• Hand Puppet

    About us

    As the project comes to an end, we are glad that we insist all the way On the cold street, we begged everybody to support our promotion video. Web-making failure, in tears we kept on editing.Lots and lots of perseverance, finally we made it through. The end is only the beginning of another start. We believe the world can be a little different because of us

request a demo

Green. Miracle

As the project comes to an end, we are glad that we insist all the way

Time wasn’t enough, we tried our best to come up with everything.

Structure of the report wasn’t perfect; however, we revised and revised till we were satisfied

On the cold street, we begged everybody to support our promotion video.

Web-making failure, in tears we kept on editing.

Lots and lots of perseverance, finally we made it through.

The end is only the beginning of another start.

We believe the world can be a little different because of us, Green Miracle

Miracle Team

【Green Miracle】Team

Taipei Fushing Private Elementary School, Fifth Grade

Instructor: Lin Shu-Huei, LU SHIH-CHENG


[Name] MA,BO- EN
[Birthday] 07/19
[Blood Type] Type O
[Constellation] Cancer
[Hobby] Outdoor activities, traveling, have fun, cooking
[Specialty] Swimming, dancing, singing
[Motto] One day has not been able again to come.

During this time being, we had laughter , tears , love and joy. We started out from summer time when the cicadas were chirping in the trees and ended all the way till next spring. It was a tough journey. Some parents doubted that it would affect their children’s grades and quitted halfway through. However, to insist in what we believed in, we put ourselves together and gave this competition all we got.

It was a real honor to join Green Miracle and worked with partners that I respect. Through this contest, I got to know more about Green Buildings and its meaning. It also let me realize the good that Green Buildings can do to the world! I hope this website can let more people understand and build more G reen Building to love and protect our planet!


[Name] SIE,JE-EN
[Birthday] 05/12
[Blood Type] Type O
[Constellation] Taurus
[Hobby] Martial arts, computer, traveling, drawing, write stories
[Specialty] Sports, jokes, play ball
[Motto] To pursue improvement is the definition of greatness.
Heroes come and go, but legends are forever. --- Kobe Bryant

Our Internet Fair is coming to an end finally!

This is a memory that I will never forget. Through this, I learned how powerful it is to be perseverant. Due to the Internet Fair, we had to visit the sites ourselves very often. It took a lot of our weekends and I often had to ask for a leave from my classes. Bur many parents were willing to ask their children to take a leave from the talented classes in order to take part in the visits.

Our first trip was to the Architecture and Building Research Institute. Second trip was to the Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch. Third trip was to the demonstration base of Green Buildings. . Fourth trip was to the Tamhei Waste Water Recycling Factory. We even had a chance to interview the director of Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch Jhou, Jhih-Hong , professor Li, Wun- Ling , Mr. Jhen Sing- Sheng, borough president of Jhang An subdivision of Beitou , Ms. Zeng Shu -S ian, director of National Central Library , Mr.  He Ming- Jin, head of Architecture and Building Research Institute and last but not least two architects of Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch, Mr. Jhang Cing-Hua and Mr. Guo Ying -J hao. We even got their signatures!

Besides, we used our free time to make a big Green Building model. It was our first time building such a big model, so it wasn’t beautiful and some of our members even hurt themselves accidently while making the model. After the experience of making such a big Green Building model, we went back and made smaller models of our own at home. With these models, we held an in-school photographic exhibition and Green Building exhibition. Besides these, we even went to different classes and acted out “ Three Little Pigs That You Don’t Know”. We even showed a short promotion film of Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch , which we volunteered tour guides. Besides, we even invited famous people from different areas to star in our G reen B uilding promotion video. After looking back at all these memories, I’ve gained a lot. Not only did I learn from teacher Lin and teacher Lu about how to use X Mind to construct a website, but also Artister, Unlead Video Studio, and how to upload our video that we made onto Youtube. What’s more is the experience of promoting Green Building on-air and being interviewed by Mandarin Daily News!    

Lots of lessons were learned during this competition. Besides the knowledge of Green Building and skill of planning an event, we learned to work as a team, to cheer each other up , these were all valuable lessons that weren’t taught inside the classroom. Hereby, we are grateful of all the supports that we got on our way, support from our families, friends and all the others. We couldn’t finish this webpage project without them. We really put a lot of our efforts into this project “Taiwan’s Green Building Pride- Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch”. As our teacher encouraged us, “This is only the start. The road of research is tiring, but the power that abundant. So, we, Green Miracle , the lovers of Earth will keep going on as the guardian of protecting this planet and supporter of Green Buildings.”


[Birthday] 09/21
[Blood Type] Type O
[Constellation] Virgo
[Hobby] Traveling, Cycling, Martial Arts, Badminton, Drawing
[Motto] Go for the impossible, we are unlimited.

As spring arrives, Green Miracle’s work is finally done for the Internet Fair. Looking at it, all the days of hard work and everybody’s efforts starts to came into my mind.

I remember last summer when our team only just formed together, we were discussing our topic and the name of our team. The teacher tried his best to explain to us what “ Green Building”, our research topic was. He let us discuss about the readings Architecture O2 and The Magic Green School in our study group. After reading these books, the concept of Green Building started to sprout in our minds. After reading , we needed to experience the things that we’ve read in real life, so our first stop was the Architecture and Building Research Institute of the Ministry of the Interior to visit the Eag House. This let us know the future development for our architectures and that it doesn’t cost a lot of money to build a Green Building.
Next, we visited one of the twenty five most beautiful libraries in the world. Our team came to Beitou to visit the Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch. The director of the library, Mr. Chou, gave us a tour of the library and explained it all. Here we saw everything that we learned about the nine Green Building targets put into use. The more we knew about the library, the more astonished we were because of its beauty , comfort and how in its silent ways, the library is protecting the earth.

In addition, we also visited the Civil Service Development Institute and Tamhei Waste Water Recycling Factory. Due to our efforts, the Architecture and Building Research Institute of the Ministry of the Interior gave us all a short-term training certificate. After visiting all these Green Buildings, we started making models of Green Buildings according to our own designs. We even wished that we could build a Green Building that we could live in, but to live in it alone would be a pity, we believed that this wonderful idea should be promoted to the community and other schools. So, we performed “ Three Little Pigs That You Don’t Know” in school and held a Green Building Fair to let students in our school know more about Green Buildings. We even filmed a promotion video and uploaded it onto Youtube. What’s more was that we were so excited that we gathered our creativity and made a picture book. Besides, we even went on air for our first time to spread our ideas, accept Mandarin Daily News’ interview, and we even got the support and approval from the minister of the Ministry of the Interior, Mr. LI Hong-Yuan .

