Work Journals of Jiang-hsing Lin andHau-hsuen Zhong




  Teacher Mei Hua announced a competition in class. My classmate and I were very interested so we? requested to register.




  At our first training meeting, the director allowed us to go on Taiwan’s blog website to better understand the online competition’s history and current situation. The director also showed us works by participants, from our school, from previous years. I believe that if we unite together with the class next door, we will be able to create projects with good content. We will not lose to our school seniors and alumni.




  Today was the first day that the class split into groups. Through these groups I was able to gather a great deal of information regarding the topic at hand.




  When I did personal research at night, I found some information on the Flamingo Lily flower that the director wanted us to look out for, so I immediately sent the information to the director and teacher Mei Hua.




  After much effort, I managed to find an abundance of news and examples regarding the Flamingo Lily flower, which showed me the fame of the Flamingo Lily flower in the media realm.




  Today at lunchtime, everyone went to the computer room to register for the competition. After some discussion, we decided to name our team [The Soaring Flamingo Lily Flower].




  I helped my teammates proofread and send their emails to the director and teacher Mei Hua. The teachers showed me a rough draft of the table of the planned special topics and asked me to change the details. I also found information on ways to cultivate and breed Flamingo Lily flowers.




  After researching and finding information on the ways to cultivate and reed Flamingo Lily flowers, I cleaned up and polished my information and then sent it to the director and teacher Mei Hua.




  After simplifying the special topics plan and helping other students fill out their surveys, I understood that making a survey is not as easy as it seems. I also began to understand the importance of data from surveys.




  Hau-hsuen:With feelings of joy and excitement, my family and I set out on a dream-come-true flower-sightseeing adventure. I hoped to use this opportunity visiting the flower exhibition to gain a better understanding of the Flamingo Lily flower, which I hoped would help in the research of the special Flamingo Lily flower topic. Following the huge crowd of people into the bloom exhibition, my eyes lit up the moment I stepped inside the exhibition because the Flamingo Lily flower was right in front of my eyes. Right away I took a picture. That picture counted as our group’s first piece of research. From this exhibition I also took away a lot of information and knowledge pertaining to the Flamingo Lily flower including information about how the flowers are individually packaged, Flamingo Lily flower seed cultivation and export pipelines. In the exhibition I also discovered many different types and colors of Flamingo Lily flowers. The beauty and difference of every different type leaves everyone awestruck and breathless. This trip truly opened my eyes and from it I truly gained a lot of knowledge, especially after I saw the innovative research and development that can describe the current Flamingo Lily flower work. It’s so moving that this research and development has allowed the Flamingo Lily to become the up-and-coming flower in Taiwan’s flower market and will eventually take it to international flower arena.




  Jiang-hsing: I received a referral from teacher Kang to director Xiu Zhu. Teacher Kang also agreed to assist me in creating a website for the 2011 comptition.




  This morning at 8:30, the director took us to Neimen county in Kaohsiung to investigate how flowers and plants are transported and distributed. Director General Lin Qing Shan carefully and fully answered every question we asked through his stories about his experience starting his own business. He spoke of the difficulties he encountered being an entrepreneur, and the predicaments he sometimes faces. Director General Lin also made an exception for us and allowed us to take a tour around his greenhouse to pick flowers. Among the flowers we saw a lot of Flamingo Lily flowers, including some breeds that have not even hit the mainstream markets yet. All of the students fought to take pictures to keep a memory of the new flower.


  In the afternoon a huge crowd of people arrived at the Kaohsiung International Flower Auction. In the presentation room, all the students focused their attention on Manager Zhao’s careful explanation. Going to the place of the live auction was the moment that we students had anticipated the most. Usually most expect auctions to be chaotic and messy, but this auction was completely different from what we all expected. This auction utilized a combination of computer technology and push buttons to allow purchasers to submit bids. It was the first time I had ever seen an auction done like this before. Buyers placing bids concentrated hard on the big screen afraid to make even the smallest bidding mistake and waste their hard earned money.


  After a full day journey, everyone busied themselves with organizing the material and information they gathered from the day, and I set myself to write the draft of the explanation part of our project, explaining the Flamingo Lily flower greenhouses we saw earlier in the day.




  Jiang-hsing:Because it was my first time participating in this kind of competition, I didn’t really understand it, so I used our online7 time to find examples of previous winning project topics.


  Hau-hsuen:Working hard under enormous time pressure, we finally finished writing our draft(explaining Flamingo Lily flower greenhouses) and our reflections on our flower-focused trip to Taipei. The director helped us to proofread our drafts and then printed and distributed our work to the other students for them to use as reference. Under the guidance of our director, seeing the hard work our director put in for us, no matter how many drafts the director wants me to write, I would never say that I’m sick or tired of the work.




  Jiang-hsing:After observing the work of previous years, I began to discuss my ideas for the construction of my project with Teacher Junhong.


  Hau-hsuen: Our teacher took us on the trip because she wanted us to take advantage of our visit to refresh our memories, so that we could write about our experience visiting the plant and flower distribution center and agricultural co-op. Only when I was writing my reflection of the trip did I truly understand the saying“Reading thousands of books and scrolls is still not comparable to traveling thousands of miles.”Reading about something from an article is very different from actually doing it.


  In the afternoon, everyone joined together to organize all the pictures and videos from the day to make reference materials for the website. I believe the data we collected is of great educational value!




