Inside Scoops From Student Teachers

Student shuochang expert teacher: Carol | Interviewers: Ariel, Jenny



I have seen some really interesting shuochang clips in class, so I am really interested in learning shuochang. There were some scripts that took me a long time to learn, so, on average, I need to spend about an hour each day reading through the script. In my spare time, I go online to search for clips of shuochang performances and study them with my classmate. In the process, we might get some new ideas, and that would make our lives more interesting.

Hand-In-Hand Learning Plan


Teaching tricks

Review the script before class, then stay alert and solve problems as they come. Try to remember what Ms. Li had taught us.


I am really glad to have the chance to be a student shuochang expert teacher. Even though it was quite tiring at times, I felt really happy once my students were able to pick up the materials. It was quite an fulfilling experience for me.


Be poised during a performance, be sure to review the script before the performance starts, go through the script a few times to make sure you got all the jitters out of the way.


Text: the Original Artsy Shuo-Chang Posse │ Pictures: the Original Artsy Shuo-Chang Posse