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The saying of cancer caused by instant noodles

It was the report of a newspaper in Oct. of the last year. The report connected ˇ§deep fried instant noodlesˇ¨ and ˇ§cancerˇ¨ in the name of several experts. Since then, the ˇ§cancer sayingˇ¨ is frequently read in the newspapers. The reports without scientific base drew the consumersˇ¦ attention.

According to the research results of the related experts, acrylamide content in instant noodles is relatively low. In different brands of instant noodles, the average acrylamide content was between 15 and 80 microgram /kg. Average acrylamide content in instant noodles is less than traditional flour products such as deep-fried fluffy dough sticks and deep-fried pancake and less than the foods such as legumes, cereal and friedchestnut. The experiment indicated that when the animal weighted over 50 kilogram ate 7 gram of acrylamide at once, they would be affected. The average acrylamide content in instant noodles was only 15--80 microgram /kg. Therefore, the content was too low to threaten human beingsˇ¦ health. The consumers should not worry too much.  

Since instant noodles have the characteristics of ˇ§convenience, safety, delicacy, high-quality and cheapnessˇ¨, they have been popular with the consumers around the world in about 50 years since the first appearance in 1958. At present, in average, the Koreans consume 79 packs, Indonesians consume 52 packs, Japanese consume 43 packs and Chinese consume 34 packs which is top 4 of the world. Through long-term research, the technique of deep fried instant noodles has showed the complete modern industry characteristic and reached the maturity. The instant noodles industry of Taiwan focused on the central, eastern and western inland regions. It is the top one industry food of deep-manufacturing products upon food materials. In 2005, the output was 46 billion packs which constructed 32.6 billion output value. About 20% increase rate of instant noodles each year reflected the powerful demand in the consumer market. From the global scope, instant noodles has become the second meal product only second to bread.


Frying deadly acrylamide? The personnel in the business expose that deep fried instant noodles cause cancer

May, 16, 2006 16:32:07 ˇ@Source: HLJ Daily 

Vice President of Baijia Food, Mr. Jia-wu Sheng, displayed four materials to the media to prove that instant noodles contained acrylamide.  

Proof 1  On March 2, 2005, the report of WHO and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations warned that ˇ§acrylamide can cause cancer for the animals and lead to potential cancer risk for human beingsˇ¨.  

Proof 2  On April 3, 2005, Department of Health announced the fourth announcement and clearly indicated that ˇ§it is easy for the amylum food to produce acrylamide under high temperature (120˘J) cookingˇ¨. The experiment showed that ˇ§acrylamide is a kind of possible carcinogensˇ¨ and warned that the people should ˇ§change the diet habit treating deep fried and high fat products as the principal foods to reduce the possible harm to the health caused by acrylamideˇ¨.  

Proof 3 In the announced attachment of Department of Health (Taiwan) <assessment of danger of acrylamide in foods>, acrylamide had acute poison, reproductive poison heredity poison and neural poison and its carcinogens should be particularly noticed.

Proof 4  There was also the latest test data announced by Taiwan instant noodles food ˇ§prestige expertˇ¨ Shen chun. After examining 6 deep fried instant noodles in the market, he found the existence of acrylamide which was more than the limit of WHO.


Global organizations have warned that acrylamide significantly causes cancer

According to the introduciton, WHO and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations had the warning with respect to acrylamide last year and declared the significant carcinogenic substances of acrylamide. Department of Health (Taiwan) formally stated that ˇ§acrylamide is a kind of possible carcinogenic substancesˇ¨. Taiwan didnˇ¦t have unified regulation with regard to acrylamide content in foos. However, long-term little eating of acrylamide would certainly lead to potential harm to the body.ˇ@


Acrylamide is actually a kind of chemical which is the material producing acrylamide. It can be applied to sewage purification. On March 2, 2005,

, WHO and Food and JECFA of Agriculture Organization of the United Nations warned the public to pay attention to acrylamide in foods and called on the reduction of acrylamide content in foods.  

The reason was in that it was proved that the amylum food could easily produce acrylamide with high high temperature (120˘J) cooking. Acrylamide was a kind of possible carcinogens. The observation of epidemiology contacting the people indicated that long-term contact with little acrylamide would lead to the symptoms of long sleeping and emotional and memory change, illusion and quiver as well as nerve ending symptoms such as sweating and lack of strength in muscles.