  Going through material to find articles related to the flower auction market, today’s experience is very different from other experiences I’ve had because I felt everyone’s strong determination. Everyone’s determination made me feel that my teacher wasn’t the only one encouraging me to work hard. The encouragement I received from all my classmates has increased my enthusiasm for the project. I believe that in the near future, all of us students will climb to their highest potential.




  Hau-hsuen:Together, everyone worked hard to think of names for each special topic and get the majority of the hardest parts of the content finished. At lunch, the director gave each of us 15 surveys for us to hand out in one of Kaoshong’s flower markets during our vacations.? I’m sure everyone is looking forward to this once in a lifetime experience of handing out surveys! Hopefully we will be able to get our surveys completed and get the statistics we need quickly and swiftly. I pray that everything will go well with our special topic.




  Hau-hsuen:In the afternoon, me, Chen Qi Lin, Li Jiang Fu, Liu You Jun, and Peng Yu Chen, went to the flower market next to Laogong park to hand out our surveys and begin our research. Only after we started passing out surveys, did I begin to realize that passing out surveys wasn’t as easy as it seemed. I finally understood the feeling of disappointment that others passing surveys had felt when I rejected their fliers and surveys in the past. When I was the one being rejected, I then understood the hardships those passing surveys go through. After this experience, I know that in the future, if I see a student passing out surveys for special topics or research, I will happily stop and help fill out a survey for them.




  Jiang-hsing:We finished the basic framework for the presentation, in addition to the titling and subtitling. Then we had Director Xiu Zhu look over our work and give us suggestions and creative criticism.


  Hau-hsuen:Everyone gathered together at the school’s computer room to work on revisions and additions to our presentations. The two students working on the website were working equally as hard on their work. I worked with them and gave them suggestions and ideas. I believe that our project should be completed very soon!




  Jiang-hsing:Director Xiu Zhu gave us a lot of suggestions and comments on the content and the layout of our presentation.


  Hau-hsuen:In the afternoon we took the second class period of the weekly allotted meeting time to go to a flower market not far from our school to pass out surveys. Although we went to the flower market at a time when most people are working, but it was still bustling, so we were able to interview and survey quite a few customers. We also saw a lot of Flamingo Lilies, our special topic flower, in many flower shops that we went into. One the way back to school, I saw a small, nondescript, flower shop. I still had a few surveys so I headed toward the tiny shop. The manager in the shop asked me for a survey and after looking over it, showed me the special Flamingo Lilies their shop had. It was a great experience and I gained so much knowledge and insight! To make things even better, our director rewarded us with bread on the way home. With the food reward, we all regained strength to keep on working hard.




  Jiang-hsing:After we finished making the button that connected us to our presentation page (hyperlink), we learned how to use javascript to browse through pictures and create an interactive effect.


  Hau-hsuen: Today, under the guidance of the director and Teacher Mei Hua, I was able to proofread and correct my portion of the blog. The experience taught me how to take data from online and combine into complete and concise information. Apart from that, I was also able to give comments to my classmates and together we were able to complete the February 24th Survey Data Collection Reflection Paper. ? At the end of class today, me and my classmates all shouted one after another in encouragement, “KEEP FIGHTING! YES, WE CAN!!




  Jiang-hsing:After arranging the content and pictures, I learned how to use Javascript to make the top button.


  Hau-hsuen:Today everyone sacrificed their weekend to come and work on the blog. Everyone concentrated hard and managed to finished all the parts they were responsible for. Everyone wanted to do this special topic well. My responsibility was to give all the pictures on the blog to the director and teacher Mei Hua and gather all the pictures so that the student responsible for making the website map can have more resources to complete his or her portion.




  Jiang-hsing: We removed the “Do not use” label on the flash button, and replaced it with the function of manually using the mouse to click through the images.


  Hau-hsuen: Everyone discovered that the information that we had collected was not enough, so me and my group took responsibility of gathering more information. After we gather all the information we need, I will help proofread the information. This morning everyone was very busy; although there wasn’t that much time, everyone still worked in a unified manner to gather information.




  Jiang-hsing:During lunch, I discussed with teacher Junhong how best to decorate the special topic web page and how to design other basic aspects of the special topic page.


  Hau-hsuen:During lunch, I was responsible for continuing the proofreading of information that was gathered in this past month and then, when finished, sending the proofread information to the direct and teacher Meihua.




  Jiang-hsing:The school used javascipt to make the button on the right hand column and is currently experimenting with using it in other parts of the website.


  Hau-hsuen:My classmate had a bit of information that had to be typed up, so I helped them type up the information, and the information was quickly organized and polished up. Not only did I get a feeling of accomplishment, my group members were also very thankful for my help. If we work together, we definitely have endless potential.




  During the weekly meeting in the afternoon class, director Xiu Zhu and teacher Jun Hong drove me and other members of the website blog group to Neimen’s green plant and flower distribution cooperative to visit councilmember Lin Qing Shan. This was my first time participating in an activity like this and it was a great new experience. At his office, the councilmember shared with the students his experiences with supervision and administrative work. He also helped the students to generally understand the operation methods and philosophies behind the distribution cooperative so that we could know how best to design the website. Before leaving, the councilmember even gave us a gift of handpicked Flamingo Lilies from one of the greenhouses. His great hospitality definitely moved our entire class, emotionally.




  Jiang-hsing:I continued my discussions with teacher Jun Hong regarding the layout and spatial configuration of the website and connecting and installing the button on the left to connect to the major page. Everyone who has seen the website has praised it. Even the principal came in during the lunch our to encourage us, give us advice on making the special topic the main focus, and remind us, students, which items to pay attention to. We also used this opportunity to take a photo with the principal, to have a memory to keep from this whole website/blog making experience.


