Establishment of the Deaf Women's Basketball Team

1) Origin

The "2009 Deaflympics in Taipei" was the dream of many hearing-impaired persons who love sports. In 2003, this dream was finally achieved when the Taiwan delegation won the bid to host the Deaflympics under the lead of Mr. Yu-ping Chao after defeating the geographically endowed Greece in a fierce competition. Taiwan thus became the host of the 21st Deaflympics, the first country in Asia to have the honor in this event.

For the hearing-impaired persons in Taiwan, it was a supreme honor that the country should host Deaflympics. When the news that Taiwan had won the bid to host the Deaflympics came back, Mr. Hsin-da Lee, the first national deaf basketball referee (class A) in Taiwan, decided to establish a Deaflympics training team at his own expenses, which was the first step for the establishment of the Deaf Women's Basketball Team.


Photo provided by Yi-cheng Chen


Photo provided by Yi-cheng Chen


After the 2009 Deaflympics in Taipei ended, in order to continue the spirit of basketball, the players of the Deaflympics training team came together to form the first Deaf Women's Basketball Team in Taiwan -- "Ling Yang Team", also known as the "Antelopes". On the one hand, this meant that the players could continue to improve their skills and physical strength. On the other hand, new members could be recruited to increase the strength of the Deaf Women's Basketball Team. Although the process was hard and financial support was always lacking, the team managed to be the champion in the 2014 DIBF Asia Pacific Cup, with a determined will and sponsorships from various parties.


  1. "Rookies, Fly Faster—The Story of Taiwan Deaf Women's Basketball Team"
    -- Published by ON Books Publishing / Issued by AND Books Publishing.
  2. Documentary film "Power in 2009".


2) About Ling Yang Team of Deaf Women's Basketball

"Ling Yang Team" is the first Deaf Women's Basketball Team in Taiwan. As amateur as the players might be, their passion and perseverance are no less than any professional. As impaired as their hearing might be, they are eager to carry the torch of the Deaflympics Women's Basketball Team. The name “Ling Yang” signifies in Chinese characters the hope that they can be carefully "listened to", and that the players can be as fast as "antelopes". It is Ling Yang Team that brings Taiwan back to the international stage of deaf basketball games and achieves the good marks.

After taken over by national coaches, Ms. Pi-yun Teng, Ms. Pi-cheng Teng and Mr. Yi-te Chiang, Ling Yang Team went through a period of devilish training and transformed itself from a team with zero experience in playing basketball into one that could show such good sportsmanship as "sticking to the end" and "never give up" when facing various difficulties. The coaches would temper justice with mercy and couple hardness with softness. They not only put the team through severe training, but also take care of them like their mothers. Because of the coaches, the team players have made giant leaps like the antelopes.



Basketball games are not about individuals, but the team as a whole, hence the need for many team tactics. Although it is hard for the players of the Deaf Women's Basketball Team to send verbal messages to one another spontaneously, and it takes longer before they can communicate well with the coaches, their passion for basketball is strong. Although they cannot shout out loud, their body language demonstrates to us the pleasure and the power of silence and endless vitality.


  1. "Rookies, Fly Faster—The Story of Taiwan Deaf Women's Basketball Team" -- Published by ON Books Publishing / Issued by AND Books Publishing.
Basketball Torch Team, Taipei Fuhsing Private School, Taiwan © 2016 Cyber Fair
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