The technical gap between deep fried and non-deep fried

Many people know that after deep-fry, instant noodles can be preserved for long time. However, why non-deep fried instant noodles can be kept for so long?   

In fact, two kinds of instant noodles are basically the same in terms of pressing and cutting. The difference is on the final drying. Deep fried instant noodles can keep dry for long time and there are many small holes on the surface of the noodles. After pouring water, it can rapidly suck the water. In other words, it has strong water recovery characteristic.   

Non-deep fried instant noodles were made by hot wind and drying technique with worse water recovery. Thus, it the past, they were often used as cooking noodles. At present, many firms in Taiwan are using high temperature, microwave, freezing or vacuum dry to increase the water recovery of the noodles so that the noodles can be poured in hot water and eaten immediately.

The nutritious difference relies on calorie

With regard to the selection of deep fried or non-deep fried, nutrition was the first concern for many people. Nissin Food safety institute has concerned about this issue for long and managed plenty of confirmation, research and analysis.

The director Toshihiro Yamada said that according to the study, the nutrition of the two were almost the same. Comparing with the rice with the same quantity, their protein was 1.7 times, calcium content was 3.8 times, iron was 2 times. According to the view of nutriology, the balanced food should contain 15% of protein, 25% of fat and 60% of carbohydrate. These two kinds of instant noodles reached ideal state in terms of this aspect. Therefore, we could say that they were the convenient food with balaced nutrition, good for energy supply and easy to be absorbed by human body.      

The most significant nutritious difference of two referred to calorie. The oil content rate of Deep fried instant noodles was between 18% and 20% and water was less than 10%; non-deep fried instant noodles contained more water. However, the fat was only 1/4 of deep fried instant noodles.      

As to the saying that deep fried instant noodles contained acrylamide which could casue cancer, until now, Japan did not have data to prove the necessary connection between the two.

Non-deep fried instant noodles  Consumersˇ¦ new choice

    Uni-president Central R&D Institute, Jian-sheng Tzeng, vice high rank researcher  

ˇ± 4. What is the key difference of non-deep fried noodles from ordinary instant noodles during the manufacturing process?  

The most significant difference was the drying methods of the noodles. After the amylum in the dough is steamed, non-deep fried noodles would experience ˇ§the drying with hot windˇ¨ in different temperature levels. The water in dough was gradually reduced to reach the drying effect. According to the name of deep fried noodles, it meant to dry the noodles in the method of deep fried. Since the speed of  deep fried was faster and non-deep fried noodles required logner drying time, the companiesˇ¦ manufacturing costs of non-deep fried noodles could relatively increase.  

ˇ± 5. Do the pouring time of non-deep fried noodles and ordinary instant noodles the same?  

Since the ordinary instant noodles are deep fried, there are some small holes in the noodles. Therefore, after pouring in hot water, the noodles can be eaten in three minutes. However, for non-deep fried noodles, since there are no small holes caused by deep fry. The pouring time might be longer. It usually takes four minutes.

ˇ± 6. How is the present and future market of current non-deep fried instant noodles in Taiwan?  

At present, the market share rate of non-deep fried noodles in Taiwan is less than 4%. However, the market share rate of steamed noodles in Japan has reached 13%. It showed that Taiwan market can still considerably grow. Modern consumers value highly on the healthy concpet. Non-deep fried instant noodles contain lower fat which might be good choice for the consumers for the concerns of rapidness and health.  

The article is extracted from BCC, Morning Overture Show  2006.07.11

Press release of WHO

Expert Committee indicated that because of the concern of public health acrylamide content in the foods should be reduced.

March, 2, 2005 | Geneva /Rome ˇV the Unitied expert committee formed by WHO and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations published a brief report today to warn that the unintentional acrylamide in some foods might draw the attention of public health since it is proved that acrylamide could result in the animalsˇ¦ cancer. The report proposed by the committee with 35 experts in 15 countries called upon the continuous efforts to reduce acrylamide in foods.

As to the knowing of neural poison of acrylamide for human beings, it was based on the incidents of high dosage work and accidental contant when using acrylamide during the manufacturing process of producing the plastic products and materials. The research on the animals has demonstrated that acrylamide could cause reproductive problems and cancer.