  Hau-hsuen:Because I received the excellent academic achievement award at the school-wide assembly today, I was not able to attend the blog training meeting at the computer room this morning. It’s too bad that I was not able to take a picture with the principal, but just as I was presenting flowers to retiring Director Chu Xieping, Director Xiuzhu and Teacher Meihua walked into the auditorium with a camera and took a precious picture for me. Furthermore, the flowers I was presenting to the Director were the Flamingo Lilies that our project just happens to be about, so the picture is that much more precious to me!




  I just finished assembling the website with the flash title button and connection.




  Jiang-hsing: When I finished uploading the finished section onto the school’s ftp, I asked the teacher and group members to please take a look and provide some suggestions. They were not stingy with their comments, so the website had to keep being modified and changed, but in order to get a good grade, I had to take the criticism. The only problem was that the due date was fast approaching. Inside I was extremely stressed out. Fortunately, my group-mates volunteered to stay behind and help us do some typesetting work. I am so grateful for their help!


  Hau-hsuen:After this project experience, I not only learned how useful it is to gather information into one location, I also learned what having a group mentality means. At the beginning of the website making process, I used to think of myself as better than everyone else. I used to think that alone, I could do the work of many people, and so I neglected the opinions of my other group members and acted rashly instead. Fortunately, I was advised by Director Xiu Zhu and Teacher Meihua to change. Afterward, I was able to understand the importance of a group mentality. I was extremely blessed to have this opportunity so that I could practice gathering and grouping information and become an expert at it. I believe that after this experience, whether I have group reports or have to gather information, I will be able to use what I have learned from this project to its fullest potential. Lastly, I hope that all the hard work from both the teacher and students can be seen by the judges, and that they will give us first place!??





Work Journals of Chen Guan-ling, Sung Yi, Liou-jun, and Peng Yu-cheng


November 5th, 2011 (2 hours) Selective Recruitment


  Ms. Chang and ms. Li recruited members for doing Cyberfair 2012 project and relayed to us some information about it, giving us some time to decide whether we wanted to take part in it or not.

November 12th, 2011 (2 hours) Deciding on Cyberfair Project Topic


  It was the first day of training sessions today. Because Taipei International Flower Expo was the hottest news recently and one of Ms. Li’s friends cultivated anthuriums in Neimen District, Kaohsiung, we decided to choose the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative, which planted and produced anthuriums, as the topic of our project.

November 19th, 2011 (1.5 hours) Situation Unclear


  The situation of Cyberfair unknown to us, Ms. Chang wanted work cooperatively collecting information and pictures concerning anthuriums, which would be beneficial to us once the situation was clear.

November 26th, 2011 (2 hours) Information Collection


  On locating anthurium Tainung No. 1 and No. 2, we sent information and pictures to the instructors to decide whether they were relevant.


December 22nd, 2011 (2 hours) Tidying up and Compiling Information


  Besides tidying up and compiling information and pictures of Tainung No. 1 and No. 2, we also found pictures of other species. They were really beautiful. Together we sent it to the instructors.


December 30th, 2011 (2 hours) Brainstorming


  The instructors gave us some relevant website for our reference, hoping that we could enrich the already found information.


January 4th, 2012 (2 hours) Separating Wheat from Chaff


  Today we emailed our tidied-up data to the instructors for valuation. We also spent some time browsing through the previous project works by our seniors.

January 12th, 2012 (2 hours) Registration and the Birth of Name of the Team

  Ms. Chang relayed the exact information of the Cyberfair competition to us. We filed our personal information during the training session. We unanimously agreed to take “Flying Anthuriums” as our project title. After the registration, we started to feel the tense of participating in a competition.


January 24th, 2012 (12 hours) No Break in Winter Vacation

  Though winter vacation, we still had to go to school for intensive training sessions. We had taken care of the two units of “Introduction Neimen” and “The World of Flowers” for the past two days. Ms. Li assign these two units to Chi-lin, Sung Yi, Yiou-jun and me. Under the instructors’ instruction, Guan-lin compiled Taiwan’s flower distribution map and my information on flowers and wedding garments into a WORD file and tables. Then she sent them to the instructors.


January 26th~27th, 2012 (12 hours) Working Overtime after Going Back to School

  After the Back-to-school Day, we continued our training sessions. I outlined the community research plan and project research plan; Sung Yi drafted the project outline; and Yu-cheng added something to yesterday’s WORD file. Together with what we located from Yahoo! on flower-giving etiquette today, we sent all of them to the instructors for inspection. We had a discussion about going to the flower shops in Guo-min Market, doing interview with some people on anthuriums. The instructors asked us to complement our work journals and assigned Yu-cheng to trim and make the flower-giving etiquette into a WORD file.


January 28th, 2012 (6 hours) The Second Grouping (by Sung Yi)

  We were regrouped to take charge of each unit. Guna-lin was responsible for the development of anthurium industry; Yiou-jun was assigned the unit “Flowers Show”; Yu-cheng and Chi-lin volunteered to join “The World of Flowers” because they thought that the number of pieces of flowers given stands for different meanings; and as for me, I missed a couple of training sessions because of band practices, I decided to singled out my information about flower things for ordering and improvement.


