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Exclusive Interview: Diana Chen, Chairwoman, Taipei 101
Interviewee: Ms. Diana Chen, Chairwoman, Taipei 101
Interviewer: “Fantastic 9”
Time: 10:30am , Nov. 20, 2005

Why do you want to the chairperson for TAIPEI 101? Are you confident with this assignment?
Because it is very interesting and challenging to be the chairperson of the enterprise, which administrate the business of the tallest building in the world.

We heard that you had been the chairperson on many occasions. What is different to be the chairperson of TAIPEI 101?
TAIPEI 101 is the world's tallest building. Being its chairperson is a great honor, as well as a great responsibility.

What is the most difficult job in promoting TAIPEI 101?

There is nothing really difficult. Promoting TAIPEI 101 is very interesting, such as inviting famous brands to open its shop in the TAIPEI 101 Mall, or appealing to globally known enterprises to station their offices in this building.

You frequently visit overseas to promote TAIPEI 101. How many countries have you been to in doing so?
Many of them. Mainly to the US and Europe, to let everyone know about the great things about TAIPEI 101, and its world-class office facilities, in the hope of attracting big enterprises to become our resident.

TAIPEI 101 has beautiful lights during the nights. How much is it per hour if all the lights were turned on?
I do not know how much for one hour, because it is difficult to calculate. Because the electricity is expensive here, we try to present a different look for the building every night. We also have special lightings for holidays and special occasions.

What do you think is the difference between TAIPEI 101 and other skyscrapers around the world?

TAIPEI 101 has a unique appearance: more oriental, and it is a symbol of the orient. We may as well say that Taipei 101 itself is a combination where east meets west. It is a bridge to the highest technology, and a window to the great cultural and architectural assets. This extraordinary and unique architecture brings the world to Taipei and Taipei to the world. Besides, we have the world's fastest elevators, best fire-fighting facilities, and obstacle-free communication environment. Even down unto B5, the cell phone system is still working.

TAIPEI 101 is so huge! How often does it take a bath, to keep its outside clean? Do you have an auto system for cleaning?
TAIPEI 101 has its own automatic cleaning equipment, and also relies on scheduled cleaning by the professional cleaning staff. The walls inside are very white and difficult to clean. Nevertheless, we try our best to make everything inside and outside look immaculate.

You are one of the celebrities here in Taiwan . Do you often hang around the Taipei 101 Mall for shopping?
I do spend some time in the Taipei 101 Mall. However, it is a pity that I do it for my job, not for shopping.

Many entrepreneurs are men, and most of them are elder gentlemen. On the other hand, you are young and pretty. How can you win people's trust in business?
It is not uncommon that in many corporations, women are sometimes deemed inferior to men. Thus being a female leader, you need to have an excellent and professional performance in order to win others' heart. I have confidence that you will do better in the future.