To present our final result and effort, Teacher Lin and Teacher Lu taught us how to use the software X Mind, Artister, and Unlead Video Studio. All the bitterness and sweetness during the process of this whole project were all there in our hearts. Although a lot of the experience was the first time for a lot of us, yet we tried our best to learn and cheered each other up. Besides thanking our teachers’ guidance and support, we have to thank our moms and dads for their company and support throughout the whole process, not letting us feel lonely along the way. All our efforts were all for one purpose, to let more people care for our environment and create a harmony in-between nature and human.


[Birthday] 03/19
[Blood Type] Type B
[Constellation] Pisces
[Hobby] Reading, Music, Traveling
[Specialty] Piano, Swimming
[Motto] Where there is a will there is a way.

At the begining of the semester, I joined Green Miracle . During the weekends in September, our team came back and forth between MRT stations and Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch. As October came, we were still wandering about on the streets of Beitou. Then the harsh cold December came, in big and thick jackets we came back to the library to interview the director of the library and learned how to be a volunteer. Throughout all these time, no matter how hard, our passion for “ Green Building” never died out.

Since joining this team, I had a lot of my first times. The beauty of Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch astonished me. In order to research on “ Green Buildings”, we visited a lot of places, took lots of classes, and the Architecture and Building Research Institute of the Ministry of the Interior gave us all a short-term training certificate for our effort. The spirit of Green Building and its targets had stuck in my mind.

While working on this project, I learned of new skills, from invitations to flyer design, survey design, web editing, all these sharpened me. Especially in the computer aspect, I learned a lot of new things. In in-school and out-school activities, I participated in the puppet performance which was new and fun to me! Making our own Green Building model from each wall to each handmade plant was another meaningful activity that we did. The success of the launching ceremony really pulled our spirit up.

During the winter break, we went to Radio Taiwan International for an interview. At first, everyone was nervous, but we got better later on. We also got interviewed by the Mandarin Daily News at school. What’s even more, we got the support and approval from the minister of the Ministry of the Interior, Mr. Li Hong- Yuan. All these were wonderful experiences for us all!

During the whole process, it was tough. We are grateful for the supports from everywhere we can get. Thanks to our teachers, our parents, and our classmates, if it were not with their support, we couldn’t have today’s success. During these few months, I really experienced the importance of teamwork. Due to everyone’s effort and time, could all this happen. Also, during this whole process, the power of internet technology and the computer really surprised me. By using all these resources efficiently could we organize it all together. We may have sacrificed our leisure time, but we gained something more unforgettable. Not only did my knowledge grow, but also my mind. I think I’m doing something meaningful  - to spread the idea of Green Building to every corner on Earth. We hope our research project can spread around the world and let the concept sprout everywhere!


[Birthday] 08/13
[Blood Type] Type AB
[Constellation] Leo
[Hobby] Gardening, Raising pets
[Specialty] Boxing, Science experiments, Diabolo
[Motto] There’s no one else better to rely on but yourself.

When you see a Baroque Architecture which country do you think of? Europe, of course. Then when you think of Taiwan, what kind of architecture do you think of? I’m afraid that no one could answer this question. 

The Architecture and Building Research Institute of the Ministry of the Interior may have an answer though. They are creating something new - the Green Building. The green ceiling is my most interested target among the nine targets of Green Buildings. Taiwan is an island of hot temperature with lots of plants. It would be a great thing if we could live in the forest. Green roofs for each house, with birds and butterflies coming and going. Ponds of green plants and fish and fireflies. In the cool breeze and such surroundings, we free ourselves of the pressure from a day. Green lands that are lost to development now moved upon the roof is a great way to pursue.

The government and its people have tried to promote Green Buildings for years. They worked together to protect forests. They put together the beautiful nature and school and community. We ourselves can be protectors of nature, by doing the little things in our liv es such as buying energy saving labeled products and turning off lights, and faucets.


[Birthday] 05/11
[Blood Type] Type B
[Constellation] Taurus
[Hobby] Piano
[Specialty] Swimming
[Motto] Thrive upwards.

In the beginning, we thought this would be a fun and easy project. However, halfway through, we changed our point of view. We discovered the hardness within this project. Everyone were tired. However, we kept on going all the way till the end!

After finishing this web design project, it let me realize how wonderful and powerful the internet is. Not only can we use it to send messages, but also promote our country through it, just like what we did with Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch. Now we can let more people around the world know what a wonderful library we have here in Taiwan! Through the web, we could share the fun reading in the tree house and at the same time spread the concept of Green Building, to let people know of the environmentally friendly, energy saving, waste reducing, healthy way of life.

Besides, I gained a lot of computer skills especially with picture editing. I could not only make the pictures pretties, but also edit it into what we need, by adding words, for example. Besides computer skills, I also learned to work as a team. While working on the project, we helped each other out when we need to while working on our best. When a problem appeared, we would discuss it as a team. Although there were many different voices and we had fights, we managed to come up with a solution through talking with one another. I think this is important because if we can’t listen to one another’s voice and insist our own, there wouldn’t today’s success. So we should thank each other, and say “Thank you! You did a good job!” However, it wasn’t all that tough throughout the project, we had fun time also. Most of all, unlike sitting in a classroom and hearing a lecture, we were experiencing it ourselves.

Due to this, we had more time working with each other and our friendship grew stronger and stronger. We learned a lot through this project. Although we had to go and visit a lot of places during the weekends and to stay at school longer to talk about and work on the project, no matter how tired we were, there was one thing that we believed in - “We must go on. Never give up.” Due to this belief, we finished our project and hope that it will have a good grade!


