Shuochang Clubs

In order to better understand the performing techniques of our student shuochang experts, the Original Artsy Shuochang Posse has invited our student shuochang experts to share with us some of their personal shuochang class notes so those who wish to get into the world of shuochang could use it as a reference.

Notes from Student Shuochang Experts

‘Cross talks duo’ is performed by two people, and the pair must have good chemistry so the show will be entertaining

When performing cross talks, prepping jokes before telling it will strengthen the performance

When doing ‘cross talks,’ be loud, exaggerate your facial expression and body movements, and interact with the audience.

In ‘group cross talks – Dreaming Around the World,’ one will learn many country and place names, it’s like traveling around the world while doing cross talks

‘Three-piece clapper’ can make three distinct sounds of ‘da,’ ‘di,’ and ‘kong;’ the longer piece is the ‘strike board,’ and the other two pieces are actually a set, and they are called ‘yu zi’

When clapping, remember the sounds of ‘da,’ ‘di,’ and ‘kong’ so you will pick it up faster

Before learning fast clapper talks, you must be good with the clapper first, and then you add in the script. This will help you to get into the groove faster.

Before a performance, you must memorize the script and the movements well to avoid making mistakes. Facial expression must be visible and lively, otherwise, the show would be dull, and the audience would get bored.

‘Storytelling’ is about one person telling a story, and this person can play multiple roles. In the performance, the performer can add in different voices or sounds to make it more entertaining.


Source: Shuochang Clubs students|Text: the Original Artsy Shuo-Chang Posse│Pictures:Yu-Tsai Elementary School