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Interview with concertmasters

Yan-Ming Liao, General Director and Soprano Accordion concertmaster You-Chen Ye, Bass Drum, Gong, Cymbal, Triangle and Tambourine concertmaster
Yun-Ruei Chang, Tenor Accordion concertmaster Po-Yuan Yang, Bass Accordion concertmaster
Hao Liu, Pianica concertmaster Yi-Xuan Lin, xylophone concertmaster
Xin-Di Lin, Alto Accordion concertmaster Yu-Huan Chen, Piano concertmaster
Jun-Da Peng, organ concertmaster Jun-Wei Chen, Timpani concertmaster
Hong-Yu Chen, Drum Set concertmaster  


IntervieweeYun-Ruei Chang, Tenor Accordion Concertmaster

Interviewer:Yan-Ming Liao, Past Master

Q1-Why do you want to join children orchestra?

A: I think it would be fun so I tried it.

Q2-Why do you choose to learn accordion? How to play it?

A: The teacher thought I am old enough to try the bigger and harder instrument. In this song, the teacher rearranged the piece. I also got a solo part in it. I'm glad about it. The accordion is just like harmonica and organ. It makes sound by vibrating the reed inside. We pulled the bellow in left hand and played the key in right hand. Then the air flowed in the bellow and vibrated the reeds.

Q3-According my understanding, theTenor accordion is the theme part of bass section. It looked very difficult. Why did you choose this instrument?

A: The harder I practice, the more sense of achievement I get.

Q4-How many time did you spend in accordion? How do you improve your skill?

A: Practice more. Join contests more. And keep practicing the skills teacher teach.

Q5-What do you feel when you play an accordion?

A: It's very pleasant and relaxing.

Q6-There are good times and bad times in the children orchestra. Please make examples in each.

A: The good time is practicing together. The bad time is couldn't play the song well.

Q7- How do you deal with your problem?

A: Ask teacher or classmates.

Q8- What do you learn so far?

A: Learning to cooperate with each other.

Q9-You have some basic music skills in elementary school. Do you want to keep doing music as your career? Why?

A: No, music is just my interest.

Q10-Please explain the specialties of accordion.

A: Easy to carry away and easy to use / practice.

My interview is over. Thank you.

Christmas Eve Concerts County Games

Reviews of the reporter

Writer: Yan-Ming Liao, Past Master

I am always in the soprano accordion because of the volume I play and my skill since I joined the children orchestra. During the interview, I found that bass part is quite amazing. They have to be harmony of songs. It is a heavy duty but they are doing well. The interview was smoothly. But there were other people interfering with us. The teacher have to give rid of them and re-do it. It was special and fun about my first interview.

Source: Innovative Musical Notes

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