[Name] Lin, Shu-Huei, teacher
[Specialty] Scientific Research, Medicine
[Graduated College/Department] Taipei Municipal University of Education,
Graduate Institute of Science Education
[Teaching Area] Science (Junior and Senior High), Mandarin (Notional Phonetic Alphabet, Mandarin teaching, Comprehension, Four Books and Five Classics), Homeroom Teacher(Elementary and Junior High)
[Favorite Food] Fruits
[Lucky Color] Orange
[Favorite Books] Astronomy, Earth Science
[Favorite TV Channel] Discovery
[E-mail] shuhui1025@gmail.com


[Name] LU SHIH-CHENG [Specialty] Photography, Science Research, Short Comprehension
[Hobby] Reading, Surfing the net, Traveling, Observing animals and plants
[Favorite TV Chanel] Animal Planet
[Favorite Movie] Cape No.7, Seediq Bale
[Motto] He that travels far knows much. Without personal experience, all that read would be useless.


Instructors’ Words:

Share Resources. Develop Students’ Potential Accordingly.

Like the students have said, from summer till spring, this had been a long journey. What I’m glad about is that I see the growth of the children, for example they could only do a choppy report in the beginning, but in the end they could all do a perfect presentation; from working well independently to working successfully as a team; from wanting to quit to persevering till the end. I was also grateful for those people who had helped the students with their project : Jhang Cing- Hua, architect Guo Ying- Jhao, head of the Architecture and Building Research Institute of the Ministry of the Interior He Ming-Jing, curator Zeng Shu -S ian, Director Liao Huei -Yan , chairmen Jhen C ing Li , Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch dean JHOU Jhih- Hong, teacher Jhen Hai-S hu, teacher Li Wun- Ling, manager Wang Wan- Jhih, borough president of Jhang An subdivision of Beitou Jhen Sing- Sheng, professor Jhen Guei- Cih and many more others. So, as you can see the students really learned a lot outside of the books.

To learn and to know is never enough; to teach and know its difficulty.

Starting from receiving a ten-hour internship certificate and became an ambassador for promoting the concept of Green Building , Green Miracle had revised this research project again and again. It was a tough road to take. However, upon each difficulty we m et, we learned a little something more. From visiting the library to promoting the concept in the school and outside the campus, all these are things that cannot be learnt from  textbooks. It was because kids got to experience all these by themselves instead of just reading and that was also why they could felt the urge of promoting Green Buildings . Doing a research project  requires not only knowledge memorizing, mature operating skills but also teamwork and overall understanding of such issue . Through teamwork, discussions with teachers and outdoor visiting, students had new findings and gained knowledge about Green Buildings. Before ending it all, recalling back to what you all little fifth graders had achieved, I am proud!

Open up your vision. Develop in all aspects .

The children’s interest is diverted and changeable. We need to help them learn according to each and every of their differences. Let them learn knowledge by experiencing them instead of only memorizing from the texts. At the same time, parents can work with kids through cooperation and negotiation, to help them throughout the process of learning and supplement their different needs to let them learn from daily lives, to help them observe their surroundings and gain interest. In the end, letting them learn something that they can take with them for life. During this whole process, teachers had put much effort in discussion groups sharing and teaching, parents also participated eagerly. By the cooperation of teachers and parents, we guided these kids, taught them how to ask questions, and how to solve problems. Through these scientific processes, it can help the students understand the world better, and at the same time raise their abilities and the power of innovation.

Greeting the twelve year compulsory education.

The most important of this project is cultivating the students’ skills to deal with future challenges through all this, as to the result of the webpage competition is not that important comparing to it. To provide a high quality platform offering divert materials for the students to learn is the only way to prepare the students for the twelve year compulsory education. After all, it is  the overall development of a person that the future world would like to see . Starting from collecting historical documents from the Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch, students have learn ed how to research , collect data, analyze data, interview , record , edit data, write reports, construct a webpage and a lot more. All these skills may have been obtained through toil and tears, yet with these skills that the students now possess- organizing, applying to daily life, and problem solving skills, I believe they are ready to take upon the challenge that the twelve year compulsory education and the world have awaiting them.

Instructor: Lin Shu-Huei and LU SHIH-CHENG

Rome wasn’t built in a day!

“Green Building” is really a profound knowledge
As only fifth graders, our power is limited

Luckily, we have teachers with patience to guide us
A lot of great people are also willing to lend us a hand

Because of their help, even if there were difficulties along the way
We gave it all our courage and effort

The Last Harvest

Problems that we faced

Problems that we faced

(1) Insufficient time: Case studies doesn’t only pay attention to the result, but also the way it was recorded. So, starting from the interviews, recordings, art work, filming, designing the program system, editing, and the final test-run of the webpage, were all filled with challenges. We even had to redo the webpage when we finished it the first time because the whole typesetting and color wasn’t satisfying enough. However, within these problems that we faced, we learned to plan it out and go along with the designated time limit. To keep going along with the schedule, we learned to share working loads and discuss when needed. During each discussion, we recorded everything down so that we knew what we did and what to do in the future. 

(2) Quitting of team members: Because there were a lot of places to visit and also rehearsals, discussions to be made, so a lot of the weekend time were taken up. We had to ask for leaves from our artistic classes, so it isn’t odd for some parents to question whether or not such a project would affect our grades or not. Whenever we encountered such a problem with worried parents, the teacher would patiently explain to the parents in search for their supports. Yet some members had personal reasons and quitted throughout the middle. Indeed such happenings will affect us, but we insisted to keep going on because we really wanted to finish this project, it is our belief.

(3) Webpage revised again and again: This is our first time entering such a contest, so from writing the system to typesetting, form, capacity of files were all problems that we had to face. We could only ask for improvement within one fault after another. After getting off school, we would go and ask for help from classmates and teachers. On the weekends, we would ask for the instructors’ advice, but there were technical problems that were really hard to understand, so we could only learn and do it at the same time. The final report was the hardest part. To put all that we have done over the past six months together into a paper really killed our brain cells.

(4) Unfamiliar with interviewing: Making an interview and recording for us aren’t easy. However, after practices with our instructors and parents plus listening to and watching the recordings, we improved gradually.

(5) Too much data to organize As the deadline came closer and closer, the difficulty only grew tougher and tougher. The biggest challenge was the organizing of all the data and the final presentation of the webpage. Although we kept in contact through email and phone, still we had problems with not being able to integrate some information that we have. After full discussion with each other, we came to an agreement. A few unsolvable problems we either took a vote to keep it or leave it or otherwise ask the instructors to help. This project is the biggest homework that we’ve ever done, but also one that we learned the most from.

