Ideas & Planning

Project Motivation

Project Process

Design & Blueprint

Family Background

Boundless Learning

Cooperation & Puzzles

Journey of Creation

Design Process

Achievement & Map

Design Showcase

Experience, Honors, & Collections

Initiation & Territory

Public’s View

Future Direction

Arch of Heaven &
Star Atlas

Design Education

Marketing Taiwan

Heart & Homeland

My Homeland

Taiwan Impression

Starry Sky &

Caring and Sharing

Reflections & Feedbacks

Interview Planning

Behind the Story

Project Team

Instructors & Volunteers

Work Journal

Reference & Resources

To the Xinsheng elementary school students:
There’s no end for learning. Always remember to “learn from books, people and things”
Best wishes and regards from Professor Lin

Behind the Story>.Project Team.Instructors and Volunteers.Work Journal.Reference and Resources

【Behind the Story】Work Journal:Behind The Story

Working in design is like passing something through a sieve. First you take a broad perspective to consider every possibility. Then you find the core elements and choose what works.
Work Journal Reflections and thoughts Card Sending Activity Behind The Story


We’ve finally finished our report! We shot a lot of videos and photos along the way, and Mom and Dad say that we should keep them, because these are precious memories of our elementary schooldays. When we were going through all the files, we found some interesting photos. They were shot in a serious setting, but the photos turned out to be quite funny! So here we are, with a few funny photos to share, hope you enjoy them as much as we do, and maybe have a few laughs with us.


Yu-Ting: You guys have fun. I’ll just take a small nap.


Yu-Ting: I…I…I didn’t fall asleep. I was thinking!
Yu-Chen: Ha-ha, sure you didn’t fall asleep! Who gamed till midnight last night?


Yi-Ming: Is it done yet? Tzu-Liang, let me lean on you for a sec…


Everyone is so focused on their computers…
Yi-Ming(left), what are you doing???


Hsiang-Jung: I don’t want to stand next to the boys.
Yu-Chen: Safety distance is a must.


Yu-Chen: Why am I standing next to a girl again?!
Meng-Jie: Yeah! Best spot in the group!


Yu-Ting: Tzu-Liang, dear brother, you have to wash your hands after you go to the restroom, and before you use the computer.
Tzu-Liang: You nag more than my Mom!


Yi-Hua: I am sure I’ve seen this somewhere before! Hao-Wen: I don’t recognize any of them…


Kuei-Ying: We have to come in for a meeting during Chinese New Year?
Meng-Jie: Oh my god…


Yi-Ming: Quick! Teach me how to do this before anyone sees!
Tzu-Liang: Um…I don’t know how to do it, either.

The website is designed by the Design Fairy Team