Related Research Elements

  • School-Based Curriculum

  • What IT technology was used to complete this project?

  • Our Role as Jade Ambassador - Online, as Individuals, as a Team

  • What impact and influence has this project brought to this region?

  • Respecting Intellectual Property Rights and How We Cited our Sources

  • Discovery, Lessons and Surprise

  • School-Based Curriculum

    Related Research Elements. How this project connects with our own school's "School-Based Curriculum"

    Our school based curriculum topic is "stone" and the project this time is research on FT jade. So the topics link nicely.

    through this special project, in thir learning activity, we got to know the FT area cultural history and geologic envt and more studies how to do collaborative work and how to get along. Lets the research team fa hui biggest power/enegy. In natr and life science part, by the FT jade.

    We look at how FT jade is formed and its components we learned about mineralogy and earth scienc knowledge. From this we learned scientific analysis. Also, from appreciation of all kinds of jade art products and we ground jade process these two activities and art class, put together let

    Beautiful things do let our spirit transmute. In the process of Through computer tasks and making the web site, connect to our coputer classes (they look, and we do) let our level of IT knowledge big big raise, and let us more understand how to use ewb to do a learning activity. And understand etiquette and regulations for using web.

    What IT technology was used to complete this project?

  • school computer classroom
  • computers in the counselor's room
  • 1 multimedia information cart
  • personal computers of the teachers and in students families
  • notebook computer
  • 5 digital cameras
  • digital recorder
  • scanner
  • printer
  • copy machine
  • fax machine
  • portable flash disk
  • software
  • web page editors - Namo Web Editor and NVU
  • GIMP image processing
  • Writer text editor
  • Calc spreadsheet software
  • FireFox
  • XnView image browser and editor
  • Picassa picture management software
  • FileZilla FTP transfer tool
  • Flash for creating web animation
  • Impress for oral presentations with images
  • 7-zip for file compression
  • internet
  • FTP server
  • FTTB fiberoptic cable network
  • ADSL wide-channel network
  • Network hard disc
  • Email
  • Specific discussion boards
  • Web discussion platform
  • Our Role as Jade Ambassador - Online, as Individuals, as a Team

    The Fong Tian area went through early development, then the Japanese colonial period, on to the post-Japanese, Chinese period and the rise of the jade industrial heyday. Where can we get the photos from all these different periods? This was a problem that constantly bothered the Yu Jiao Long group. Then, unexpectedly, while visiting the Shou Fong Region Cultural History Museum and chatting with the volunteers there, we learned for the first time about the Niu Li Community Association. We found one of the leaders, Mr. Yang Jun-Bi, and he generously gave us what we needed to solve these long-term problems!

    In the interview process. We and local people who professionally promote FT j. Thanks to them for giving us first-hand information. The newest, updated. Esp. Taiwan Jade Association, Preparatory Office, Hui Zhang Mr. Cai Wan-Yi the President of the Association. From him we got a large amount of what we needed. He reminded us to correct our name common nepharite to jadite. Also we thank Fong Zhuo Jade Workshop Mr. Jiang Jin-Yuan from whom we clearly picked up his enthusiasm.

    Through doing this project, we want to let more people know the beauty of Hua Lian's Fong Tian jade. Together we can love and appreciate this precious global resource.

    What impact and influence has this project brought to this region?

    (1) Through setting up the web site for this project, we created a bridge between the Fong Tian area of Hua Lian County and the rest of the world, letting more people know about Fong Tian jade.

    (2) Through the interviews and survey by ourselves, we found there are lots of people silently contributing to this land. No matter whether its about the overall community structure or local tourism industry promotion. All of them are paying lots of effort. Our website project is another way to have effort to contribute for the good of everyone.

    (3) The people of this area can use our web site and at the same time understand the cultural history of this region and knowledge of Fong Tian jade. It's a web site with cultural history and earth science knowledge.

    (4) And people from all over the world can, through this web site, have a journey of knowledge about Fong Tian jade. This lets more people know more about the beautiful tranquility of Fong Tian and the beauty of the jade stone.

    (5) Through this project we've met many people in this region who encourage us in our work and contribution.

    (6) Through this web site, we offer people more access to Fong Tian jade, and also assist recording historical images and information of Fong Tian region. This makes it easy to promote our culture and tourism.

    Respecting Intellectual Property Rights and How We Cited our Sources

    In order to fully show the content in this web site, for this project, we used many sources. Besides interviews and photos, sound recording and video, we also used books, journals and web sites related to jade. Based on the respect of intellectual property rights we carefully used every picture image and text. For photos we downloaded from the web, except from the ones we took ourselves, we want to acknowledge and thank the Niu Li Community Association, the Ministry of Economic Affairs, and OTOP (One Town One Product website).

    Discovery, Lessons and Surprise

    (1) Discovery. I the summer we went to Bai Bao Stream to play and track the stream to its source. At that time I felt the green stones in the stream were very special. Through this project we found out that in Hua Lian there are such beautiful treasures, so they deepen our love for this place, Hua Lian.

    (2) Lessons. A project is a team activity. One can not finish it alone. It can only be completed by everyone's hard work together - without competition, and with good communication and coordination. When the benefit of the team is our priority, the work is smooth. Together we collaborate and together we cooperate, without fuss. And now look at us! Look at the site! We did it!

    (3) Surprise. After getting deeper and deeper into this story we were all stunned by all the many stories behind the green rocks. We also sincerely invite you come into the world of Fong Tian jade and appreciate the beauty of this treasure of Hua Lian County.

    Project Overview Research contribution