To those great people who lent us a hand

According to alphabetical order (from top to bottom)

Ms. WANG WAN-JHIH--manager of Taiwan Architecture and Building Center
Mr. He Ming-Jing--head of the Architecture and Building Research Institute of the Ministry of the Interior
Ms. LI WUN-LING –retired teacher of Taipei First Girls High School, teacher of Taiwan Architecture and Building Center
Mr. LI HONG-YUAN –minister of Ministry of Interior
Ms. DU YAN-RU—Ifkids troupe
Mr. JHOU JHIH-HONG – dean of Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch
Ms. SHIH,SIAN-CIN—host of Radio Taiwan International
Ms. JHANG CING-HUA –architect of Bio Architecture Formosana
Mr. GUO YING-JHAO -- architect of Bio Architecture Formosana
Mr. JHEN JHIH-HAO—member of Taiwan Green Building Council
Mr. JHEN SING-SHENG -- borough president of Jhang An subdivision of Beitou
Mr. JHEN HAI-SHU –professor of Chung Hua University、teacher of Taiwan Architecture and Building Center
Mr. JHEN CING-LI –chairman of Taiwan Architecture and Building Center
Ms. ZENG SHU-SIAN –curator of National Central Library
Ms. LIAO HUEI-YAN –director of Architectural Environmental Programming and Control Group of Architecture and Building Research Institute of Ministry of Interior
Ms. LIOU WEI-YING—reporter of Mandarin Daily News

Research Conference Minutes

2012.8.23 Discussion of Research Topics: Orientation & the 1st Research Conference (1)
1. Getting to know the group members and advisers
2. Introducing Cyberfair and its participation instructions
3. Understanding the categories of Cyberfair
4. Watching the award-winning works for Cyberfair
5. Discussing the research topics

2012.8.30 the 2nd Research Conference (2) Discussion of Research Topics: Collecting (2)
Today, we shared various references we brought with each other, and the teacher also asked us to share our own reflections. This time, the teacher let us present and discuss potential research topics related to “environmentally friendly.” For example: the recycle of batteries, the ecology of Da-Ann forest park, stray cats, stray dogs and guide dogs. We voted “The investigation of the Green Building in Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch” as our research topic. Our homework is to look for the information and background knowledge for green buildings and search for the information of visiting green building modeling bases.

2012.9.06 the 3rd Research Conference (3) Discussion of Research Topics: Collecting (3)
Today’s conference was divided into group works. We discussed the instructions of visiting green building modeling bases and the research plan of the green building in Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch. The teacher suggested us to visit the Architecture and Building Institute which is in the Ministry of Interior and sign up for the event of visiting green building modeling bases. It can help us to gain a better understanding for the green building’s research. We voted and everybody supported the idea.

2012.9.13 the 4th Research Conference (4) Viewing, Collecting & Sharing (4)
The teacher said when she was signing up for visiting green building modeling bases, she asked Mr. Zhi-Hao Chen from the Taiwan Green Building Council if there’s any lectures about “green buildings” and the chance to visit the council. Mr. Chen is enthusiastic in helping us and forwarded our opinion and need. He also helped us to forward our research plan. The Architecture and Building Institute of the Ministry of Interior and the Taiwan Green Building Council approved our plan and were willing to help us out. The teacher also told us about the event on 9/22. She wanted us to prepare for questions and discuss them in the following conference.

2012.9.20the 5th Research Conference (5) Viewing, Collecting & Sharing (5)
Today we discussed about our time to meet on that day. The teacher asked us to discuss about our questions and modified them.

2012.9.27 the 6th Research Conference (6) Discussion of Research Topics :Viewing, Collecting & Sharing (6)
The teacher told us about the event: “Visiting the Green Building Base” held by the Architecture and Building Institute and how to sign up for this event. (October 14th, Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch/ October 27th, Civil Service Development Institute/ October 28th, Dan-Hai Waste Water Treatment Center) We have to look up the location, status, transportation and history of the Beitou Library on the Internet. We also have to look for news articles about the library and think about the “Beitou Library Web Project’s” research outlines and the name of our group.

2012.10.4 the 7th Research Conference (7) Discussion of Research Topics: Viewing & Sharing (7)
Today we shared our findings on newspapers. We discussed about the details of the investigation of Beitou library which is on October 14th including the time we should meet, the location and the schedule. Also, we discussed about our survey’s questions and divided our group works like contacting Mr. Chen from Taiwan Green Building Council, checking our route & schedule, framing the content of the survey and filling the application for taking pictures in the library.

2012.10.11 the 8th Research Conference (8) Discussion of Research Topics: Collecting & Sharing (8)
Today we discussed about the questions for the survey. Before we get to know the Beitou library, we started to divide our work into different parts. For example: contacting Mr. Chen from Taiwan Green Building Council, checking our route & schedule, framing the content of the survey and filling the application for taking pictures in the library.

2012.10.18 the 9th Research Conference (9) Discussion of Research Topics: Viewing, Collecting & Sharing (9)
Our job today is to add up the results of our survey about the Beitou library. Also, we discussed about the background information of the library and the interviewees for our web project. And at last, we modified our “Beitou Library Web Project’s” research outlines and structures.

2012.10.25 the 10th Research Conference (10) Discussion of Research Topics: Viewing, Collecting & Sharing (10)
Today the teacher explained the schedule of our visit to Civil Service Development Institute and Dan-Hai Waste Water Treatment Center, which is an activity in the “Visiting Green Building Modeling Bases” event. One of our members, Jer-An Shieh suggested us to join the event of the Interactive Green Building Models hold by Center of Sustainability, Academia Sinica on October 27th. In order to burden our vision, we decided to participate in this tour for green building. We also discussed about the outlines for interviewing Mrs. Shu-Xien Ceng, the director of National Central Library and Mrs. Qing-Hua Zang, the architect of the library.

2012.10.29 the 11th Research Conference (11) Discussion of Research Topics: Collecting & Sharing (11)
We discussed about the outlines for interviewing Mrs. Shu-Xien Ceng and Mrs. Qing-Hua Zang. Our teacher even wrote an instruction about the know-how for us to interview people. She taught us some useful skills and we did some practice. We also wrote the “thank you” cards for our interviewees.

