Student Reports

Wang Yan-Bo  || Zeng Wen-Qi  || Peng Yu-Min || Lu Xue-Ru
Jiang Guo-Hao || Chen Chun-Yue || Liu Li-Lin  || Ruan Hui-Yu

Date: January 4, 2008
Place: Hua Lian County, Min Lian Elementary School, 4th Grade, 4th Group Classroom
Participants: Classroom Students

Because the Yu Jia Long project participants have deep understanding of the topic, and our special school topic is "stone," we've set up a time for the Yu Jia Long group student to share their knowledge. For each presentation, the arrangements were set up in advance. Wang Yan-Bo was with Lu Xue-Ru did a report "Summary of the Fong Tian Area." Zeng Wen-Qi with Peng Yu-Min reported on "Introductions to the Jade Mines." Jiang Guo-Hao was with Chen Chun-Yue talked about "Fong Tian Mining History." Liu Li-Lin was with Ruan Hui-Yu to do the topic "The Beauty of Jade." The project members went in this order to give their talks. Everyone listened carefully. We our proud of children doing so well. And honestly, people were a bit disappointed with the results. We now see what we can do to help our kids in this kind of activity in the future. It's clear that in the future the report process can be improved in these ways. The kids hadn't had any real practice of this kind of activity before. They'd rarely practiced presenting on stage, or being involved in special projects like this in the first place. Overall, we see several places we can help the kids improve in the future.
(1) Catching the main point. The main point didn't always get captured effectively.
(2) Making the main point come across to the audience. Those doing the presentation weren't so clear on the point of what they were saying.
(3) Connecting with the audience. Students didn't know how to face the audience when standing on the stage.
(4) Basic public presentation skills. This time, students didn't have total control of many of the small skills of public speaking.

This public speaking activity gave the kids a chance to improve their speaking ability and learn to access their courage. Through the process of listening to feedback from the advising teacher we hope the kids can face their faults and improve in the future.

Yu Jiao Long Group" Wang Yan-Bo
Our team has 8 people. Each presentation team had 2 people. I was with Xue-Ru in charge of an introduction to the Fong Tian area. We mostly used web searches to find our information. Then we made a brief presentation.

Before the actual speech teacher let us practice. We found that we weren't so good, so we had a chance to take our not-so-good places and the teacher told us how to improve and wanted us to take the file modify to become better. After this we practiced many times until we felt good about it. Not long after that the presentation day come.

When it was my time to present, my heart was racing. I didn't do as well as with the practice. I almost forgot what I was supposed to say. Luckily Little Chao saved my neck. When the presentation was only ? over I started sneezing. Was it from allergy or maybe from nerves? Anyway it relieved the nervousness I was feeling. After the presentation I finally could just relax!

As I reflect on the presentation I feel I didn't do a very good job. I was too nervous. I wasn't smooth and I had to look at my notes. Ahhh, that wasn't very good. What I need to practice is my courage, not to be too nervous. And I want to practice how to give a talk without looking at my notes. I also want to cultivate my ability to totally rely on myself. I hope that my next presentation will show off all that I've learned in the meantime. And I hope the others can do this, too.

Yu Jiao Long Group, Zeng Wen-Qi
Even several months before the actual presentation we began our preparation work! What's the point of doing an illustrated presentation? Of course it's to give a presenation! At the beginning we wanted to just paste text we'd found and just show the text, but afterward we realized that to really be done well, it needed images as well. How do we paste an image? We need to use the mouse function called "Save to your computer" to save an image to our computer.

The day of the presentation, I came with my heart beating strongly to the forth grade classroom. When there was any little thing not quite right, I'd have a big nervous reaction. I was afraid I'd do a poor job and lose face in front of everyone. No! There was no way to excape from our destiny! No matter the consequences, we can't escape this horrible fact. Time to do the talk! We walked into the classroom of the 4th grade 4th group for the first time. Each of us was very nervous. At the beginning Wang Yan-Bo gave his talk. You see him and can feel he was nervous, but he did a great job. Later, I became the last student from my own class who hadn't presented. And it was my time. I spoke smoothly, reading from my script. It wasn't so bad. Only, it's not so good to look at a paper as you read.

