

Thanks to the Cyberfair project, I was able to learn beyond textbooks. I learned to use Mind Map and the Nine-box Matrix to formulate research frameworks. I learned interview skills from a news anchor and interviewed several influential figures who have contributed to the development of Deaf Women’s Basketball Team, including the coaches. During the process, I acquired many valuable experiences. We experienced silent basketball and learned sign language, which helped us understand the difficulties the hearing-impaired persons needed to overcome. We distributed questionnaires, designed posters and even made news video in the digital center for class promotions. We obtained such skills as webpage design, layouts, and photo editing. These diversified learning experiences not only broadened my horizon, but also provided me with great learning tools.

Philosopher Seneca once said: "The conditions of conquest are always easy. We have but to toil awhile, endure awhile, believe always, and never turn back." The Deaf Women’s Basketball Team helped me see how they had overcome their congenital disabilities with willpower. As stated in the book "Rookies, Fly Faster", "We will not stop, just moving forward steadily." I hope to share what I have learned from the book, the compassion I have developed, and their spirit of perseverance, so that together we could unite our powers to support the Deaf Women’s Basketball Team.




How time flies! From the moment when I decided to participate in the Cyberfair, to the present when it is near the end, over half a year has passed! From curiosity to understanding, from realization to emotional engagement, there are all kinds of mixed feelings. From watching the Deaf Women’s Basketball Team play for the first time to experiencing silent basketball, from conducting the first interview on the film director Ms. Lin to the last interview with TV sports commentator Mr. Tien, I have really changed during the process. I have learned to observe and study deeper and my horizon has been broadened. I want to extend thanks to the teacher for teaching us the skills of webpage design and photo editing, and to my teammates and parents for helping me complete all the interviews.

If I have to name the most unforgettable event during this project, the answer would surely be the time when we played a game with the Deaf Women’s Basketball Team. When we put on earplugs, I could only feel and perceive in silence with my eyes, which was very difficult. Other than continuous focus, passion and perseverance are also vital to a sport which requires teamwork. I believe that no one will always walk in brightness, just as no one will always live in darkness. As long as we believe in ourselves and do our best, we could build our dreams and bring them to reality.




I participated in the Cyberfair with great excitement and anticipation. In this project, I had many "first experiences", like the first time to design questionnaires, the first time to conduct interviews, the first time to organize data, the first time to work as a journalist, the first time to do class promotions, the first time to play silent basketball, etc. During the process, I had to put in a lot of time and energy for the tasks, in addition to my school work. It was difficult to balance both. I realized that if one lagged behind in his or her studies, it must be due to the lack of hard work, rather than the lack of time.

During the Cyberfair, our teacher, Hsien-ping Lin, spent time teaching us the skills of webpage design and photo editing, which improved our computer skills greatly. He also taught us to plan our schedule, divide the tasks between the members, and work cooperatively to gather information, organize reports, conduct interviews and analyze questionnaires. Through these procedures, he meant for us to understand the importance of teamwork. Moreover, it has also strengthened my understanding of the communication with the hearing-impaired persons. I am now more confident to give an oral presentation. With our efforts, I believe that every one has learned a lot in the process.




"Taiwan Deaf Women's Basketball" was an unfamiliar topic to me, but it offered me an opportunity to learn basketball and to care for the hearing-impaired, so I voted for this topic. Under the teacher’s guidance, I used the nine-box matrix and the mind map to collect data and find direction for the project. To enhance our research, we planned interviews, visits and activities. The teacher also taught us webpage design using Dreamweaver. Each learning activity was new and challenging to me. I believe with our joint efforts, we’ll be able to get great results.

Throughout the process, the two coaches made the deepest impression on me. They encouraged the players to never give up. The secret to success lies in a person’s attitude and willingness to face challenges. The players often tell themselves: "Except for not being able to hear, we can do anything." Such a spirit and attitude stunned me. I want to share this story with more people, and also encourage all my friends: "Nothing is impossible as long as you are willing to try."