2012.11.01 the 12th Research Conference (12) Discussion of Research Topics: Collecting & Sharing (12)
Today, our group members shared our reflections about interviewing Mrs. Shu-Xien Ceng, the director of National Central Library and Mrs. Qing-Hua Zang, the architect of the library. And we talked about the possible improvement for our front end of the interview, hoping we can gradually improve ourselves. We discussed the extension education activities for “I Love Green Building” again. Our teacher taught us to use mind-mapping to list all the activities we have joined so far. And then, through some discussions and modifications, we finally finished our structure of the activities. At last, we also discussed about possible solutions for upcoming problems.

2012.11.08 the 13th Research Conference (13) Discussion of Research Topics: Viewing, Collecting & Sharing (13)
Today we shared our reflections about interviewing the director of Architecture and Building Institute, Ministry of Interior & Taiwan Green Building Council. We also talked about our feeling for receiving our certificates for the 10-hour Research & Study we had participated in. We discussed about the campus promotion plans for “I Love Green Building” and we decided to invite Hui-Yan Liao, the section chief of Architecture and Building Institute to hold a speech about green buildings. We decided to hold it on the morning assembly on November 14th. All the members will participate in making the posters. Teacher Lin will be responsible for contacting the Student Affairs Department, Shu-Yun and Jer-An will be responsible for inviting the speaker & Po-An will be responsible for sending invitations and hosting the speech.

2012.11.15 the 14th Research Conference (14) Discussion of Research Topics: Collecting & Sharing (14)
Today we examined our deficiencies for the speech. Teacher Lin thought we did a very good job which is truly a great inspiration for us since it’s the first time for us to host activities. We kept on discussing the Educational Extension activities and our research structure.

2012.11.22 the 15th Research Conference (15) Discussion of Research Topics: Viewing, Collecting & Sharing (15)
The teacher explained why and how we’re going to interview with Mr. Chou, the officer of the Beitou library; Mr. Xing-Shen Chen, borough of Chang-An Warden and Professor Hui-Ci Chen. At the same day we will also give out the survey for the children volunteers in the library and the shops in the neighborhood. We divided our works after the discussion.

2012.11.29 the 16th Research Conference (16) Discussion of Research Topics: Viewing, Collecting & Sharing (16)
Today our teacher asked us to practice for the interview and write “thank you” cards for our following interviewees.

2012.12.27 the 17th Research Conference (17) Discussion of Research Topics: Viewing, Collecting & Sharing (17)
Our teacher told us to check the scheduled progresses of Cyberfair online and asked us to take turns writing our progresses on the Internet.

Educational Extension Activities

2012.9.22 Educational Extension Activities (1): Schedule for visiting the Architecture and Building Institute, Ministry of Interior “Smart Green Building”
Date: 2012/9/22
Location: Smart Living Space Exhibition Center, Architecture and Building Institute, Ministry of Interior

2012.10.14 Educational Extension Activities (2): Schedule for visiting the Green Building Modeling Bases “Beitou Library”
1. Time: 08:30
2. Location: Beitou MRT Station
3. Schedule:
09:00~09:50 Introduction to Beitou Library’s Green Building Architecture
10:00~11:00 Guided Tour of Beitou Library
11:00~11:30 Q&A Session
11:30~12:00 Photography course by Miss Lu
12:15      Lunch; The group share their reflection for their first investigation and examine the problems of the survey and people’s responses.

2012.10.27 Educational Extension Activities (3): Schedule for visiting the Green Building Modeling Bases “Civil Service Development Institute”
1. Time: 09:00
2. Location: Civil Service Development Institute
3. Schedule:
09:00 Meet at Civil Service Development Institute
11:00 Academia Sinica, Sustainable Green Building Models & interactive activities
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Discussion about the interviewee

2012.10.28 Educational Extension Activities (4): Schedule for visiting the Green Building Modeling Bases “Dan-Hai Waste Water Treatment Center”
1. Time: 09:00
2. Location: Dan-Hai Waste Water Treatment Center
3. Schedule:
09:00 Meet at Dan-Hai Waste Water Treatment Center
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Discussion about the extension education activity “I Love Green Building” and the interviewing outlines for interviewing Mrs. Shu-Xien Ceng, the director of National Central Library and Mrs. Qing-Hua Zang, the architect of the library.

2012.10.30 Educational Extension Activities (5): Practicing interviewing strategies
Today we continued our activity of practicing how to interview people, and held a mock interview.

2012.10.31 Educational Extension Activities (6): Mrs. Shu-Xien Ceng, the director of National Central Library and Mrs. Qing-Hua Zang, the architect of the library.
1. Date & Time: 2012/10/31 15:00 and 17:00
2. Location: Mrs. Qing-Hua Zang’s office / Bio Architecture Formosana
3. Participants: Po-An Ma, Jer-An Shieh, Howard Yang, Chi-Han Wang, Yun-Tung Huang, Shu-Yun Cheng

2012.11.04 Educational Extension Activities (7): Visiting Beitou Library for the second time & a tour around the neighborhood
1. Time: 08:30
2. Location: Beitou MRT Station
3. Schedule:
09:00~10:00 Ecology tour around Beitou Library
10:00~10:30 Interviewing senior volunteer - teacher Wen-Ling Lee
11:00~12:00 Tour around the neighborhood
12:00      Lunch
13:30      Discussion and modification about the plan structure of “I Love Green Building.” We decided to borrow billboards from the Architecture and Building Institute and Taiwan Green Building Council. So, our teacher taught us how to form a proposal. We also divided our work into different part:

  1. Jer-An will be responsible for compiling questions.
  2. Howard will be responsible for the note-taking of the interview with Ming-Jing He, the director of the Architecture and Building Institute.
  3. Yun-Tung and Shu-Yun will be responsible for writing the project.
  4. Po-An will be responsible for playing the introduction recording.

2012.11.05 Educational Extension Activities (8): Practicing for the interview
We were checking every part of our preparing work to make sure it’s all done. Today we practiced our interviewing strategies and our presentation. We discussed and modified the project of “I Love Green Building.”

2012.11.06 Educational Extension Activities (9)
To appeal more people to participate, today we did a survey in our school.

2012.11.07 Educational Extension Activities (10): Interviewing the Architecture and Building Institute and Taiwan Green Building Council
15:30 Interviewing Ming-Jing He, the director of the Architecture and Building Institute
17:00 Visiting Taiwan Green Building Council and presenting our project “I Love Green Building.”