After the presentation I could relax a lot! I'm satisfied with the job I did. Now I just hope we keep our teamwork so we get a good grade in the competition. Let's do it, everyone! All we need is to be focused, an no matter what we face, we'll succeed!

Yu Jiao Long Group, Peng Yu-Min
First when you want to do a presentation computer file, you start a file and do a good image, click on "new item in a list" and you type the title and from there you just keep going with the content.

One day I remember the teacher saying "tomorrow we'll practice the talks". Then in the computer room I started to practice my presentation all the way until the lunch break. When I got home, in order to prepare the next day's talk I stayed in front of the computer table practicing. It was only after lots of practice that I got it 90% memorized. I cheered!

The time just flew by, and there we were at the day of the actual presentation. It was only then that I got nervous, as I was walking into the 4th grade, 4th class' homeroom. After the 2 boys in front of me had finished their presentation, it was my turn. "uh, hello everyone, I'm from the 4th grade, 1th class ¡K " At that time in my heart I was extremely nervous. I was only 90% aware of what was going on. Like "the person who discovered jade was a Cheng Kong University ¡K" all the way until I was done. Then I stood up and walked to the back of the room and sat down.

This time, even though I didn't do a good job of speaking, still in the future I'll keep working on getting better. Only when I'm more focused can I be more successful in the future. But those who don't work hard can't be successful, they can only fail.

Yu Jiao Long Group, Lu Xue-Ru
Today we want to go to the 4th grade 4th class to do our presentation. Each of us are really nervous. Each time we see the computer start to behave erradically and slowly we go crazy with happiness. That's because when the computer takes so much time we'll never be able to give our talks and it'll be cancelled! Shoot! Teacher still asked us to come in to the classroom, and we all got nervous. Teacher asked us who will go first. I said it's me. Teacher found my "ppt" file. I pointed to the file then walked up on the stage.

I was the first speaker. My topic was to introduce the Fong Tian area. I told myself I had to calm down fully before I started to talk. But still I was nervous. So everything I'd memorized so well before, I forgot it completely. I had to look at my notes. Moreover, the content was very complicated. If I didn't look at the notes the whole process would come to a stop. So I read from the notes until teacher told me I had to connect with the audience, and my pressure shot up. I didn't know what to do.

Today, from these presentations I learned 3 things: 1. How to recognize jade. For example: how they were formed, how they were processed, the special products of Fong Tian, and the Fong Tian area geology.

2. The skills for using "ppt" files. For example how you can change a text character to attract the audience's attention, like the font, size and color. Not only that, but how you organize and present the data is also very important.

3. Skills of presentation: For example, how to use vocal dynamics (loud and soft), voice expression and getting everyone's attention. The are all small items to tend to.

Yu Jiao Long Group, Jiang Guo-Hao
In the early study period I went to the computer classroom, Teacher Zhang Zun-Cheng told us we need to do a presentation. As soon as I heard this, I felt there's no way I can do this, so I told that to the teacher. Teacher said there's no reason to start by giving up. Until you've really given it a fair chance, how do you really know? After that I worked together with Chen Chun-Yue. I did the Peinan prehistoric period and Japanese in Taiwan period (1895-1945). Chen Chun-Yue did 1960's-70's and the present day. I feel that everyone worked really hard as they prepared their work.

One day teacher suddenly said to us: "In a few days you'll need to go to the 4th class of the 4th grade and give a presentation. In the meantime we all have to work to prepare your talks." I saw everyone busily preparing. Me to, I rushed to finish my work. I was frazzled and afraid I'd make a big mistake when the time came.

The day of the presentations, I saw that the classmate who presented before me did a good job. Next is my time! ¡K and nervousness started to fill me. It felt like I barely got started with an idea, and I'd stop" my delivery was very ragged. Then the presentation was over. It was over, but I felt it wasn't so good. Next time I'll be better.