The reward after hard work is the most wonderful thing in life- we have finally completed the Cyberfair project! I recall in the beginning, Teacher Lin asked us to read the book "Project Writing Skills for Secondary School Students" and wrote a book report. Adding to the interviews and reflections on various events, the number of writing assignments reached over a dozen. I wrote them carefully word by word, and my writing has thus improved. I remember being so nervous during the first interview with the film director Ms. Wen-ching Lin. But now, conducting interviews is a piece of cake. We have learned to complete individual tasks as well as work together as a team.

The event that impressed me the most was the silent basketball game with the Deaf Women's Basketball Team. After this game, I realized how difficult it was for these players to play a good game as they needed to spend more time and energy than non-disabled players. To present their touching story, we wanted to make the webpages perfect. Teacher Lin taught us how to generate webpages and edit photos. The effect that I liked the most was to color the main content and keep the rest in black and white. I thought this was very artistic. I hope to share the spirit of perseverance of the Deaf Women’s Basketball Team and their positive energy to more people with the webpages that we carefully produced.




I have seen the Deaf Women’s Basketball Team play before. At that time, I was curious as to how they communicate with other players with their hearing loss. After the Cyberfair project, I understood that because of the hearing loss, they had to spend more time on training to build a tacit understanding between the team members, so that they could play well in the games. The most special arrangement during this project was the game between us and the deaf players, which allowed us to experience "silent basketball". It was really a great challenge to carry out the orders of the coaches correctly when we could not hear clearly with the earplugs. I therefore admire their spirit of perseverance and teamwork even more.

Thanks to this Cyberfair project, we were able to experience many new things like   making a news video in the school's digital center, visiting the TV station, conducting interviews and so on. I acquired new knowledge because of these experiences. After gathering valuable information for the Cyberfair project, Teacher Hsien-ping Lin also taught us about webpage design and photo editing. I learned how to retouch and edit photos to fit the layout. After transforming the content of the research project into beautiful webpages, we could share it with more people, which is very meaningful.




The Cyberfair was a really rewarding project, from which I gained experiences in interviews, webpage design, and photo editing. Whether for us or for the Deaf Women’s Basketball Team, teamwork was essential. Through teamwork, we could build a greater understanding of one another. We worked hard for the Cyberfair project, just like the Deaf Women’s Basketball Team worked hard for the competitions; we all strived for the team’s success. I also learned that even though the team players suffered hearing loss, they could still achieve their dreams just like any non-disabled person.

I further realized that we needed to work hard if we wanted to achieve anything. Without hard work, we would not succeed in anything. The team members were a good example. It was their hard work and the sweat they shed that brought them success. This was proof to an old saying: "A journey of thousands of miles may not be achieved without accumulation of each single step, just as the enormous ocean may not be formed without gathering every brook or stream." What I have learned from the Cyberfair project is far more than these and I simply could not name them all. I am very grateful that I have participated in this Cyberfair and hope that it will bring good results.




The Cyberfair project has finally come to an end. I still remember the many difficulties we encountered in the beginning, such as the selection of the group member or the determination of the topic. All of these tasks required strenuous efforts. Seeing the final product in its completion is like a perfect harvest. I have always liked basketball. In this project, I not only interviewed the basketball players and coaches, witnessed the hardships of the hearing-impaired persons, but also experienced silent basketball for myself. Thanks to these experiences, I have learned a lot and become more aware of how lucky I am. We also got the opportunity to tour the TV station, which was not accessible to just anyone, thanks to the help from one of the parents. We were able to see in person live videotaping, broadcasting and editing. These were things we could not learn in classrooms.

One of the great benefits of participating in the Cyberfair project is that I have learned photo editing and webpage design with the software "nEO iMAGING". Thanks to these skills, we are better able to design our webpages. Looking back over the past six months, from the beginning of the Cyberfair project to now, I have obtained many new experiences, knowledge and comprehension. I would like to extend my thanks to the teacher’s guidance, our parents’ support, and group members’ cooperation. It is through everyone’s effort that we are able to complete this demanding task successfully, and carrying out the spirit of the Deaf Women’s Basketball Team: "Never give up in the face of adversity."

Basketball Torch Team, Taipei Fuhsing Private School, Taiwan © 2016 Cyber Fair
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