2012.11.14 Educational Extension Activities (11): “I Love Green Building”: Expert’s Speech
Today we did the Educational Extension activities in our school. We invited Hui-Yan Liao, the section chief of Architecture and Building Institute to hold a speech about green buildings. The speech was really interesting and she also gave away some gifts during the Q&A session. It felt great seeing all the classmates were highly participated in today’s activity.

2012.11.25 Educational Extension Activities (12)
Today we discussed about our Educational Extension activity “I Love Green Building.” The activity will be held on 2012/12/25
Group Works: Yun-Tung and Chi-Han will be responsible for drawing the posters. Howard will be responsible for posting the posters and contacting the Student Affairs Department.
Shu-Yun and Jer-An will be responsible for writing the invitations.
Shu-Yun and Howard will be responsible for writing and sending the invitations.
All the members will be responsible for the billboard of the Green Photographic Exhibition.
Discussion: 1. The script of “I Love Green Building Puppet Show”
2. The interview outline of 1/12
3. The survey of the stores near Beitou Library

2012.12.01 Educational Extension Activities (13): Schedule for interviewing interview with Mr. Chou, the officer of the Beitou library and Mr. Xing-Shen Chen, borough of Chang-An Warden
1. Time: 08:30
2. Location: Beitou MRT Station
3. Schedule:
09:00~09:50 Interviewing Mr. Xing-Shen Chen, borough of Chang-An Warden
10:00~11:00 Interviewing Mr. Chou, the officer of the Beitou library
11:00~12:00 Being a children volunteer at the library
12:10      Lunch at McDonald’s
13:00~13:30 Doing the survey of the stores near Beitou Library

2012.12.02 Educational Extension Activities (14)
As “The Green Miracle” team, we not only tried to carry out the “I Love Green Building” activity, we also wrote a short play based on the story of “Three Little Pigs” to tell all our classmates the benefits of green building and how to make your home a green building. The following part is our assigned works: Po-An and Shu-Yun will be responsible for compiling the script. Howard and Chi-Han will be responsible for the music. Yun-Tung and Jer-An will be responsible for the negotiation of the performance.

2012.12.09 Educational Extension Activities (15)
Today we used our creativity, our spirit of unity and some discarded stuffs to build a green building that can “breathe.” This building is not only equipped with solar panels, greenery roof, recycle facility for rain and wooden fences. It also surrounded by an ecological pool. We used Beitou Library as our model to build this house. For next time’s presentation about promoting green building, we also used PowerPoint to do a presentation slides and we asked our teacher to modify it for us.

2012.12.12 Educational Extension Activities (16)
Instead of promoting by posters and videos, we divided into different groups to promote in every class in order to let all the people in our school know our extension activity. Chi-Han and Po-An go to the first graders’ classes. Jer-An and Howard go to the second graders’ classes. Yun-Tung and Shu-Yun go to the third graders’ classes. Po-An and Chi-Han go to the fourth graders’ classes. Jer-An and Yun-Tung go to the fifth graders’ classes. Howard and Shu-Yun go to the sixth graders’ classes.

2012.12.13 Educational Extension Activities (17)
After the script is settled, we started rehearsing. At first, we talk with our script in our hands. Because we were not familiar standing in front of the camera, so we acted like robots and had several NGs. Finally, our teacher came up with a new tip. She wanted up to practice in front of a mirror at home and then practice in front of our families, so we’ll act more spontaneous when rehearsing altogether. However, the rehearsal turned out to be hilarious. Everybody couldn’t help laughing whenever someone read the line wrong. At last, even our teacher burst out laughing with rest of us. After the training of the teacher, Jer-An and Yun-Tung started to act like professional commercial stars.

2012.12.16 Educational Extension Activities (18)
Po-An will be in charge of the script. Shu-Yun will be in charge of the introduction. Jer-An will be in charge of the solar panel. Chi-Han will be in charge of the environment and ecology. Yun-Tung will be in charge of the interior ecology and conclusion. Howard will be in charge of the water saving and garbage sorting. The shooting of our promotion video is finally going to begin. Although after so many practices, we were still a little nervous during the shooting.

2012.12.18 Educational Extension Activities (19)
Our teacher and we discussed about the content of the invitation. After we made those invitations, we gave them to all our teachers, hoping everybody can support our activity to love green building.

2012.12.23 Educational Extension Activities (20)
After our discussion with the teacher, we chose the open space in front of science hallway as our location in consideration of the crowd the size and the convenience.

2012.12.24 Educational Extension Activities (21)
The performance day is coming tomorrow; we were still concentrating on the rehearsal in the classroom. We wanted to make the most of our remaining time to make “The Three Little Pig You Never Knew” an excellent play. In this way, our school brothers and sisters can also understand the meaning of green building through the performance.

2012.12.25 Educational Extension Activities (22)
On December 25th, the team of “The Green Miracle” held a fun and interesting activity. We performed a short play in Ren class of the first grade. I think we did a great job and won a thunderous applause. I thought that’s because we spend so much time practicing to get such a great result. And then, we held an exhibition at the science hallway. Beautiful models were made by every member of “The Green Miracle,” especially the huge model that we put a lot of efforts in. Many classmates left encouraging words after visiting the exhibition which made our day. We also introduced the exhibition by ourselves and put interactive computer games in the exhibition.

2012.12.25 Educational Extension Activities (23)
The team of “The Green Miracle” not only promote “I Love Green Building” activities on campus, we’re also going to expand the activities throughout the neighborhood of our members. Hope we can host some sessions to tell our neighbors about the importance of green building and we start from saving energy and reducing carbon emission.

2013.01.17 Educational Extension Activities (24)
After we were done with our plans, we started to do the tour video of Beitou Library and the video of “I Love Green Building.” our purpose for shooting these videos is to show the beauty of Beitou Library and the importance of green building. And with the help of the videos and the great influence of the Internet, we hope we can appeal more people to participate in promoting green building, love our earth and care for our environment.

2013.01.18 Educational Extension Activities: Dividing work in winter vacation (25)
This is our last meeting before winter vacation. We held the meeting at the computer lab. We discussed mainly about the tasks we’re going to do in the new semester and see how much we can accomplish in the winter vacation.

