Wu......More

Source: Innovative Musical Notes

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