The exterior exhibition section of Solar Exploration Center contains many entertaining devices. We have great time whenever we come here. Let me introduce these attractive devices one by one.


Marching from the parking lot to the Center, first you will see the Eight Planets Water Playground Area. In summer, it is the most popular cooling paradise. Next is the awesome ”„green tunnel,”¦ which was framed with white steel. Creepers and vines grow by it. The green vines embellishing with white frame makes a fantastic view. When passing through the green tunnel, you might see water fog coming down from the top if lucky enough.

The Eight Planets Water Playground Area(1)
Green tunnel
The Eight Planets Water Playground Area(2)
Area of the Tropic of Cancer imagery


Then we are prepared to enjoy a romantic journey at the Constellation Zone of the Galaxy. After that, we will see a device called the human shadow sundial, which uses shadows to tell time. The trail on the ground is the orbit of the sun shining directly on the earth. When we step on one of the dates, the shadow points to a number showing the present time. How amazing!

Constellation Zone of the Galaxy
Human shadow sundial
Chronological Tropic of Cancer landmarks Display Section

On the left side is the science amusement devices section. In Voice Delivery room, the speaker sends voice on one end of a pipe and the receiver can hear it clearly on the other end of the same color pipe. Toward the grasslands sideward, we can see the sundial and sun-prying tube in the Ancient Astronomy zone. The sundial indicates time by the position of a gnomon”¦s shadow cast by the sun on a dial marked in hours. On summer solstice noon, the sun appears directly at the Tropic of Cancer. On the platform of the Sun-prying room, we can see the shape of light shadow changing from oval to round light point, and back to oval to disappear. The whole process lasts for 24 minutes and 45 seconds. It”¦s even more exciting than watching the solar or lunar eclipse.

Voice Delivery room
Sun-prying tube