Up with People 學生對Luke Lin的感言




    Up with People (UWP) J. Blanton Belk1965年成立,是一個極富國際化與教育意義的非營利組織團體,多年以來,來自超過102個國家,與超過21,000名青年男女,一同旅行180幾個國家,估計全世界各地約有50萬寄宿家庭,在旅途中傳遞希望與友善的訊息,UWP希望透過世界各地的人們,藉由服務他人來追求自己的全球教育和個人成長。

  Mark Whitaker Matthew Erley Leslie Kleiman Drew Fisher Thompson
  Joris Van Doorslayer Nozomi Yamazaki Marjo YK Maxmilian Roma
  Cæcilie Lützau Annicka Lundin Sarah Rychlik Paco Garcia Bellego
  Pieter Gyssels      

  Mark Whitaker,英國

    In 2010, I brought 100 students from 20 different countries to Taiwan through an organisation called Up with People, an international education and leadership program for young adults who seek to change the world.
    I was first introduced to Luke in 2010. through a mutual friend who said he might be able to help with our project. Luke was one of the first people in Taiwan to recognise the value of the project as we planned to have a huge impact on the lives of the local students. Luke arranged for our international students to be hosted with over 60 families in the community and to visit more than 10 schools throughout our two-week stay. Doing this without him would've been impossible.
    We revisited Taiwan again in 2012 with a new group of international students. Luke again led the project, which was bigger and better than anything we had achieved in 2010 - we went to schools throughout Changhua County and struggle to meet the demand - principals, students and parents all wanted us to visit them!
    Luke stays in touch with everyone from Up with People through his organisation, My Culture Connect. All our students enjoy keeping up with his Cien News broadcasts and regularly volunteer through Skype sessions in classrooms.Working with Luke was not only a pleasure, but a learning experience. He taught me more about leadership, selflessness and volunteering than anyone else. (Mark Whitaker, the U.K.)


    2010年,透過一個叫做Up with People的組織,我帶領了來自20個國家共100位學生來到台灣。Up with People是一個國際教育與領袖訓練組織,是為了想要改變世界的年輕人所設立的。
Luke透過他創立的人師教育協會持續與Up with People的每位成員聯絡,而我們全部的學生都很喜歡觀看彰化英語新聞,並且擔任課堂上視訊教學的志工。與Luke工作不僅是一種樂趣,還是一種學習的經驗。他教導我關於領導、無私及志工服務的精神勝過任何其他人。



  Matthew Erley, 美國

    I first met Luke while working for an international non-profit operating in Taiwan. His willingness to help our organization surprised me because we hadn’t met someone so trusting and eager to make introductions and connections in the community. I learned that he had dedicated himself to helping others, through full-time volunteer work, and to always putting others first. I had the pleasure of working with Luke to help launch his English education, My Culture Connect. I learned just how powerful it could be to connect students from around the world to exchange languages and culture. Organizations such as Luke’s are helping the world come together as one global village! (Matthew Erley, the U.S.A.)


   我很開心與Luke工作,協助拓展他創辦的英語教育-My Culture Connect(人師教育協會在國外的名稱),而我也學習到,連結全世界的學生做語言及文化上的交流,是多麼有影響力的事情。Luke創辦的組織讓世界可以結合在一起,如同一個地球村。



  Leslie Kleiman, 美國

    I met Luke Lin through his support of the global education company I work for, Up with People. Luke has helped our international cast of 100 volunteers from 20 different countries experience Taiwan, its culture, and the people for the past two visits.  I had the opportunity to live in a monastery with three other students of ours while we were in Erlin.  Luke had set up this whole week for us; contacting the monastery, organizing our transportation, giving us educational classes in the evening, and helping provide our food.  He also helped facilitate many things for our cast throughout the visit that enabled us to meet Taiwanese youth, impact and be impacted by them, and expand our knowledge of each other’s countries. I have seen that Luke is a very humble and giving man, that puts his needs aside for the sake of education and leadership.  He showed me the value of hard work, humility, and patience. I am forever impacted by my experience in Taiwan and working with Luke. He truly is an inspiration and the idea of a community leader.  I'm grateful to know him and call him a friend. (Leslie Kleiman, the USA)


