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Victoria Academy Kaleidoscope

Victoria Academy


Our school : Victoria Academy was founded in 2000. It has been 16 years. The school system begun from Kindergarten to an Elementary School, to a Junior High School, and then to an Experimental Senior High School. It is an exceptional institution with K1 – G12 curriculum in Taiwan.

Victoria Academy adopts a bilingual approach to education to enhance students’ language ability in both Chinese and English. It is built in a European architectural style with six hectares of open green space. A baseball field has been newly built this year in order to advance baseball games in the community. At Victoria Academy, except for club activities, students choose their favorite elective courses. Teachers strive to promote students’ intelligence in various aspects and to inspire students to fulfill their potentials through various learning activities. Victoria Academy also provides an environment of open inquiry and discussion. Students are also encouraged to engage in analyzing, synthesizing information and problem solving activities. Moreover, they are also led to develop their appreciation of their own culture, the love for their community and humanity.

In additional to educational features, the campus architecture and sceneries are often appealing to many tourists to come and visit, especially since it is located on the way to Jan-Fun-Sun Amusement Park.

A bike is the main mode of transportation in the country. A cycling camp is usually held at school during summer. Students are trained to ride along the roads or cycling tracks, provided with proper cycling knowledge. There are also other bilingual immersion camps either during winter or summer breaks, which are suitable for students from other school to experience as well.