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[Yu-hsuan Wang] [Ching Huang] [Yan-rou Wu] [Ya-ming Huang] [Ting-hsuan Gao]
[En-yi Guo] [Hsin-ci Huang] [Cheng-yang Liu] [Hsue-ke Chiou]

Yu-hsuan Wang¡G

Wow! I am so happy I can participate in another Cyberfair project again! We got second place last time when participated in one Cyberfair project. I am just curious what we will get this time. I am really looking forward to it!

The topic this time is about facial tattoo, so we were grouped to conduct interviews with Mr. Gui-shi Tian, Mr. Pidelo Wukah, and Mr. Ching-hsiang Hu in Siou-lin Township.

Our group interviewed Mr. Gui-shi Tian of Seediq Cultural Workshop in Fushi Village, Shioulin Township, Hualien County (my grandma from my mom¡¦s side also lives there). The questions I asked were about facial tattoo artist and the period of time during Japanese Occupation. During the interview I was very nervous because there were also reporters from aboriginal TV station in there interviewing Mr. Tian. They also filmed the part we interviewed Mr. Tian. During the interview I gave Mr. Gui-shi Tian the facial tattoo leather engraving we made ourselves. Mr. Tian said he likes it a lot and he will treat it with care. This made me very happy.

After that we had good interviews with Mr. Pidelo Wukah and Mrs. Ching-hsiang Hu, and we also collected good and complete materials. I am really confident about the Cyberfair project we did this time. We will definitely get good result. Great!


Ching Huang¡G

In the beginning I had no idea what Cyberfair project was. Thanks to teacher¡¦s explanation now I know. I did not have an email address but now I do. I am so happy. Thanks to the teacher for all their helps.

¡§Work harder starting from today!¡¨ I hope we can win an award. I want to let my parents know how hard working I am. I also want to make my ancestors and elders feel proud of me.


Yan-rou Wu¡G

Everyone is excited to sign up for Cyberfair, because it feels like as long as one signs up one will get an award. This is the first time I participate in Cyberfair project, but who knows the sign-up procedures can be so complicated. Not only have we needed to fill in information such as account number, password, email address, name, gender, but also our addresses. But I did complete my application patiently.


Ya-ming Huang¡G

I think it is a great idea joining Sinbaiyang Cultural Information Club. Not only it allows us to interview people in regard to facial tattoo, it also allows us to go online and research things about facial tattoo as well. Although at the school the teachers already taught us how to conduct an interview, but when it comes to a real one we simply got nervous and went blank in our mind. Fortunately the teacher was there giving us reminders so that we could continue with the interview. Otherwise it would be a shame if we became speechless.


Ting-hsuan Gao¡G

This is my first time joining Sinbaiyang Cultural Information Club, and also my first time taking part in Cyberfair project. I have no experience at all in Cyberfair project. However, throughout the course I have placed a lot of efforts in enhancing my studies and experiences. I am totally confident in getting an award. Not only have we have good teachers who devoted wholeheartedly in teaching us, we also have students learning diligently. It is a no-brainer that we will receive good grades to honor our Jien Ching Elementary School Sinbaiyang Club.


En-yi Guo¡G

Joining Sinbaiyang Cultural Information Club helped me to learn and experience the skills in interviewing. The first interview was to Mr. Gui-shi Tian¡¦s workshop. Mrs. Tian also helped us sticking facial tattoo stickers to our face so that we can experience how it is like to have a facial tattoo. The second interview was with Mr. Pidelo Wukah. He even showed us a little wild boar that he worked so hard to capture. I think he is really cute! The third interview was with Mrs. Ching-hsiang Hu. Mrs. Ching-hsiang Hu knows a lot of old time stories. From her I learned about my own culture.

Hsin-ci Huang¡G

I am so happy! I really wish for a good results from participating the contest of Cyberfair project.

During the course I had field interviews with Mr. Pidelo Wukah, Mr. Gui-shi Tian, and Mrs. Ching-hsiang Hu to learn about facial tattoo. What impressed me the most is a story Mrs. Hu told us that made her angry. Some people used the pattern on girl's skirts and placed the pattern on boy¡¦s vest. I think this offended Mrs. Hu because the designer does not know either the meaning behind the pattern of the eyes of ancient spirits, or the location where it should be. From this interview I¡¦ve learned that when there is something we do not know, we should just ask. We should never misplace one for another and violate any rules in mistake.

We also learned about the skills in filming, photo shooting, interviews, and researches with our teachers and directors. The teachers have devoted themselves in teaching us. Although it took us a lot of efforts to learn, but I believe as long as we put our efforts in it we will definitely reap the fruits. I hope we will have good grades.


Cheng-yang Liu¡G

This semester I attended the course hosted by Sinbaiyang Cultural Information Club. I learned how to edit films and conduct interviews. For the contest, we occasionally would use our lunch time to rush our works in the computer classroom. During the course Teacher Hua, Teacher Ai, Director Hsu, and Teacher Huang taught us how to edit films. Thanks to Teacher Huang for teaching me how to interview. I put in a lot of efforts in learning the skills required in interviews. I also want to say thanks to Teacher Hua, Teacher Ai, and Director Hsu for teaching us how to use video camera. Throughout the process the teachers taught me many things that I did not know to do. Thanks for the teachers' efforts and hard works, I will keep working hard until the end. I rarely participate in contests so I must work really hard. I hope I will get a good place in the contest.


Hsue-ke Chiou¡G

This is my first time participating in Cyberfair project, and I am very happy about it. I completed the application procedure under the teacher¡¦s detailed guidance. After I completed the procedure I really look forward to receiving good results from the contest.
