    我認識Luke是因為他很支持我任職的公司Up with People,這是一個國際教育組織。Luke在過去兩次我們的參訪時,幫助二十個不同國家來的一百名國際志工體驗台灣與台灣文化,並且認識台灣的人民。當我們在二林時,我有機會和其他三位學生一起住在一個佛寺裡,Luke在一整個禮拜當中幫我們安排好一切:聯繫佛寺、安排交通工具、晚上幫我們上課、並提供我們飲食。



  Drew Fisher Thompson, 美國

    After visiting Taipei with an international NGO (Up with People), I met Luke Lin and discovered his inspirational vigor to volunteer and give back to the communities in which he worked. It's been a true pleasure getting involved in his English education programs while still being home in the United States. Our online exchanges (via skype) provide learning experiences on both sides of the computer and demonstrate the effectiveness of Luke's passion to reach out to the global community. (Drew Fisher Thompson, the U.S.A.)


    與非政府組織Up with People一起參訪台灣之後,我遇到了Luke,並對於擔任志工與回饋社區的活力非常有具有啟發性。當我在美國家中,可以參與他的英語教育計畫是一種樂趣。我們視訊教學提供了在電腦前的雙方學習的經驗,同時也展現Luke與國際接軌的熱情之效應。



  Joris Van Doorslayer, 比利時

    As education manager in Up with People, I’m responsible for setting up community service projects in every city we visit on our world tour. A second component of my job is the educational curriculum we provide to our 100 international participants.
    In 2012 I got the chance to work with Luke Lin on several service projects around the area of Erlin in Taiwan. It is key for Up with People to have a contact like Luke in a community like Erlin, since Luke could be the bridge between our international participants and the community. In a rural area like Erlin, there were big hesitations towards an international organization as Up with People because they had not been in much contact yet with people from different countries. Our participants stay in host families. Many families that we found came through Luke since community members had the trust in him because of his strong local connections. This same trust is what was essential in setting up the many different school projects we did in Erlin. Luke has a great global understanding and I find the work he does inspiring. (Joris Van Doorslayer, Belgium)


    作為Up with People的教育經理,在我們的世界巡迴旅行中,我負責安排所到城市的社區服務計畫,而我工作的第二個內容是提供我100位國際學生的教育課程。
2012時,我有這個機會與Luke在台灣二林地區做一些社區服務性的活動,在二林這個社區有Luke這樣的聯絡人,對Up with People是很重要的,因為Luke是我們組織與社區的橋樑。二林這一個農業地區,對於參與像Up with People這樣的國際組織活動有諸多疑慮,因為他們不曾與不同國家的人有所接觸。我們的成員們住在寄宿家庭裡,許多的寄宿家庭是透過Luke介紹而找到的,因為社區居民很信任他,正是因為他有深厚的在地關係。而這份的信任感也是我們在二林地區到不同學校做活動的基礎。Luke的世界觀很強,而我也發現他所做的工作是很激勵人心的。



  Nozomi Yamazaki, 日本

    I got to know Luke when we as Up with People visited Taiwan. Our activities which are volunteer work, shows, home staying, workshops, and so on need lots of helps. Luke was one of the persons who helped us coordinate our travel. He made a special allocation that we could have a chance to stay in a temple to experience Taiwanese culture. He worked hard translating Chinese into English and sharing cultures. It was a great experience for me to know the unique side of Taiwan. I appreciate him giving me a new idea of living. (Nozomi Yamazaki, Japan)


    當我們Up with People參訪臺灣時,我認識了Luke,我們的活動是義工服務、表演、寄宿、工作坊等等,這些都需要很多的協助。Luke是幫助協調我們旅行的其中一個人。他特別分配我們到佛寺居住,讓我們有機會體驗臺灣文化。他相當努力將中文翻成英文,並且分享文化經驗。讓我能夠了解臺灣獨特的一面,這是很棒的經驗。我很感激他給我新的生活觀念。



  Marjo YK 芬蘭

    I met Luke Lin while travelling with an organization called Up with People. He helped us out in many ways. Some of our group got to stay with the Nuns, that was all thanks to Luke. I think working with Luke is very easy, and he is a huge inspiration for everyone around him. (Marjo YK, Finland)


    當我與一個叫做Up with People的組織旅行時,我認識了Luke。他在許多方面協助我們,我們的團隊有一些人與尼師住一段時間,這都要感謝Luke的協助。我想和Luke一起工作非常容易,而且他對周遭的人有很大的啟發。



