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Exclusive Interview: the Foundation Layer, Dr. Dunstan Chen, CEO, Sino Geotechnology, Inc
Interviewee: Dr. Dunstan Chen, CEO, Sino Geotechnology, Inc
Interviewer:” Fantastic 9”
Time: 1pm , Nov. 18, 2005

We would like to know the role your company played during the construction of TAIPEI 101.Was there any help from foreign institutions?
Sino Geotechnology's job was all about foundations, as the role of screws in a machine. The construction of TAIPEI 101 was mainly responsible by domestic companies and teams. However, on some specific areas such as wind tunnel testing, high speed elevators, mass dampers, etc. And yes, there was assistance from international professional personnel.

When Sino Geotechnology was investigating the geologic properties of the construction site, was there any special instrument used? How many people and how much time were used?
TAIPEI 101 was a BOT project. The foundation part of the project took roughly two years, from August of 1997 to September of 2000. Only 4-5 staffs from our company really involved during this period, mainly in project consulting.

Many geologist had worried about the presence of quake faults underneath the project site. How does Sino Geotechnology prove the foundation is safe?
There was a fault discovered approximately 200 meters near the project site, but with examinations with the soil, rocks, fossils, and carbon analysis of the date, we found that there has been no activity for forty thousand years. The Taipei fault has not had any activities for around 100 years. The foundations of TAIPEI 101 consist of 380 pilings into the rock layer, and with professional design the wind and quake resistance constants are well over the standard requirements. During a quake it should be quite safe inside TAIPEI 101.

How deep underneath is the foundation? Just down to the rock layer? TAIPEI 101 has 5 subterranean levels. What is the deepest building in the world? Does TAIPEI 101 have the deepest foundation in Taiwan ?
Approximately 23 to 24 meters deep, but not yet to the rock layer. We only have the foundation pilings into the rock layer. TAIPEI 101 does not have the deepest foundation in Taiwan . The deepest in Taiwan is more than 30 meters.

Can you compare the difference between TAIPEI 101 and Kaohsiung 85 building?

Koahsiung geology is mainly a plain made of river sediments. Taiwan basin was formerly a lake. There is a lot of sand in Kaohsiung while Taipei has a lot of mud. With different geological properties we use different methods for the foundations. With TAIPEI 101, file foundation was adopted, while for Kaohsiung 85, the engineers used the high drag coefficient property of the sand and adopted mat foundation with many square boxes. The foundation was very solid and there was no need to put piles into the rock layer.

Both TAIPEI 101 and Taipei MRT were your projects. TAIPEI 101 is three dimensional, while MRT is two dimensional. My question is that is it the flatter the more stable, or deeper the more stable? What is the difference in thinking?
Regardless being flat or being deep, the foundation engineering needs to be done well. The MRT may appear to be flat, but it is actually 3 dimensional, and its subterranean engineering needed good foundations. That is how we think regarding the projects.

Is it necessary to have a geological survey for every building? What kind of after affect is there if one was not conducted? Has there been any example from failing to do the survey?
Every important building project needs a geological survey, otherwise slanting or destruction may occur. The original Taipei Sea World was a good example.

During the research of the environment around the site, was there any instrument installed for long-term monitoring?
Yes, we have installed quake-monitors, and stress-monitors on the beams and columns. Others include underground water, winds, and weather instruments.

In the case of the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa, is it the result of bad geology, and no geological research was well conducted at that time?
The Leaning Tower of Pisa was constructed in 1174, approximately 900 years ago. Its foundation is round, and the part sank deepest is about 3 meters. The construction took about 200 years, with 3 phases. During the first phase of construction the slanting was discovered, and later attempts to correct were made, but the slanting did not stop. There was not enough research done to discover the site was on top of 40 meters of soft clay, and the foundation was just rocks and glues. It was only natural that the tower is leaning on its side.

How many employees does Sino Geotechnology have? Seems everyone working there are very highly educated. What kind the criteria do they have to meet?
Sino Geotechnology's main job is consulting, so our qualification requirements for employees are higher, preferring ones with graduate degrees. Other necessary values are professionalism, enthusiasm, practicality, and dedication.

How much income did the geology research generate for your company? Was TAIPEI 101 the most important project since you entered this field? Which project do you have the strongest impression on?
Actually not very much in income, but we learned a lot of experience. Because we acted mainly as project consultants, considering five persons working for two years, their salaries in total was not over 312,500 USD, roughly 2 to 3% of the total cost of the foundation.

I have been in this field for 40 years, and participated in projects all over Asia, Europe, and America . There was some fairy interesting experience, for example, a major port project in Latin American during the 1970s, we needed to come up with the answers within 2 weeks, and we pulled it off. Also some underground project in Saudi Arabia, or the Raffles City project in Singapore lead by the famous architect I. M. Pei, I had the honor to participated. Although TAIPEI 101 was not the most challenging, but it was the most worthy for us to be proud.