Shuochang Clubs

Every student shuochang experts at Yu-Tsai possesses a special talent. Some are good in cross talks and fast clapper talks, and some are good in storytelling with clappers and tongue twisters. The type of shuochang that everyone is good at is very diverse and different. The Original Artsy Shuochang Posse is pleased to invite them and share what they have learned about shuochang and their thoughts on learning shuochang.


Huang, Zi-Chen| Fourth Grade|Length of learning: 3 years

Shuochang expertise: cross talks, cross talks duo, fast clapper talks

I would like to thank Ms. Li for teaching us so much about shuochang, and I also got a lot of opportunities to perform on stage. Even though I have made quite a few mistakes during practices, I did put lots of effort into my learning, and my confidence has also improved dramatically.


Xiang, Yu-Bin|Fifth Grade|Length of learning: 2 years

Shuochang expertise: cross talks, tongue twister

The art of shuochang is such a fun and interesting class, and I have learned a lot from it. For example, I’ve learned clappers, cross talks, doggerels, and tongue twisters. When learning cross talks, we focused on our facial expressions so our performance on stage would be livelier. When learning doggerels and tongue twisters, I could actually feel my articulation getting better. I picked up on a lot of cross talks skills while learning shuochang, and now I am better at expressing myself, and my life also got more colorful!


Jia, Yue-Zhen|Fourth Grade|Length of learning: 1 year

Shuochang expertise: cross talks, tongue twister, cross talks duo

I believe after joining the art of shuochang class, my articulation got better, I’m more poised on stage, and I feel more confident about myself. I still remember I used to be very shy when I was in the lower grades. Whenever I needed to perform on stage, I would get really nervous. After taking the art of shuochang class, I have changed completely. I’m now able to perform on stage without feeling shy. The art of shuochang class has really helped me a lot.


Wang, You-Jun|Third Grade|Length of learning: 1 year

Shuochang expertise: doggerel, tongue twister, fast clapper talks, storytelling

I joined the art of shuochang class because my mom thought I was too shy, and my articulation was poor since I could not make the tongue-rolling sounds properly when I speak. She enrolled me into this class because she wanted me to articulate clearly and raise my confidence. After my first shuochang lesson, I got really interested in this class, and I feel happy after each class. I think I have made some changes after taking shuochang class. I am not as shy as I used to be when performing on stage, and my articulation has also got better. Most importantly, I can make the tongue-rolling sounds properly when I speak.

Zhan, Yu-Wen|Fourth Grade|Length of learning: 1 year

Shuochang expertise: cross talks, tongue twister, fast clapper talks

I think clappers are fun, but they get a bit boring at times because we have to practice over and over again before each performance. There were some new students in this semester’s class, and I like that because if I get better, I could teach more people about shuochang.


Zhang, Qian|Third Grade|Length of learning: 1 year

Shuochang expertise: fast clapper talks, storytelling

I think joining the art of shuochang class is fun because I have learned to play clappers, cross talks, and storytelling. I also feel more confident about myself when performing on stage. For next semester, I hope I can learn the seven-piece clapper.


Wang, Hong-Qi|Second Grade|Length of learning: 1 semester

Shuochang expertise: cross talks

After one semester, I have learned a lot of knowledge about shuochang. My articulation is getting better, and my tongue will roll properly when I speak.

Zhu, Yong-Qian|Second Grade|Length of learning: 1 semester

Shuochang expertise: cross talks, storytelling

I learned cross talks, storytelling with clappers, and storytelling after joining in the shuochang class. Even though I haven’t been learning a lot, I am still very interested in the art of shuochang. I hope I can learn more shuochang and perform on stage in the future.


Yang, Yong-Shun|First Grade|Length of learning: 1 semester

Shuochang expertise: cross talks, storytelling

I think the art of shuochang class is really interesting and fun. I will keep on learning more shuochang and join more performances on stage. My goal for next semester is to learn the seven-piece clapper.


Text: the Original Artsy Shuo-Chang Posse │ Pictures: the Original Artsy Shuo-Chang Posse