Amphibious Insects

  Among the known insect species in Taiwan, coleopteran insects occupy the highest number, over 4,500 species. The second in order is lepidopteran insects, about 4,000 species, followed by the Diptera, about 2,800 species, followed by the Hymenoptera, about 2,500. There are still some other Homoptera and Hemiptera and small numbers of mantes, cockroaches, ephemeras, and stick insects, offering us a rich assortment of insect world. From the above description we know that Taiwan is really rich in its insect fauna. The estimated species are roughly from 45,000 to 200,000, among which only 17,600 are named with 11,000 of them are endemic species. Take butterflies for example. There are 400 species of different categories in the butterfly family. (Among them, 50 species are unique to Taiwan.) Amphibians in Taiwan include three species of tailed salamanders, 33 species of tailless frogs, 34 recorded species of saurians, 11 species of turtles and tortoises, and 55 species of snakes. According to the study done by Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society, there are 67 species of butterflies, 24 species of amphibian reptiles, and 270 species of insects in Niaosong Wetland Park, offering a wide variety of biofacies. In the following are 57 species of amphibious insects in the Park. (Adatped from Ecological Education of Taiwan’s Insects. Vol. 39, Environmental Education, Quarterly. Via How Many Species of Butterflies Does Taiwan Have? On Taiwan Knowledge Entry.)



Source of Information: Ecological Illustrations of Niaosong Wetland Park

Source of Pictures: Kaohsiung Wild Bird Society

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