



Truku Tribe



About My Homeland




Anecdote of Y-hunang

Introduction  |  Community Resources  |


In the past, Hong Ye was the habitat of Amais. They scattered around the slope. As there were many “bobcats,” they called it “Kao Yau.” Due to typhoons and floods, the Amais natives lost much of their land. Also, because of the Bunun Tribe’s invasion, they moved to the west of the mountain ridge (He Gang now) and settled there. After the Bunun tribe moved here, they lived on both sides of the Hong Ye river. They had a very small population only. Since 1933, the Truku came here and called it “Y-hunang.” As the land was long and shady, they translated it as “Hong Ye” (red leaves). But the people of their tribe still called it “Y-hunang.”

Symbolic Entrance of the Hongye Tribe

Hong Ye Village belongs to the Truku system of Sedek Clan. When they first moved here, they lived on the left bank of Hong Ye River, at the west of Ruei Suei Hot Spring and the southern slope of Hutau Mountain. A small portion of them lived on Dichishanchi Slope. As Hong Ye was located at the opposite side, they called it “Sibao.” Then, the Mawanhou Clan of the Bunun Tribe settled down on the eastern corner of Hong Ye Tribe.TOP


Tales from Grandma Yiwon


History of Movement from Grandma Lee

During the Japanese occupation, Hong Ye Village was divided into two clans. Their members were as follows:

Hong Ye cluster: It was made up of Sibao, Leshao, I-po, Waheier, and Silaq clan, including a small number of people from Kelan Clan.

Sibao Clan: It was located at the table land at the east of Sibao Elementary School. In 1928, the Japanese police combined the neighboring clans Geiyake and Babaka together.

The next year, they compelled the aborigines of the clan to move downhill. A part of it settled at Hong Ye, under the lead of the Chief Talantaimo. The other part of it moved to Balanau (Chung-kuang now). After the Restitution, at the end of 1945, they formed a cluster themselves. As they were the descendants of Selek Clan, they called themselves SelekTOP

Community Resources

Jiangbunan Hot Spring

Hongye Catholic Church

Habixin Clinic

a. Perfect maintenance of the historic monuments

b. Hot spring environment for your enjoyment

c. Support by local and remote townsfolk

d. Traditional handicrafts: weaving, woodcarving, and rattan weavingTOP