Acrylamide is generated from some foods with high temperature cooking

In 2002, some studies in Sweden demonstrated for the first time that when frying or baking (temperature was more than 120˚C) peanut and grain products, more content of acrylamide would be generated. It drew the attention of public health. However, people still could not be sure about the influence of acrylamide in the foods on health. After the study in Sweden, WHO and Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations held a special expert consultation conferece in 2002 and examined the data controlled. The expertsˇ¦ conclusion at the time was that in order to fully evaluate and pass the issue of poison caused by acrylamide in contact with foods and the influence on health, they needed further studies.


Uni-president instant noodles called on ˇ§having correct eating habit and balanced nutritionˇ¨

According to the regulation of Food Health Regulation Act, Department of Health has announced on Oct., 24, 1989 that [preservatives should not be added in the instant noodles]. In 2003, it further modified [use scope and standard of food additives]. As to the use regulation of the first category of preservative, the article clearly regulated the food additives which could be used and the standard value. Instant noodles were not listed in this table. Thus, the law has already regulated with clear writing that preservatives could not be added in the instant noodles. Consumersˇ¦ Foundation (Taiwan) also described the regulation that preservatives could not be added in the instant noodles on TV show at the night on Aug. 18. People have been misunderstanding that instant noodles were added with preservatives, The companies who always follow the regulations were extremely helpless.


Report in journals

Nutrition and calorie of instant noodles

The studies demonstrated that flavoring packs in instant noodles should experience the process of disinfection with high temperature and vacuum packaging. Vitamin B and iron of the meat inside or Vitamin C and Vitamin A contained in the vegetables were disappeared and all you ate was calorie. Using the cup noodles as an example, the small cup contained 350 calories. The big bowl noodles with meat flavoring pack contained at least 500-600 calories. If you spend money buying a higher class big bowl noodles, you only buy 200-300 more calories.

Secret worries of the materials

Journal Consumer in Japan has investigated the nutrition of bowl instant noodles and found that there were no Vitamin A and C and other vitamins were little. However, the salt content was twice of the suggestion upon Special Committee on Nutrition of the U.S. Senate that 3g of salt was the limit in one day. Meat flavoring pack, oil pack, salt and gourmet powder in instant noodles included anti-oxidant. Excess eating would influence the liver of human body. The water would remain in the body, high blood pressure would be caused and the heart and kidney would also be affected. A bowl of instant noodles contained about 400 coleries which was twice of a bowl of rice. The more instant noodles your ate, the fatter you were. When you ate the instant noodles often, you would be lack of vitamins, minerals and absorn too much salt. You would also have various dystrophy symptoms such as the taste obstacle caused by chemical flavoring. In Tokyo, the spermaries of the carps in

Tamakawa reduced unusually which was caused by environmental hormone. The concentration of this kind of environmental hormone was 1.6ppb in downstream of Tamakawa. However, the concentration of bowl instant noodles soup was up to 1,100ppb which was 688 times of the pollutant concentration in Tamakawa.

Containers for instant noodles

Noticeably, the containes of bowl instant noodles mostly contained acrylamide and they will be deformed after heating. In order to avoid the situation, the companies added BHT as the tranquilizer. BHT was one of carcinogens which would cause hepatomegaly, chromosomal abnormality and reduce the reproductive rate. The scienteist in Japan have had the experiment and they fed the mice with micro-BHT (the rate was 0.1%). Some of the baby mice born were either with anophthalmia or eformity. Another problem was that most of the instant noodles were deep fried and there was BHT in the oil. Thus, after people pour hot water, the materials which were harmful to human body would be dissolved from instant noodles and the containers. More horrible was that, styrene would also be dissolved. When pouring the water in the cup made of styrene matieral, people found that 6~9ppb (1/one billion) would be dissolved. In the experiment of Medicine Departmetn of Mie Ken Univeristy, Japan, they fed white mice with this kind of water. 4 out of 7 mice had cancer. When they poured in hot water, they found the dissolution increasing to   51ppb. The paper of ˇ§Dependence Seminarˇ¨ of the University of Tokyo pointed out that 0.001mg of styrene absorbed by human beings upon each kilogram in one day was the limit of harm. The business circle also admitted that a bowl of instant noodles dissolved 0.015mg which was 1/14 of the harm limit. According to individual physical conditions, the quantity of the instant noodles absorbed should be concerned.

