Taiwan Wetland Conservation Act


February 2, 2015 Taipei news, special correspondent Liao Jinghui reports http://e-info.org.tw/node/105016

Started today . Reduce the loss of wetlands. Protect the public interests.
Confirm scope of wetland again.


Q1: What are the targets which the Wetland Conservation Act aim to conserve?
A: The Act targets not only at 42 international and national wetlands but the wetlands that are held to be Wetlands of Importance.

Q2: For the Act to come to force, what measures should the competent government authorities take?
A: To see the Act taking effect, the Ministry of Interior is in charge of the international and national wetlands and the formation of a central, legal and regulatory system. The important wetlands would go to the National Parks of Taiwan. The conservation of wetlands would be taken into consideration whenever an environment planning is being performed. The impact mitigation would be implemented and off-site compensation institutionalized. With the consent of the competent government authorities, the public land situated in the wetlands may be commissioned to a private operator for operation and management.

Q3: What does it mean by “involving the conservation of wetlands in environment planning?”
A: The idea behind the phrase is that urban or area planning would be implemented as the management tool for the wetlands and the resources will be managed and distributed accordingly. Wise utilization is stressed and the device of space planning may reconcile the conflicts of land utilization, which resulted from the stricter Wildlife Conservation Act.

Q4: What are the benefits brought out by involving conservation of wetlands in urban/area planning?
A: Urban/Area planning emphasizes the futurity. This sets it apart from Wildlife Conservation Act, National Park Law, and Cultural Heritage Conservation Act. By involving the wise utilization of wetlands, the important wetlands can be conserved when facing development. The wetland-featuring urban/area planning allocates the conservative land for wildlife to later move in. By zoning construction areas and conservative lands for multiple purposes, such as flood regulation or animal habitats, a win-win may be earned.

Q5: In Wetland Conservation Act, is there any design for public participation?
A: Yes. The evaluation, modification, abolition, zoning, utilization, and off-site compensation of wetlands involve public participation.

Q6: How to wisely utilize the private lands in the important wetland?
A: Through the Wetland of Importance Conservation and Utilization Plan, private lands are able to appropriately utilize for a number of approved purposes and time, size, and intensity. Owners of private lands are strongly encouraged to participate in the discussions among the owners, developers, civil representatives, and the government authority during the planning so as to have their opinions reflected in the plan.

Q7: How does the Wetland Conservation Act help develop local feature industries?
A: It conserves the wetlands, which keeps attracting visitors and boosts business activities. On the other hand, the act approves neutral persons, incorporated entities, organizations, or agencies to apply with competent government authorities for permission to run a profit-oriented production, business, or travel service and may collect fees. It also approves the government authority to collect a certain percentage of feedback fund from relevant operating gains.