I feel that this time I did a very bad job talking. That's because the days before the presentation I was rushed. I didn't organize the material well so I couldn't deliver well. Next time I'll certainly work even harder, and not be so confused.

Yu Jiao Long Group, Chen Chun-Yue
My ppt file was done wrong! What do I do now? Luckily, in hard work on the next day I smoothly finished all I needed to do, and I was ready.

In all the hard work for the first part of our presenation we worked so hard to collect material. We found material from different places and selected the best to put in the file. And me? I searched, searched, searched and still only found 1 or 2 pieces of information related to my topic. I was frantic! All the way to where my face and ears were red from the frustration! But, I'd not even noticed that the material came from the same source. The second part of the presentation wasn't so hard, by now I had learned how to search the entire internet, not just within one site. As a result, we had plenty of material.

Wow! The day of the presentations finally arrived. I was excited and ready, but also nervous! Before the report I kept constantly rehearsing and rehearsing. Once I finished the file I started working nonstop to memorize the material. But sometimes, because there wasn't enough time to memorize well I had to really watch the time. Otherwise I couldn't memorize it all. And don't be like me. When I memorized, I memorized the wrong material. Because of that the second time I didn't have enough time left to memorize well, but I did memorize.

"And what about my feeling during the presentation itself?" Oh, let's not talk about that! Certainly I was a bit more nervous in the real presentation than I'd been when I was practicing before. Even so, I could still keep talking and I got through the whole thing, right to the end. I feel like I stumbled on my words, like I almost lost my ability to speak clearly. In the presentation I now realize it's a good idea to relax. Ha, ha!

Yu Jiao Long Group, Liu Li-Ling
This morning teacher said "Next week everyone needs to give presentations to Grade 4, Class 4, classmates." At that time everyone was all nervous, and not sure how to prepare. In the middle of a great rush, all we wanted was to complete the talks. The ones in our group from the Grade 4, Class 1, those classmates did really well. But us, we were a mess!

Ding-dong, ding-dong. Time to being presentations! After a single class period, the 4th Grade, Class 1 students were almost all done. Now it was our turn. At the beginning Jiang Guo-Hao and Chen Chun-Yue were really great. Then it came to me. I only had 2 pages, now I died of shame. They had had so many pages. Even though all the pictures in Hui-Yu's presentation looked good, but there weren't many words. The 4 of us, in our own class, doing such a miserable job. What a shameful thing! I hope next tiem I can get a lot more information, then I can do a good job. Becaue it's almost winter vacation, I can soon stay at home and spend all my time getting better material. I'll do the job that I should do, and not have teacher and everyone be so disappointed in me.

rom this experience, I now know how to do a better job next time. I can pick out the bad places from this time and focus on fixing them and do a smooth and strong presentation. Those things that are mine to do, I'll do well, and not be the horse that led to the downfall of the group. (Hai Chun Zhi Ma) I only hope that teacher will give me one more chance. I know I can do better and never again make teacher so disappointed in me. I hope that next time presentations roll around I'll know how to organize my part, I'll not be all mixed up like this time, but do a really nice presentation. Everyone, wipe your eyes clear and look again at the new me. (Shi Mu Yi Dai)

Yu Jiao Long Group, Ruan Hui-Yu
Presentation's coming up! I need to really step up my focus! In the process of preparing for my presentation I daily search for material. At that time I practiced the speech, and didn't do such a good job, so I knew it was time to focus even more. When only a couple days were left, my state of mind frazzled with nervousness. I had to prepare both myself as a speaker, and the material itself, in order to get ready. All I really paid attention to was to prepare a good presentation. I got so nervous I cried as I prepared. But at this time my mom comforted me. Therefore I could get energy and focus on just doing it.

Presentation day, ah!! I listened to the earlier guys talking really quite well, then it was my turn! Bit by bit I spoke through the parts of my talk. So as not to get too nervous, the whole time I grabbed ahold of my pants. Even, so, I was plenty nervous. It didn't help!

And then I was finished. As for my experience and reflection. I think I didn't do such a good job. Even so, I learned confidence from this. I hope next time I can do even better.

Min Lian Elementary School DIY Experience