  Maxmilian Roma, 德國

    My name is Maximilian Römer. I am 21 years old, originally from Germany, and currently studying International Relations at Leiden University in the Hague, the Netherlands. Before I started studying in Leiden, I travelled with an organisation that offers an international educational-, cultural leadership-, and community service programme, while travelling around many countries with other students from all over the world. Due to my travelling, I met Luke in Taiwan who put a great effort into working together with Up with people in order to change and improve the community, not only in Erlin, but hopefully all over the country. Without him our group would most likely not have been able to come to Erlin. I was impressed by his personality, attitude, and effort he made to help his community. But as much as was impressed by Luke, I was even more amazed by his intelligent and efficient idea to bring education to young students with cheap and easily accessible technology.
    When the United Nations general secretary Ban Ki-moon addressed his freedom lecture to us students earlier this year, he emphasized that it is of crucial importance to “go global“ and “connect with the world“. Luke’s idea is a perfect example of a way to achieve this goal for young Taiwanese students of being connected and being educated in a globalized world. I believe it is the idea of a great entrepreneur and warm-hearted individual caring about his environment. I wish Luke all the best for the future and hope his idea will even have greater success in the next years. (Maxmilian Roma, Germany)


    我的名字是Maximilian Römer,我21歲,來自於德國,現在就讀於荷蘭海牙的萊登大學國際關係學系。我就讀萊登大學以前,與來自世界各地的的學生,跟一個提供國際教育、文化領導、以及社區服務計畫的組織旅行。由於旅行,我在臺灣遇見了Luke,他非常用心與Up with People合作,致力改變與提昇社區的水平,不只是在二林,甚至希望是全國各地。如果沒有他,我們的團隊幾乎不能夠到二林。我對他的人格、態度、以及他為幫助社區所做的努力留下深刻的印象,然而更令我驚訝的是他那聰明和有效率的點子,他用便宜及方便可得的科技來教育年輕學生。
    今年年初,當聯合國秘書長潘基文為我們的學生發表獨立自主的演講時,他強調: 「全球化」以及「與世界接軌」是的極為重要的。
Luke的觀念是達成這個目標的完美典範,他讓年輕的臺灣學生在一個全球化的世界與國際連結與受教育。我相信這是一個偉大企業家,以及具備古道心腸的人因為關心他周遭的環境所產生的想法。我祝福 希望Luke未來一切順利,也至希望將來他的構想能更為成功。



  Cæcilie Lützau, 丹麥

    In 2010 I traveled with the non-profit organisation, Up with People, which brings the world together through service and music. During that time I spent a month in beautiful Taiwan. I stayed about 10 days in an amazing Buddhist monastery together with some cast mates from Up with People. We were welcomed by Luke Lin, who during our stay was our guide, host family, teacher and friend. I must say, Luke is possibly one of the friendliest persons I’ve ever met. He will help anyone in anyway possible and he’s a big inspiration to me. I’ve learnt a lot from my stay thanks to Luke. I learnt how to see everything from a greater perspective. I learnt how to relax during a stressful period, and I learnt what an amazing outcome it might have just to listen instead of talk. He is passionate about helping others and he acknowledges people as they are. He is caring and has a drive to meet people and accept them. He is a visionary and a truly great and incredible person. (Cæcilie Lützau, Denmark)


    在2010年我和非營利組織Up with People旅行,這個協會透過服務和音樂與世界連結。那次我在美麗的臺灣待人了一個月的時間。我和一些Up with People的團員,在一個很棒的佛寺停留大約10天。我們受Luke的熱情招待,他在我們停留的時間是我們的嚮導、寄宿家庭、老師和朋友。我必須說: Luke可能是我遇見的人中最友善的。他盡可能幫助每一個人,而且,他給我很大的啟發。由於Luke,在我停留的這段期間我學到很多東西。我學到如何用更為寬廣的角度來看每一件事。我學習到如何在緊張的時刻放鬆,我還學到光是聆聽別人,不用跟他們說話也能得到令人訝異的結果。他熱情的幫助其他人,並且他接受與認同每個人的差異。他很關心別人,有著認識與接納別人的動機。他是一個有遠見卓識的人,也是非常偉大、很棒的一個人。



  Annicka Lundin, 瑞典

    I came to know Luke by autumn in 2010, when I visited Taiwan with the global education program Up with People. Luke was our teacher and mentor when a few of us from Up with People were staying in a monastery in Pitou. He also became a dear friend to me and the others.