2013.01.19 Educational Extension Activities (26)
Today is the first day of winter vacation. All the members gave up having fun and went to school early in the morning to discuss about the making of our “I Love Green Building” storybook with our teacher. We used our The Little Pigs Puppet Show as our story. Each member will draw a scene and the teacher will help us to revise it and finish the book altogether.

2013.01.20 Educational Extension Activities (27)
Our teacher planned two extension activities outside the school during winter vacation. We discussed about the main points and process of the presentation. In order to introduce the pride of Taiwan: Bietou Library, we seized the chance to prepare, and practice on stage.

2013.01.20 Educational Extension Activities (28)
Because we’re going to the radio station to promote green building on January 25th, we tried our best to prepare for the outlines for the interview. Teacher Lin even played as the host to join our interviewing practice.

2013.01.25 Educational Extension Activities (29)
Thanks to our teacher, we are able to go to Radio Taiwan International – Enchanting Taipei (hosted by Xian-Xin Shi) to promote the pride of Taiwan’s green building: Beitou Library.

2013.02.01 Educational Extension Activities (30): Interviewing Mr. Hong-Yuan Li , Minister of the Interior
Green building is one of the policies of the “Constructing Sustainable Homes” by the Ministry of the Interior, and it’s also a new lifestyle related to environmental protection, ecology and heath. So we expect to get to know the future movement of green building policies throughout the interview.

2013.01.30 Educational Extension Activities (31)
We were interviewed by Wei-Ying Liu from Mandarin Daily Kids. This is our second time to be interviewed by press. We were very happy to promote the importance of green building and appeal more people to participate in it.

~~Study Group~~

2012.9.23 [Study Group 1]
Research Topic Discussion—Appreciation, Collection, and Sharing
Today our teacher asked us to share our reflections for visiting the graduate school of architecture and reading the book “Architecture O2— Ideas and Stories Behind the Design of Green Architecture By Bioarchitecture Formasana”. We also had the first meeting of our study group which we called “I Love Green Building”, and watched the video ”Our Land, Our Green Building”, introducing the famous library in Beitou.

2012.9.30 [Study Group 2]
Research Topic Discussion—Appreciation, Collection, and Sharing
Today we had the second meeting of “I Love Green Building” study group. We kept reading “Architecture O2— Ideas and Stories Behind the Design of Green Architecture By Bioarchitecture Formasana”. (Written by Chang Ching-Hwa, Guo Ying-Chao, etc.). Then, we talked about the outline for webpage-constructing project of Beitou Library and we also had to choose a name for our team. We all thought of some names related to our research topic and we voted. Finally, we chose the name “The Green Miracle”.

2012.10.17 [Study Group 3]
Research Topic Discussion— Appreciation, Collection, and Sharing
Today we had the third “I Love Green Building” study group and continued reading “Architecture O2— Ideas and Stories Behind the Design of Green Architecture By Bioarchitecture Formasana”. (Written by Chang Ching-Hwa, Guo Ying-Chao, etc.). We talked about the research outline again and made some modifications. The teacher even made use of Xmind software, which we once learned in the computer class, to discuss the research outline.

2012.10.21 [Study Group 4] 
Research Topic Discussion— Appreciation, Collection, and Sharing
Today we had the fourth meeting of “I Love Green Building” study group. We watched the video “A Dialogue With Nature—The Houses That Breathe” by Delta Electronics Foundation. We confirmed that we were going to interview the following targets:

  1. about Beitou Library: librarian of Library—Tzeng Shu-Hsien, architect—Chang Ching-Hwa, architect—Guo Ying-Chao, director of Beitou Library, volunteers, the head of Chang-an district, and Ba-Tou-Li-Jen Development Association.
  2. about Green Building: Architecture and Building Research Institute of Ministry of the Interior, Taiwan Green Building Council

Our division of labor: Preparing for interview questions

  1. background knowledge: Je-an, Shu-yun (2) Public evaluation: Yun-tung, Bo-an (3) works appreciation: Chi-han (4) future development: Bo-an, Hao-hwa


  1. prepare four interview questions for each interviewee

2012.11.11 [Study Group 5]
Research Topic Discussion— Appreciation, Collection, and Sharing
Today we had the sixth “I Love Green Building” study group, and watched the video “Conserve Energy, Reduce Carbon Footprint, and Green Building” by CTS and “Ordinary Contributor to Green Building”. We also made the poster for welcoming chief Liao Yen-Hui’s coming speech in our school together. We talked about our division of labor, focusing on:

  1. research motivation, purpose, and method
  2. changing Chinese name of the webpage to “Magical Tree House in the Forest—Visiting Beitou Green Library”

2012.11.18 [Study Group 6]
Research Topic Discussion— Appreciation, Collection, and Sharing
Today we had the seventh “I Love Green Building” study group. We began to organize the notes we took for investigating the model base of green building, questionnaires, interviewing experts, and discuss for improvements. We decided to do the second questionnaire investigation to the stores nearby Beitou Library and write the outline for the interview. We found that the research focus was on the promotion of the green building education, so the activities we held would be mainly divided into in-school and out-school. In school, we would hold green photography exhibitions, model design for breathing green house, interacting games of green house, learning studio about green house, drama performances. Out school we would have community youth ambassadors, touring film shooting, commercial shootings for green building, and promotions through radio station.

~~Webpage Production~~

2013.1.13 Video Retouching
With the teacher’s teaching, Je-an and Hao-hwa had done some video retouching works like video clipping, making subtitles, etc. with Corel VideoStudio.

2013.1.19 Reflection 1
Everyone typed down their reflections, including visiting the model base of green building, visiting Beitou Library, interviewing experts, promoting activities, etc. into text file and handed in to the group leaders.

2013.1.20 Reflection 2
Today we continued our work yesterday. We typed down our reflections, including visiting the model base of green building, visiting Beitou Library, interviewing experts, promoting activities, etc. into text file and handed in to the group leaders.

2013.1.21 Reflection 3
Today our teacher did some modifications and corrections on the construction and the content of the webpage, also reconfirmed our research topic to be “The Pride of Taiwan Green Building—Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch”. Each of us was assigned for different jobs on constructing the webpage. We together had the division of labor as well as the teamwork.