February 8th~12th, 2012 (42 hours) A visit to the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative & Tidying up the Interview Content (by Guan-lin, Yiou-jun, and Yu-cheng)

  We went to the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative for a visit in the morning, visiting the flower greenhouse to know something about cultivating and planting anthuriums. Seeing so many different species of anthuriums really broadened our horizon. Director of the Cooperative Mr. Lin taught us many things, such as how to reduce production cost by using recycled resources, the patents he applied, skills of the pollination of anthuriums, and how to harvest anthuriums. Unreservedly, he answered all our questions. And under his arrangement, we took a tour to Kaohsiung International Flower Market in Hsiao-gang. Besides listening to the briefing about the distribution of flower markets in Taiwan, we also personally experienced the process of flower auction. Though it was a tiring day, we were greatly benefited both in information collection and personal growth.


  Without stopping, we keyed in and sorted out our pictures video clips, and insights from yesterday’s visit. On finishing, we sent them to the instructors.


February 14th, 2012 (3 hours) Composing Organization Tree-structured Chart (by Sung Yi)


  Ms. Chang sent me the Organization Tree-structured Chart of the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative for me to be in charge. But because of its not installing its own website, I found it exceptionally difficult to complete this assignment.

February 20th, 2012 (6 hours) Dispatching Questionnaire 1 (in Labor Recreation-and-education Park) (by Yu-cheng and Yiou-jun)


  Chii-lin, Jiang-fu, and I went to the Labor Recreation-and-education park dispatching the questionnaire copies. Though very hot, we were in high spirits. We were being refused all the time: some came there buying flowers; some had difficulty understanding Mandarin Chinese; still some just ignored us, which was really frustrating. Finally, Yu-cheng made some progress by orally telling the seniors the content of the questionnaire.


February 23rd, 2012 (4 hours) Dispatching Questionnaire 2 (in Hsing-chung Flower Market) (by Guan-lin and Sung Yi)


  Ms. Chang took us to Hsing-chung Flower Market to dispatch the questionnaire copies. We spotted not a few stores arranged anthuriums for selling, most of which were from the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative, proving that the Cooperative occupied a certain amount of sales in the market. When the flower shop owners knew that our interview was about anthuriums, they enthusiastically informed us of a lot of information about anthuriums. Being the first time doing street side questionnaire investigation, we were quite nervous, which was eased by most people’s cooperation. Some of them even asked us what we were doing this for. When knowing that we were doing this to promote Neimen anthuriums, they said something encouraging to us. These two hours proved to be successful and profitable.


February 26th, 2012 (6 hours) Tidying up and Correcting insights of the Visit


  In the morning the instructors told us that our insights should be completed following our own moods, not retelling the entire fixed schedule. Thus, we rewrote our insights of the visit. After compiling interview question items with Mr. Lin on February 8th, I sent the file to all the team members.


  Because Yiou-jun lived far away from the school, she didn’t show up in our training session; instead, she contacted us through the Internet, emailing her newly-found information and the corrected part of her assignment to the instructors. As for me, I made some corrections to my insights and the unit of “Dancing among Anthuriums.” In the afternoon we conducted peer assessment.


February 28th, 2012 (6 hours) Proofreading and Ordering


  We checked our previous work on anthurium species word by word. Sung Yi spent a lot of time keyed in the instructors’ first visit to Neimen and made it into a tabular form; Yu-cheng, under Ms. Li’s instruction, added notes to the pie charts. After finishing our respective assignments, we sent them to the instructors for audition.


March 9th, 2012 (4 hours) The Second to the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative

  Ms. Chang and Mr. Hsie took some of the team members to the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative for a second visit. Before Mr. Lin showed up, we personally tried cleaning the picked anthuriums. No matter how hard we tried, we just couldn’t make it right. Not until then did we really the true meaning of “Easier said than done.” The tricks of doing things well are accumulated through experience. After the interview with Mr. Lin, he gave us some anthuriums as a gift. His enthusiastic assistance not only enriched our project but also gave us unforgettable memory.

March 13th, 2012 (18 hours) Guidance and Pepping-up from Mr. Principal


  Ms. Li showed us how to process our statistics of the questionnaire using SPSS. After the statistics were sorted out, we input them into Excel to turn them into pie charts. In the beginning, we found it hard to master. But after the instruction from Ms. Li and our own exploration, we finally got our hands in it. Accordance to Ms. Li, this was one of the benefits of doing the Cyberfair competition, forcing you to learn a lot what you were originally unfamiliar with. Yiou-jun also took a lot of trouble turning the complicated digits in “Digits of Flowers” into neat forms, making the whole layout both clean and clear. Mr. principal specifically came to the Computer Lab to pep us up, really moving us a lot. We learned much from his conversation with us about doing Cyberfair project. Finally, he hoped that we could get the highest prize, bringing glory to our school.


Work Journals of Wang Yin, Bing-yuan ,and Chia-wei

  Ms Chang invited me to join the Cyberfair Competition Team through my senior Chien-hsing. Having discussed with Ms Chang, I asked my classmates Bing-yuan and Chia-wei to work with us. After months of discussion and involvement in the project-doing, we have a better understanding in the procedures of webpage composition and the importance of teamwork.—By Wang Yin

  When first asked by Wang Yin to join the Cyberfair Competition Team, I had no idea what it was all about. After my senior Chien-hsing’s patient instructions and consulting not a few computer books to familiarize myself with the topic, I gradually had deeper understanding about the computer software used in the project. Though problems and questions still came out one after another, I felt great sense of achievement after finishing doing the project.—By Bing-yuan

   When devoting to composing the webpage, all sorts of questions and problems nearly drowned me. After browsing several voluminous reference books on computer with Wang Yin and Bing-yuan, we still came across with many bottlenecks. In order to be perfect in every step and key point, we’ve experienced a lot of frustration. Nevertheless, during the process of doing the project, I’ve learned lots of computer software I might never get my hand on in ordinary situations. I also learned the importance of teamwork and deeply enjoyed the pleasure of learning and harvesting.—By Chia-wei



          Work Journals of Chen Chi-lin, Li jiang-fu, and Yu Cheng-hsue

November 5th, 2011 Publicly enlisting schoolmates interested in doing Cyberfair project

  In the course of An introduction to Business Affairs, Ms. Chang announced to us information about cyberfair competition. Because we three were interested, we signed together.

