Inside Scoops From Student Teachers

Student shuochang expert teacher: Casper | Interviewers: Andrew, Ryan



I like all four major types of shuochang because they enabled me to understand the wisdom of our ancestors. I especially enjoy cross talks because the scripts are very interesting. Ever since I joined the art of shuochang class, I have learned a lot, like mannerism in speaking, ability to express things clearly, and changes in voices and intonations while speaking. These are all very helpful skills to possess. When I first started learning, I found it to be a bit difficult because the scripts were so long. I needed to read the scripts at least five times every night until I got them memorized.

My articulation got better after learning shuochang, and I am now able to express my ideas clearly and calmly.

Hand-In-Hand Learning Plan


Teaching tricks

Identify the teaching topic and stay with it.


It was quite a refreshing experience to be a student shuochang expert teacher. Especially during the exhibition, we were able to show our schoolmates more about the art of shuochang.


Should you or your teammate forget a line, improvise on the spot to get through it.

Future Expectations

I hope to have another chance to be a teacher in the future to show everyone how to do shuochang properly and make everyone happy.


Text: the Original Artsy Shuo-Chang Posse │ Pictures: the Original Artsy Shuo-Chang Posse