Inside Scoops From Student Teachers

Student shuochang expert teacher: Jasmine | Interviewers: Cathy, Ariel



When I first started learning shuochang, I thought it was an easy and interesting class. Everything was easy and fun in the beginning, so I shared with my parents what I had learned each class. However, the workload in shuochang class got heavier as we moved into the intermediate phase.The level of complexity and degree of difficulty for the class got much higher, and I felt sad every time Ms. Li corrected us on our mistakes. My parents cheered me on and encouraged me to keep a positive attitude when faced with an obstacle. During the process, I felt the most difficult part has to be memorizing the script. I usually do it after school work is done.Sometimes I would practice in front of a mirror, and my parents would give me some suggestions on my performance.

After practicing for a while, my ability to memorize scripts got better, and that just proved my parents’ saying ‘persistence could conquer all obstacles.’ If I ever get a chance to perform again, I would do it gladly. I will take advantage of every opportunity to learn from Ms. Li to improve my shuochang skills.

Hand-In-Hand Learning Plan


Teaching tricks

I did not do anything special to get ready for teaching. I just want to teach them everything I have learned in a natural manner because they are my schoolmates.


I usually teach my brother at home. But this time, it was more formal, and I got a sense of accomplishment. Before Cyberfair, when we went out to perform, everyone was pretty much on the same page. This time around, when we perform with the Cyberfair team and everyone was able to keep up, I would felt pretty good about myself.


Not to get off topic, even though the script may be adjusted a bit to be more colloquial, you still need stay on topic; body movements must be big and visible, do not be shy; when performing, give it all out and enjoy it as much as you possibly can; when you are happy, the audience will be happy as well.

Future Expectations

I still prefer being a student and learning shuochang. I enjoy learning and performing without pressure.


Text: the Original Artsy Shuo-Chang Posse │ Pictures: the Original Artsy Shuo-Chang Posse