November 12th, 2011 (0.5 hour spent) First meeting and discussion

  In the afternoon, we held the first intensive training session for the project. The instructors introduced Cyberfair information to us and had us have a look at the previous awarded works done by our seniors. I really hoped that we could at least get the Gold Award like them.

November 19th, 2011 (0.5 hour spent) The 1st grouping up

  Today the instructors divided all the members into several groups. I was teamed up with Jiang-fu and Cheng-hsue. We located some information about biotech applying in the species application and development of anthuriums and the application of seedling propagation, endowing me the feelings of finding the treasure. I immediately posted the found information in my WORD file.

November 22nd, 2011 (2 hour spent) Uploading the found information to the instructors 

  On returning home, we posted our respective information in our own WORD files about anthuriums and then sent it to the instructors, Ms. Chang and Ms. Li.

 November 23rd, 2011 (0.5 hour spent) Locating information

  In the afternoon in Computer Lab, I found some information about businesses’ participating in the 2010 Taipei International Flower Expo. Finding it useful, I relayed this information to Ms. Chang and Ms. Li.

January 7th, 2012 (0.5 hour spent) Announcing the schedules of Cyberfair competition

  Ms. Chang gave us the information about Cyberfair’s fixed schedules. So our participation was decided. I felt great because the past efforts were not wasted. Though information on anthuriums was more than much, much of it was similar or even the same. After paying attention to the reading of the found information, I found it not a piece of cake to sort it out and tidy it up.

January 12th, 2012 (0.5 hour spent) Applying for cyberspace

  Ms. Chang asked us all to gather at Computer Lab 1403 at the noon break. Because this was our first time doing the project, we had to get registered. After lively discussion, we decided on "Flying Antthuriums" as our team name. Hope we could surpass the achievements of our seniors.

January 24~25th, 2012 (8 hour spent) Still working on holiday, tidying up the found information

  Winter vacation came to us, but we had to go to school to work on the Cyberfair project. Jiang-fu was assigned to locate information on the outlet strategies and the after-harvest processing procedures and preservation technology of the exporting anthuriums; Cheng-hsue was grouped with Sung Yi to take charge of data compilation of the unit of “Anthurium in Neimen”; as for me, I was responsible for the collection of news tidbits. We got together the found information on anthuriums and a press release on a recent investigation about MIT anthuriums and lisianthus exporting to Japan from the website of the Agricultural research Institute and compiled and made them into a WORD file. (by Chi-ling)

January 26th, 2012 (3 hour spent) Intensive training sessions in winter vacation

  After the back-to-school cleaning job, we continued our Cyberfair project assignments. Chi-ling finished doing the WORD file for the project research plan elements. The instructors thought my information about the anthurium processing procedures too old. After a whole day combing through, I finally located some more recent information; Cheng-hsue emailed his information about flower history to Sung Yi for compilation. (by Jiang-fu)

January 28th, 2012 (6 hour spent) The 2nd grouping up

  Today, the instructors grouped us again. Chi-ling was assigned to the same group with Yu-cheng, responsible for “The World of Flowers” section; Jiang-fu did “The Future of Flowers” section solo; and I was still in the same group with Sung Yi, doing the historical development of Neimen agriculture (particularly the part of anthuriums). Luckily, we had compiled much information on this topic. Ms. Chang said that she would take us to Hsing-chung Flower Market a couple of days later, so we began discussing the interview contents and designing the questionnaire. (by Cheng-hsue)

February 8th, 2012 (8.5 hour spent) Paying a visit to the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative

  We went to the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative interviewing its director, Mr. Lin Ching-shan today. First we paid a visit to his Anthurium Flower Room, where we learned a lot about the origin of anthuriums and tips of picking them. Then,, he taught us how to carefully and exquisitely pack anthuriums for both import and export markets. On our way back to school, we dropped by the Shunsian Gong Taoist temple in the Neimen heighborhood, praying for a good results for our Cyberfair project. In the afternoon, we paid a visit to Kaohsiung International Flower Market in Hsiaogang. Through its manager, Mr. Chao’s introduction and explanation, we got a detailed picture of the procedures of flower bidding and logistics orientation. We also clarified some questions about flowers. Perhaps this was the best reward of doing the project. (by Chi-lin, Jiang-fu, and Cheng-hsue)

February 9th, 2012 (4 hour spent) Training session—keying in the insights from the interview

  We began sorting out and compiling the manuscripts from yesterday’s interview with Mr. Lin. We also corrected and supplemented the part of developmental evolution of MIT flowers. Ms. Chang and Ms. Li stayed with us, so we did it with wonderful efficiency. (by Chi-lin, Jiang-fu, and Cheng-hsue)

February 20th, 2012 (3 hour spent) Dispatching questionnaires in Shi-jia Flower Market