    Luke explained the traditions and regulations in the temple and became, as mentioned, both a mentor and a friend of mine. Never have I met someone as Luke. Such a humble man, with the biggest heart. He is indeed a good teacher, who is organized, patient and flexible. He is also, and maybe more importantly, a great listener, inspirer and instructor.

    I will never forget the class when Luke explained to us, the four noble truths of Buddhism. We sat in the little classroom outside the temple and it was a warm night. The buzzing fans in the ceiling made us tired and the warm milk tea we drank wasn’t enough to keep us going. Despite the circumstances Luke were patient and continued. He judged no one. (Annicka Lundin, Sweden)


    我在2010年秋天時認識Luke,當時我隨著全球教育團體Up with People參訪台灣。當我們一些Up with People的團員待在埤頭的一間寺院時,Luke是我們的良師,同時,他也成為我和其他人的好朋友。Luke解釋寺院的傳統與規矩,然後成為如同我剛提過的,是我的良師益友。我從未遇過像Luke這樣的人,如此謙虛又慈悲。他確實是一位好老師,他有條理、耐心並且具備善巧方便。或許更重要的是,他也是一位好聽眾、啟發者和指導者。



  Sarah Rychlik, 美國

    I came to know Luke Lin through traveling with Up with People.  Because of his efforts I was able to stay in a monastery and get a first hand experience of Taiwanese culture and life.  Luke took time to educate myself and others about religion, language, and culture, which without him I'm sure I would have not had the amazing connection and experience I did in Taiwan!  He offered many opportunities to meet people in the community and for cross cultural education to take place.  When you have the opportunity to learn from others first hand, it is invaluable.  I learned so much from Luke and how he created those opportunities to get to know people and to ask questions and to experience things first hand.  I have grown to be a different person over the years and a lot of it I can attribute to meeting Luke and the opportunities he provided for myself, my colleagues, and his friends, family and students. (Sarah Rychlik, the U.S.A.)


    我跟隨著Up with People旅行時認識了Luke。由於他的付出我才能夠待在一間寺院裡,並且能親身體驗台灣的文化和生活。Luke花時間教我和其他人有關宗教、語言和文化的事情。若沒有他,我想在台灣我不會有那麼棒的關係和經驗。他提供許多機會讓我們認識社區裡的人,並且促成了文化交流的教育。當你有機會親身接從別人那裡學到東西,那是很珍貴的。我從Luke身上學習到很多事情,以及他如何創造認識他人、問問題和親身體驗事情的機會。這些年我變成一位不同的人,有很大的部分我可以歸因於Luke提供給我、我的同事、他的朋友、家人和學生的機會。



  Paco Garcia Bellego 墨西哥

    I got to know Luke in the fall of 2010 when I travelled to Taiwan with an international group called Up with People. I was lucky enough to have Luke as my host dad and experienced the incredible community service he leads. Those two weeks with Luke made me fall in love with Taiwan and the power of education so much that I was able to experience both things again in the summer of 2012. This time I was a able to learn more about Taiwan through teaching young students about Mexico and my native language.

    I hope nowadays to be able to return to Taiwan soon and experience again the amazing work Luke does every day to improve his local community. (Paco Garcia Bellego, Mexico)


    我在2010年秋天隨著國際團體Up with People到台灣的時候,得以認識Luke,我非常幸運有Luke作為我的寄宿家庭父親,並且體驗了他領導下很棒的社區服務計畫。那兩週跟隨著Luke的經驗讓我愛上了台灣以及教育的力量,我在2012年夏天再次體驗了這兩件事情。這一次因為教導年輕的學生墨西哥文化和我的母語西班牙語,讓我更加深對台灣的認識。我希望近期內還能夠回到台灣,並且再次體驗Luke每天為了增進當地社區進步而做的好事。



  Pieter Gyssels 比利時

    I am fortunate to have had the opportunity to visit Taiwan with the international non-profit organization Up with People. When we came to Pitou I got the chance to work with Luke Lin.  Luke is an extremely passionate, kindhearted, hard working person.  His dedication and professionalism were and still are an inspiration to me.  He is a leader and an example for many of us and I know for sure that he will reach all of his goals and reach far beyond them.


    我很幸運有機會和國際非營利組織Up with People到台灣訪問,當我們到埤頭時,我有機會和Luke共事。Luke是極為熱情、善良與努力的人,他的付出至今仍然給我很大的啟發。他是個領導人物,而且是我們很多人的典範。我確信他將可以達成他所有的目標,甚至遠遠超過設定好的目標。





萬合國小 吉祥夢