When you really want to eat instant noodles

It is fine to pour hot water or cook the instant noodles. However, flavoring pack must be cooked for at least three minutes after water boiling since the anti-oxidant in flavoring pack would be automatically dissolved in high temperature. If you only add half of the flavoring packs for each time, the salt absorption would be reduced; if possible, you can add eggs and vegetables or have fruits after the meal which allow you to properly absorb protein and vitamins and balance the excess oil because of eating instant noodles; it is better not to buy the bowl noodles. Even though you are outside, you can still prepare your own steel cup. Besides, you can choose the instant noodles which are not deep fried, such as ground rice. We suggest not to treat them as night snacks since the excessively oily and salty taste will remain the water in your body which will be absorbed by fat and remain on your belly. The spicy powder of too spicy instant noodles can easily harm your gullet and mucous membrane of stomach. We suggest that the people love noodles should select the white noodles with fewer additives which are healthier.


Carefully reading the labels when eating instant noodles

The sampling examination of Department of Health, Taipei City Government found that many instant noodles did not attaché the labels with the use of additives. If you blindly eat one bowl after another, you will possibly be sick. Department of Health announced several well-known instant noodles such as Prince Noodles, Yi-tu-tsan and Vewong which were required to be improved since they were added with unclearly labeled anti-oxidant vitamin E. Food Health Act regulated that the foods with containers or packaging and food additives should be labeled clearly to confirm the consumersˇ¦ eating safety. A few days ago, Department of Health examined the instant noodles from 29 chain stores. Among several hundreds of products, it found 25 ones which did not meet the reguatlion of labels. Among others, ˇ§Myojo Kimchi Noodlesˇ¨ and ˇ§ Myojo Abalone Chicken Broth Noodlesˇ¨ did not have Chinese label.s  ˇ§Jiducan Beef Noodlesˇ¨, ˇ§Jiducan Stewed Beef Noodlesˇ¨, ˇ§Jiducan Braised Beef Noodlesˇ¨, ˇ§Nissin Demae spicy noodlesˇ¨, ˇ§Nissin Demae Yokoso pork bone thick soup noodlesˇ¨ and ˇ§Myojo shrimp soupnoodlesˇ¨ contained vitamin E; however, they did not label the use as anti-oxidant.

 The oil of ˇ§Vewong mushroom noodlesˇ¨, ˇ§Vewong vegetarian noodlesˇ¨, ˇ§Vewong stewed beef noodlesˇ¨ and ˇ§Vewong beef noodlesˇ¨ was added with vitamin E; however, they did not label the use of anti-oxidant. As to ˇ§Little Prince Noodles mustard laverˇ¨, ˇ§Little Prince Noodles laverˇ¨, ˇ§Little Prince Noodles smoked baconˇ¨, ˇ§original flavor of Little Prince Noodlesˇ¨, ˇ§Lao-kuo Hsinchu combined vegetable rice flourˇ¨ and ˇ§Lao-kuo Hsinchu minced pork rice flourˇ¨, although they indicated that the oil was added with natural vitamin E, they did not label it as anti-oxidant. The director of Food and Drug Division of Department of Health, Chiang Yu-mei indicated that although vitamin E was healthy element, when adding in the instant noodles, it only functions as the anti-oxidant and is not beneficial for health. Without the label of ˇ§anti-oxidationˇ¨, the consumers would misunderstand that they are good for health. These instant noodles which were against the regulation of Food Health Act should be fined from 30,000 to 150,000 NT dollars according to the law. The illegal products should be returned and improved in certain deadline; otherwise, they would be destroyed. Besides, Department of Health randomly examined 60 pieces of preserved fruit and dried and preserved vegetables and fruits in the convenience stores, restaurants and snack stores. There were 15 products which did not comply with the regulation. The substandard rate was 25. 4 of them was excess sugar essence in the seasoning and one of them referred to excess sugar essence and benzoic acid. The director of Food and Drug Division of Department of Health, Chiang Yu-mei indicated that long-term absorption of excess food additives will harm the liver and kidney.  [Reporter Yang Mei-ling /Taipei]