  In the afternoon, jiang-fu, Yu-cheng, You-jun, and I went to Shi-jia Flower Market dispatching questionnaires. In the beginning, we came across a lot of trouble. After not a few difficulties, a man helped us with the question, also taking pictures with us. One thing I learned from it: if you wanted to ask someone to fill out the questionnaires for you, you had to dispatch them to couples. You would have better chance of success. (by Chi-lin and Jiang-fu)

February 21st, 2012 (1.5 hour spent) Revisiting Manager Chao

  I asked Jiang-fu to help me proofread the file about developmental evolution of MIT flowers that we composed the other day in the afternoon. After school, Ms. Chang took me to the Kaohsiung International Flower Market, sending some copies of the questionnaire to Manager Chao. I felt this second meeting with him exceptionally cordial. In our casual conversation, he encouraged me a lot. We asked his permission to use all the pictures and video clips taken in the last meeting in our project. (by Chi-lin)

February 23rd, 2012 (2 hour spent) Dispatching questionnaires in Hsing-chung Flower Market

  Because I took part in the Boss Competition in Kaohsiung university of Applied Science, I didn’t go with other group member to the Labor Recreation-Education Center, Kaohsiung dispatching questionnaires. Some others had the same problem with me. Because of this, Ms. Chang helped us apply for official leave, taking us to Hsing-chung Flower Market doing questionnaire interview. Luckily, people there treated us nicely, never ignoring our request. We spent around two hours to finish the assignment. On the way back, Ms. Chang treated us to some bread, restoring our strength. (by Cheng-hsue)

February 26th, 2012 (6 hour spent) Assigning jobs

  Though having a three-day holiday, we Anthurium Billowing Group still have to strive for our Cyberfair rpoject. In the morning, Ms. Chang told us what to do. She asked me to help Yia-hsuen with the statistics of anthurium questionnaires. Cheng-hsue kept improving the remained information of the “Sampling Investigation and Pragmatic Analysis” part. Ms. Li assigned me the job of helping correct Yu-cheng’s insights. Wow! What a busy day for me! In the afternoon, I added something to my previously located information to avoid violating Intellectual Property Rights. (by Chi-lin and Jiang-fu)

February 28th, 2012 (5 hour spent) Keeping working on unfinished assignments

  In the morning, I kept on doing the unfinished part of the introduction to MIT flowers. I located something about organizational chart of production-marketing cooperative for Ms. Chang’s reference. Then, I sorted out and compiled the data before the proofreading. Thus doing, we could help to ease the burden of the instructors. (by Chi-lin)

March 7th, 2012 (0.5 hour spent) Improving pie charts

  With the help of all the teammates, we finally turned the questionnaire investigation results into pie charts. Ms. Li instructed us to add captions under each chart, so that people could understand what we wanted to convey to them. I found some legal software on the Internet to improve our picture files. After the group discussion, we decided to select a smiling face to make our work more beautiful. At present, all the content is generally completed. The only job left is the refinement. Hope we can get a great harvest after the hard work. (by Cheng-hsue)

March 9th, 2012 (4.5 hour spent) Revisiting the Cooperative director Mr. Lin Ching-shan

  Ms. Chang and Mr. Chun-hung accompanied us to revisit Mr. Lin again. We also personally experienced cleaning anthuriums, which was a little difficult but a lot of fun. He shared with us his mental development, which I found deserved our serious attention. For example, he got up earlier than others for two hours to work and got off the post later than others for two hours when he held a part-time job; he allotted much of his time studying English for the purpose of getting a seat in the foreign market. He told us not to be shy when doing business. You had to be ambitious, he stated, when doing business with foreigners. He complemented us on our having nerve to ask questions. Besides, he asked us to cultivate a global view and take time studying English. After the interview, he gave us three bunches of anthuriums. Ms. Chang took a picture for him and me, with me holding anthuriums. This was really a great interview because I got some corns to eat and an opportunity to clean the flowers. (by Jiang-fu and Cheng-Hsue)

March 14th, 2012 (0.5 hour spent) The principal pepping us up

  We were really efficient. Besides tidying up and keying in the insights of interviewing Mr. Lin, and following Ms. Li’s request, we also simplified the part of the development of MIT flowers and made it into a table form, making everyone easy to read. We also made a flow chart. Our principal came to the Computer Lab to pep us up and give us some face-to-face tips about doing the project, really benefiting us a lot. Taking this chance, we took some pictures with him, leaving a historical footage for doing the Cyberfair project. (by Chi-lin, Jiang-fu, and Cheng-hsue)


Work Journals of the Instructors (Ms. Chang Hsiou-chu, Mr. Hsie Jun-hong , andMs. Li Mei-hua)


November 4th, 2011 Planning & Preparation (Ms. Chang and Ms. Li)


  Ms. Li and I planned to instruct Business Service Department students of the Comprehensive School to take part in Cybrefair Competition 2012. After some discussion, we decided on the topic of the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative, on one hand to comply with the 2012 Taipei International Flower Expo and on the other hand to promote MIT industries.


November 5th, 2011 Recruiting (Ms. Chang and Ms. Li)


  When conducting our Introduction to Business courses, we asked the students whether they wanted to participate in the 2012 Cyberfair competition. To our great surprise, seven students signed in in the break. At the same time, Ms. Li got two interested students. We needed another student to make it ten. We thought of asking one from the Data Processing Department.


November 12th, 2011 Teaming up


  In the lunch break training session, We guided the students to have a look at the previous cyberfair projects. Taking the chance, we told them where they could locate the information they needed for the project.


December 12th, 2011 An Early Outline

  We outlined some units of the project as the source of their deliberation, so that they could start searching for the information they needed.

