A Neimen Residents’ Satisfaction Questionnaire 
Investigation on the GreenFlower Marketing 0Cooperative’s
Promoting Anthuriumss Industry

Ladies and Gentlemen,

  We are students of Comprehensive Department from Kaohsiung Senior High School of Commerce.
(a.k.a Hsiungshan) At the present, we are participating in the competition of Cyberfair 2012 doing a project on the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative, a local outstanding business located in Neimen District, Kaohsiung. That’s why we designed this questionnaire.

  We hope, through this questionnaire, to understand more about Neimen residents’ attitudes towards the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative’s promotion of anthuriums industry. We sincerely hope that, based on your real feelings and experience, you can truthfully answer each question item, which will serve as the foundation of our report. Please give us your precious opinions and don’t miss any question items.
Your support and aide are deeply appreciated. May peace and happiness always accompany you!

2012 Cyberfair Project Team of Comprehensive Department, Hsiungshan

January, 2012


Part I. Personal Background Information


1. Sex: Male  □Female

2. Age:18-29 yrs old  □30-39 yrs old □40-49 yrs old □50-59 yrs old □Above 60 yrs old

3. Marital Status: Single  □Married  □Others

4. Degree of Education: Under Elementary School Junior High SchoolVocational/ High School
College Graduate School and above

5. Yrs of Living in Neimen: □Less than 1 yr □1~5yrs □6~10 yrs □11~15yrs □More than 16 yrs
6. Career: Agriculture, Fishery, Animal Gusbandry  □Business  □Workers 
Publiic Servants & Teachers  □Housekeeping  □Students Services Sector Workers
Unemployed including the retired) □Self-employedOthers

7. Do you think the community media are effective in crossing the messages between the Cooperativeand  Neimen residents?  (More than 1 choice is possible.) 
JournalsPamphletsWebsitesSummoning MeetingsHolding ActivitiesOthers

8. Are you a member of the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative?

 □YesNoPlease move to Page 2 and answer Question Items 2, 3, and 4.


Part II. In the following question items, please check (v) the
    box that you think most represent your idea.


I. Attitudes of Members from the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative Participating in Anthuriums Business Development



1. In your opinion, joining the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative



2. In your opinion, the Cooperative has been doing well in your production and  marketing of the anthuriums.



3. In your opinion, the Cooperative’s anthuriums promotion lives up to your expectation



4. In your opinion, the Cooperative’s anthuriums promotion provides you with profits  and growth.



5. In your opinion, the Cooperative’s anthuriums promotion can improve your living  standard.



6. As a whole, participating in the production, marketing, and management proves to be  satisfactory.




II. Neimen Residents’ Attitude towards the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative’s Participating in the Development of Anthuriums Industry



7. In your opinion, the Cooperative is helpful to the promotion of anthuriums industry in  Neimen.



8. In your opinion, the Cooperative is successful in the development of anthuriums  industry in Neimen.



9. In your opinion, the Cooperative’s anthuriums promotion lives up to the expectation  of Neimen residents.



10. In your opinion, the Cooperative’s anthuriums industry will boost the development of  local economy.



11. In your opinion, the Cooperative’s anthuriums promotion can improve the living
 standards of Neimen residents.



12. As a whole, you recognize and support the Cooperative’s running and developing  anthuriums industry in Neimen.




III. Neimen Residents’ Attitudes in Participating in the Development of Anthuriums Industry



13. In your opinion, anthuriums promotion as an exquisite agriculture will strengthen the  comradeship among the local residents.



14. Promoting anthuriums industry can pass down rural culture, making you identify more  with the land offering you nutrition.



15. In your opinion, the residents’ enthusiastic involvement in anthuriums industry in  crucial to the development of Neimen economy.



16. In your opinion, the Neimen residents are enthusiastically involved in the maintenance  and promotion of Neimen culture.



17. In your opinion, the local media provided by the Cooperative can effectively help to  communicate with Neimen residents.




IV. Neimen Residents’ Ideas towards the Cooperative-adjacent Community Media (e.g. journals, newspapers, pamphlets, summoning meetings, holding activities, setting up websites, through emails, broadcasting, commercials)



18. You can always get relevant information from the Cooperative-adjacent Community  Media about the development of anthuriums industry.



19. In your opinion, the Cooperative-adjacent Community Media are helpful to the  development of anthuriums industry.



20. In your opinion, the Cooperative-adjacent Community Media are an important  means for the residents to participate in the development of local anthuriums industry.



21. In your opinion, the Cooperative-adjacent Community Media can effectively bridge  up a communication channel between the Cooperative and the residents.



22. Overall, you are satisfied with the efficacy of the Cooperative-adjacent Community  Media.




 This is the end of the questionnaire. Please double check all your answered items so that nothing is missed. Hearty thanks again for your precious time and cooperation!

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