2013.1.22 Making Project PowerPoint
1. Project PowerPoint— edit any related information (Je-an)
2. Project PowerPoint— write the description of local community (Shu-yun)
3. Project PowerPoint— write abstract of the project (Yun-tung)
4. Project PowerPoint— write about the technology we used (Chi-han)
5. Project PowerPoint— write about the difficulties we had (Hao-hwa)
6. Project PowerPoint— write about the combination of our project and the school
curriculum. (Bo-an)
7. Project PowerPoint— write about how dedicated the project is. (Shu-yun and
and Yun-tung)
8. Project PowerPoint— upload all information to our webpage. (Je-an)
2013.1.23 Webpage Construction [1]
Design the Background of the Webpage and the Main Visual Animation
We should draw the main visual animation and the banner of the webpage by ourselves, so Je-an was responsible for drawing the pictures of Beitou Library as the banner of our webpage, Hao-hwa the parts about Beitou Library as a green building and Bo-an the solar panels and conserving water and energy.

2013.1.24 Webpage Construction [2]
We borrowed a computer classroom to work on constructing the webpage. The teacher taught us to use the software called ARTISTER to construct our webpage, which was quite difficult. However, when we thought of that our webpage could be seen on the Internet in the future, we were motivated to overcome any possible difficulty.

2013.1.28 Webpage Construction [3]
To make our webpage more beautiful, the teacher taught us to use Flash to create some simple animations.

2013.1.29 Webpage Construction [4]
Today we continued working on constructing our webpage. We tried to play the videos we shot and uploaded them on You-Tube.

2013.2.2 Coordination and Production [1]
Time was getting pressing. We assigned each person different jobs to construct the webpage. Je-an and Hao-hwa were responsible for the webpage part, Chi-han and Shu-yun the animation, Yun-tung and Bo-an organizing all texts and pictures we had so far.

2013.2.3 Coordination and Production [2]
The teacher asked us to give all the finished materials to Bo-an and Yun-tung, and they would be responsible for organizing every text and picture we had so far.

2013.2.4 Coordination and Production [3]
Those who had already done their parts were asked to check whether there were typos or problematic pictures on the webpage we completed so far.

2013.2.6 Constructing and Composing Webpage
1. Constructing and Composing Webpage— upload the project PowerPoint (Je-an)
2. Constructing and Composing Webpage— On Green: upload research data
3. Constructing and Composing Webpage— On Green: upload building information
4. Constructing and Composing Webpage— On Green: upload visiting information
5. Constructing and Composing Webpage— On Green: upload contributors’
information (Hao-hwa)
6. Constructing and Composing Webpage— On Green: upload activity information
7. Constructing and Composing Webpage— On Green: upload sharing information
8. Constructing and Composing Webpage— On Green: upload miracle information

102.02.18 Correcting and Uploading Information on the Webpage
Today was the first day of our school. At noon, the teacher told us that we almost finished constructing the webpage and thus asked us to check whether there were typos in the articles we put on the webpage, and also the electronic book made by The Green Miracle, the touring video of Beitou, and the promoting video of the green building. We, as well as teacher Lin Shu-hui and Lu Shi-Cheng, felt very touched about what we had achieved so far after seeing those videos we made. The teacher introduced many kinds of functions of the uploading software and also taught us a lot about using it to upload our webpage. The teacher said that it was possible the more the deadline approached, the more network jam there would be, so we uploaded part of the finished webpage first. It took like forever to upload just one webpage, especially when we uploaded the touring videos and the live puppet show video. Only when we had this experience of uploading the webpage on our own would we realize how hard it was to make those abundant webpages on the Internet. In the afternoon as we were about to leave school, the teacher sent us a piece of good news that our webpage had been successfully uploaded and passed the first-stage verification. Hurray! Our hardworking finally paid off! Although we passed the verification, the embedment of the videos were somewhat problematic. We kept working hard to fix the problem and check for typos of our webpage. We were determined to work hard until everything was done completely.

2013.2.19 Preliminary Completion of the Webpage
Today the teacher and we worked again on modifying the content of our webpage. From wearing short-sleeve T-shirts to sweaters, we spent almost half of a year to complete this project. We had wonderfully enriched life with great sense of achievement. We were really touched and happy! We also tried different types of computers to see if our webpage could be opened with them.

2013.2.24 Mission Completed!
The teacher and we once again modified the content of the webpage. We checked again whether there were typos and corrected them. Finally, our project and all works were all finalized and done.

2013.2.25 Final Test and Examination
Today we did the final check and test on our webpage to see whether there were problems. And finally we confirmed there was none and everyone felt a sense of relief.




Publishing company

《Architecture O2》

Cube Inc.





《The Magic School of Green Technologies》

Third Nature Publishing Co.

Author: LIN,SIAN-DE 

《We Love Green Building: A New Living Space of Health and Eco-friendliness》

Third Nature Publishing Co.

Author: LIN,SIAN-DE 

《2011 Green Buildings in Taiwan》

Architecture and Building Research Institute of Ministry of Interior

《Good House》

Yeren Publisher

Sponsored by Delta Electronics Foundation


《24 Lessons of Low CO2 Life》

Red Publishing Co.

Sponsored by Delta Electronics Foundation




Production Company


Public Television Service

Our Island- My Green Building


Public Television Service

Follow Me Go! (not available for download)

Public Television Service

Our Island- My Green House


Public Television Service

Our Island- Green Building of the Civilian


Ministry of Culture

The Breathing House


Delta Electronics Foundation

A Talk With Nature-The Green House That Breathes


CTI Television Inc.

Life Equation-Carbon Reducing Diary


China Television CO

Taiwan’s Note Report, Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch, The Architect’s Explanation



Media report



New Taiwan Weekly

Emerald in the Woods


Industrial Technology Research Institute

Let the Buildings Breath/ The Green Miracle of Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch

Business Next

Building a Breathing Library


Apple Daily

 Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch- Selected as the World’s Most Beautiful「全球最美」


Epoch Times

The Fusion of an Environmental Friendly Library-Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch


Central News Agency

With Fame Comes Noise- Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch Improvement


China Times

 Opening of Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch- Birds and Books

China Times

Landmark 66 Taipei- Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch, The Breathing Library




Website Name

Architecture and Building Research Institute of Ministry of Interior

Taiwan Green Building Council

Green Building

Taipei Public Library Beitou Branch

Forgemind ArchiMedia

Beitou District Office

National Taiwan University

Ministry of Education Green School

Delta Electronics Foundation

PHPBB (Creating Communities)