Answerer’s Name:     Sex:     Job Title:     Yrs of Membership:

I. Background Information of the Cooperative

Name of the Cooperative:

Address of the Cooperative:

Telephone/ Fax:

Current Business Fields:

Founding Time of the Cooperative:

Is the 1st Production-Marketing Squat remained after the establishing of the Cooperative?

II. The Background Information of the
 Cooperatives  General Affairs

1. Current Number of Members:     Is membership fee (share capital) necessary?
2. Total Amount of Share Capital:
3. Total Operating Amount:

III. The Financial Management of the Cooperative

1. How does the Cooperative distribute your yearly surplus?
2. How does the Cooperative distribute and manage the funds?
3. What is the Cooperative’s major consideration of financial strategic planning?
4. What is the ratio of fixed assets to total assets? Which is larger, production cost or marketing
  cost? What is the return on investment?

Questionnaire to the Management
Part I

Question Items

1. What mechanisms or features does the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative have to make it a
 famous local enterprise?
2. Why did you found the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative, Mr. Lin?
3. How do anthuriums make the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative a profitable enterprise?
4. What is the major production/ marketing product of the Cooperative? In what way is it special?
5. What are the basic equipment used to cultivate anthuriums?
6. How big should anthuriums grow before they can be harvested? How?
7. How do you deliver anthuriums after the are picked?
8. How do you deal with shipment after anthuriums are packed?
9. How much do anthuriums cost?
10. How does the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative cooperate with member florists?
11. Are anthuriums produced by the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative for import or export?
  Which is the main force?
12. How do you decide what species of anthuriums to grow?
13. Why do the Japanese come here to place orders with you?
14. In what way does the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative deliver anthuriums abroad? By
  surface or by air?
15. What marketing strategies does the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative employ?
16. What countries does the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative currently do business with?
17. What countries will the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative do business with in the future?
18. What are the business objectives of the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative?
19. Is “2010 Taipei International Flower Expo helpful to the promotion of anthuriums? Does it bring
  business opportunities to the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative?
20. In what way(s) do you hope agricultural counseling units or the governments give you aides?

Part II

Question Items

1. When did you join the anthuriums industry? What is the reason you stay in Neimen growing
2. Why do you choose Institute of Innovation and Entrepreneurship to pursue you master degree?
 When will you graduate from it?
3. What is the encouragement to or expectation of we senior high school students?

The 2nd Interview from Production-Marketing
Workers to the Management

Question Items

1. How does the Cooperative distribute your yearly surplus?
2. How does the Cooperative distribute and manage the funds?
3. What is the ratio of fixed assets to total assets? Which is larger, production cost or marketing
  cost? What is the return on investment?
4. What are the founding motivations, business philosophy, development processes, and current
  conditions of the Cooperative?
5. What are the current business items and service objects?
6. What insurmountable difficulties has the Cooperative come across in the business management?
7. Please tell us something about membership recruitment and staff education and trainings of the
8. How does the Cooperative encourage Neimen residents to participate in the development of
 anthuriums industry?
9. Does the Cooperative regard maintaining local anthuriums industry as its core of management?
10. Does the Cooperative discuss its direction of development with the cadres or the farmers?
11. When deciding on the direction of development of Neimen anthuriums industry, did the
  Cooperative hold a discussion panel with Neimen residents?


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