December 3rd, 2011 Polishing the Drafts (Ms. Chang)

  I received the information Chi-lin and Jiang-fu emailed to me. Being diligent students, they were efficient and their materials were abundant.

December 30th, 2011 Looking for Inspiration (Ms. Chang)


  We offered some websites to the students fro their reference, hoping that the materials would be richer.

January 4th, 2012 Knowing Ourselves and Others (by Ms Chang)


  We guided the students to their seniors’ previous Cyberfair competition projects, looking for ways to improve their assignments.


January 7th, 2012 Starting the Battle (by Ms. Chang)

  We knew from the Internet of the 2012 Cyberfair competition notice. The deadline was March 15th, which should be time enough for us to complete the project. I immediately reach Ms. Li and the signed-in students, making an appointment to meet at the Computer Lab on January 12th for retailed discussion.


January 12th, 2012 Completing the Registration


  Registration being completed, we decided the project title to be “Flying Anthuriums.”

January 17~19th, 2012 Final Exam Week


  There were no training sessions during final exam.


January 21st, 2012 Even More Powerful (by Ms Chang)


  We invited Mr. Hsie Jun-hung, a student teacher, and Lin Jiang-hsing, a Data Processing Department student to join the Cyberfair team. Mr. Hsie was a computer expert. He could help us with jobs concerning computer affairs.

January 24th, 2012 Brainstorming (by Ms Chang and Ms. Li)


  Today was the first day of winter vacation training. We returned students’ materials about anthuriums to them and held a discussion meeting with them to decide on the next steps.

January 26th, 2012 Deciding on a Preliminary Structure (by Ms Chang and Ms. Li)


  Ms. Li and I preliminarily determined the unit names for the project, presenting the necessary items on the white board with tree-structure chart for students’ reference.

January 27th, 2012 Two-way Communication (by Ms Chang and Ms. Li)


  Discussing the possibility of doing an interview with the florists in Hsingchung 1st Road, but we dropped the plan because the time was too tight. Besides, we also discussed something about composing the project articles and uploading them with Mr. Hsie and jiang-hsing.

January 26th, 2012 Assigning Jobs (by Ms. Chang and Ms. Li)


  Ms. Li and I confirmed the structure items of the project with each other. We also asked the team members to divide the project into five units under the title “Flying Anthuriums.” Units of each group decided, Cheng-hsue immediately finished the first draft of the questionnaire items.

January 29th, 2012 Reaching an Agreement (by Ms. Chang and Ms. Li)


  Ms. Li called me to inform me that visit on February 8th, a on-the-site tour about shipping and delivering process was decided. I immediately sent a message to all the team members.

January 30th, 2012 Unable to Show up (by Ms Chang)


  Sung Yi emailed me to let me know that she had music class on the afternoon of February 8th. She was greatly annoyed because she couldn’t make it to the visit on that day. I comforted her, saying that there were still many activities, like the auction of anthuriums tour, that she could take part in.

February 1st, 2012 Sorting out and Compiling the Found Information (by Ms. Chang)


  Taking advantage of the last work day before the Chinese New Year, I printed out the files about anthuriums that students sent to me, preparing to take a screening at home during the holiday.

February 4th, 2012 Reminding of the Registration Deadline (by Ms. Chang)


  I sent an email to Mr. Hsie, jiang-hsing, and Huei-min, reminding them of the registration matter.

February 5th, 2012 Passing down Experience (by Ms. Chang)


  I emailed to all the Cyberfair members, reminding them to fill in the progress reports and upload the information.


February 6th, 2012 Two-way Communication (by Ms. Chang and Ms. Li)


  We had a discussion on the details of the February 8th visit and exchanged our views of questionnaire item classification.

February 7th, 2012 Deciding on the Content of the Questionnaire Items (by Ms. Chang and Ms. Li)


  Because of the next day’s visit to the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative, I went back to the office, preparing the necessary material for the visit and taking care of insurance affair of the visit. I discussed with the questionnaire items that Cheng-hsue sent me with Ms. Li. After doing some corrections, I would hand out the Xeroxed copies to the members.


February 8th, 2012 A Site Visit (by Ms. Chang, Ms. Li Team Members, and Volunteers)


  We took Cyberfair project students to Neimen, paying a visit to the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative. Under the Cooperative’s director, Mr. Lin’s tour guidance, we had some ideas of the cultivation, cleaning and packing processes, and processes of export and imports. In the afternoon, he arranged a visit to Kaohsiung International Flower Market. Manager Chao there did a brief for us. Then we went to the site of the flower auction, which was really an eye-opener.


February 9th, 2012 Enforcing the Training Sessions (by Ms. Chang and Ms. Li)


  We made some improvements on the parts which deviated from the theme and could not integrate with the whole structure.

February 10th, 2012 Receiving the Notice (by Ms. Chang)


  We received a notice from Schoolnet Taiwan, knowing that the cyber space we applied had been granted. I immediately relayed this information to students in charge of webpage writing and Mr. Hsie.

February 11th, 2012 Collecting Information (by Ms. Li)


  The materials of distribution areas of flowers located by the students were a little bit too old. I called to tell Yu-cheng to update the information by consulting to the newest data from Agricultural Statistics Annual Report.

February 12th, 2012 Polishing the Drafts (Ms. Chang)


  I polished and complemented students’ insight manuscripts of the visit. I also asked the students who were in charge of the project elements to do some corrections to the deviated parts, capturing the key points.

