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At the end of 2009, Hualien County Government finished the construction of e-classrooms and e-campus. Notebooks were distributed to each class. The whole county was installed with fiber broadband, and thus uploading or downloading studentsˇ¦ works on campus would not be an additional burden on teachers, students or volunteer workers. Our school performed well in Cyberfair in the past few years. The most revolutionary reform was that we included the Cyberfair into the school curriculum. We teach students to learn about information media and utilize it, offer them field trips, guide them to upload their research notes and help they design web pages. Our school also provides students with a web server. The project leader will upload the work report of Cyberfair project; the class advisor will be in charge of editing the final report. Teachers who execute the project will touch base regularly with volunteer workers from other instructor through emails or web conference in the fiber broadband environment.


e-classroom e-campus with wireless Internet access Notebook of the class Web conference
operating the information media Interviewing hunters Experiencing hunting life Previous performances (links)
