If you want to get closer to the Solar Exploration Center, the interior exhibition section can”¦t be missed. There is something splendid for us to explore.

The Special Exhibition room on the first floor now has ”„astronomical display,”¦ which introduces the related knowledge of the formation of the universe and solar systems. For example, Special Exhibition of the Alient, Displays of Solar Power Energy. ”„The theme wall of space”¦ provides information about astronomy and the sundial.

Display of the year 2007: the Special Exhibition of Satellites
The 13 Ecliptic Constellations Area outside the service counter
The theme wall of the space on the second floor: the twenty-four solar terms

3 D film theater plays fun and interesting movies about astronomical science and cartoons. We can feel the shock of the films through 3D glasses. Movies are changed regularly.

3 D film theater

The service counter
Stamps of the six generations landmarks

The service counter is also on the first floor. The enthusiastic volunteers provide information about the Solar Exploration Center. Here you can have the souvenir badge, leaving beautiful and unforgettable memory on your mind.


On the second floor is an outdoor plaza. Every weekend night, lots of lovely coffee cabs gather on the outdoor coffee bar. By zipping a cup of coffee, we can watch the moon light shining brightly at the same time. How amazing!

On the second floor is an outdoor plaza

The discovery theatre on the third floor plays videos about astronomy and science, providing visitors with update and diverse astronomical science knowledge.

Discovery theatre

As for the fifth floor of the top, there are not only the exploring room with interesting science devices to learn and handle but also a Bai-huei track, the overlooking zone, and the viewing platform.


All these fun and interesting things are in the Tropic of Cancer Solar Exploration Center waiting for us to explore.

Viewing platform
Interesting science devices