February 15th, 2012 Brainstorming (by Ms. Chang and Ms. Li)


  We discussed the most suitable project title in the office. Opinions thoroughly exchanged, we decided on the new title “Anthuriums Sparkling, Green Marketing Worldwide Fame.”

February 15th, 2012 Completing the Questionnaire Investigation Items Draft (by Ms. Chang, Ms. Li, and Mr. Hsie)

  Taking advantage of club sessions in the afternoon, Mr. Hsie discussed with the webpage structure with Jiang-hsing. Ms. Li finalized the questionnaire wording. After word-by-word proofreading, we made copies, scheduling to distribute them to students.

February 17th, 2012 Dispatching Questionnaire Copies (by Ms. Chang and Ms. Li)

  In the noon training session, we hand out the copied made yesterday to students, asking them to dispatch them in two groups on the coming holiday. One group (including Chi-lin, Jiang-fu, and Cheng-hsue) was to go to Holiday Flower Market in Labor Recreation-and-education Park to do the investigation; the other one (including Guan-lin, Yu-cheng, Sung Yi, and Hau-hsuen) to the Flower Shop Street in Hsing-chung 1st Road.

February 20th, 2012 Questionnaire Investigation (by Ms. Chang)

  Yiou-jun emailed her interview contents to me. Knowing that she would go with other four members to the Labor Recreation-and-education Park, doing questionnaire investigation, I hoped they could complete the job smoothly.

February 21st, 2012 Cross-examining (by Ms. Chang, Mr. Hsie, and all the Members)

  We told the members to cross-examine one another’s finished assignments. If other members from the team couldn’t understand the contents, it was impossible for the competition judges to have any ideas.

February 23rd, 2012 Enforcing the Skills (by Mr. Hsie)

  I talked with Jiang-hsing about the brief page structure, form of the edition, and how to apply javascript in writing the main webpage.

February 24th, 2012 Communicating Different Views (by Ms. Chang)

  Jiang-hsing and Huei-min showed me the finished basic structure of the? brief webpage and basic titles and subtitles. Though the color shades were not bad, it did not meet the style of our research subject the Green Flower Marketing Cooperative. I suggested them that they should adopt more vital and everlasting color shades.

February 26th, 2012 improving the Assignments (by Ms. Chang and Ms. Li)

  Yia-hsuen sent me her finished questionnaire files; Sung-yi sent me her files on “Flowers and Zodiac Signs” and the Cooperative; Yiou-jun also emailed his compilation of the interview Q & As. No one was behind the schedule, making me really grateful.

February 27th, 2012 Changing the Name of the Project (by Ms. Chang and Ms. Li)

  To reflect the theme of flowers completely and clearly, we decided to further change the title of our project to “Anthuriums Sparkling, Green Marketing Booming.” The new title seemed to be more rhythmic and very easy to read.

March 1st, 2012 Recharging (by Ms. Chang)

  After consulting and listening to the experience sharing of Professor Wen jia-rong and other experts in this field, I benefitted a lot and knew more clearly about the next move.

March 2nd, 2012 Brainstorming (by Ms. Chang and Mr. Hsie)

  Taking advantage of the club sessions, I discussed with Mr. Hsie. We came to an agreement on the page form and configuration of the main webpage and sub-web pages.

February 15th, 2012 Discussion (by Ms. Chang, Ms. Li and Mr. Hsie)

  We talked about the form and configuration of the project front page and the basic structure of the project website. It was a rare occasion that we three instructors could meet together. Mr. Hsie exchanged ideas with Jiang-hsing, who was really good at composing web pages, which Ms. Li complemented a lot.

March 7th, 2012 Brainstorming (by Mr. Hsie)

  I exchanged ideas on javascript example program. Then we devised a left-column tree-structure button.

March 8th, 2012 Division of Labor (by All the Team Members)

  Guan-lin was asked to take charge of making pie charts with Excel; Chi-lin and Yu-cheng were to help with correcting color shades and erasing side frames. Working together not only manifested the team spirit but also eased the workload. From this we knew that cooperation was more than important.

March 9th, 2012 A 2nd Site Visit (by Ms. Chang and Mr. Hsie)

  Taking advantage of the Weekly Assembly Period, Mr. hsie drove five students of the team and I to Neimen, paying a visit again to Mr. Lin. Through him we had a whole picture about the business mode and business philosophy of the Cooperative. He delightfully shared with us much of his managing experience and philosophy. He also encouraged the students to learn English well. After the interview, he asked one of the employees to show the students how to clean the picked anthuriums. Then the students practiced doing the cleaning. A seemingly easy move proved difficult to them. After several trials, they gradually got the knack. Before our departure, he gave us three bunches of anthuriums. What a fruitful trip!

March 13th, 2012 Mr. Principal Pepping Us up (by Ms. Chang, Ms. Li, and Mr. Hsie)

  Mr. Principal showed up in the Computer Lab, pepping the students up. He also gave instruction to the team members, reminding them of some dos and don’ts of doing the project. Afterwards, we took some pictures as a witness of this important occasion. Mr. Hsie kept on webpage configuration and left-column button discussion with Jiang-hsing. Then, they established the web page joints, greatly complemented by all the others.

March 15th, 2012 Revolutionary Spirit (by All the Team Members)


  Seeing the deadline coming close, everyone in the team felt the pressure. Whenever free, the students took them to the Computer Lab, helping with word processing work. With everybody doing together, the progress was greatly sped up. But not for doing the Cyberfair project, team members who were not acquainted with one another couldn’t have cooperated with and learned from one another. This was really a valuable exchange among students from different departments.

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