Big Flowers Farm Introduction


The origin of the flower business

Large flower farms mainly business philosophy is: "The way that genius can’t go,  the fool one step across past ". This concept descripts why Big Flowers Farm created. Because of winter is too cold in Taiwan central, it caused production of rose insufficient, so flower market underwriter in Taipei go to Pingtung to find rose farmers. To ensure rose production will not reduce in winter. At the same time, there was a lady Xu Yu-mei good for planting roses in winter and marketing in  Kaohsiung District Agricultural Improvement Station. She transfer technology to farmer. Under large market demand environment, the planting area up to 100 hectares in Taiwan southern. It can be said that is heyday.
But the business did not last long, in Ancestor worship festival, while flowers abound at the same time in central and southern in Taiwan, underwriters could not buy so much production. Thus they ended lease. The growers in Pingtung had to set up their own marketing system. By the time the production and marketing squad leader Mr. Yang have apply for a grant to Pingtung county government. He rent a abandoned warehouse as flower production and marketing  freight yard, and started the business of Big Flower Farm but also seted up a second farm in 2013.








Big Flower farm style


Great views of the nearby flower

Big Flower farm is located diagonally opposite the Pingtung airport, Low profile signs and simple iron gate entrance, if you don’t pay attention then you will miss. Before the arrival of the farm, you will pass through the endless sand. When driving on gravel roads, it can't help but really makes one wonder how the rose farm is really in such a desolate place? I can’t think of going into the farm, the view is a large area of red color.


The beauty of the flower itself

Various colors interleaved roses sea make people feel relaxed!
After getting off our car, we first go to the farm shop. The farm is layout of the cottage green, with green vines surrounded the whole house. This is really pretty! Inside the house, was products made by roses. Visitors can also order a cup of coffee, enjoy to the rose garden.


Beauty secret venue

Guide took us into the wide park of roses and immediately smelled the smell of roses. We also see some caterpillars and other insects, plus full of weeds. You can see it's really toxic agricultural land. Big Flower farms, cultivating roses, except for a few ornamental flowers, most are edible roses. Therefore the farmer more insist to grow without pesticides, cultivate completely by natural method.







Big Flower farm experience


Tasting dishes

In the visit day, we enjoyed a variety of dish made by roses, we were really happy! We first tasted fresh roses, the taste is aromatic, slightly bitter taste, it is very strange. In addition to rose sorbet, sushi, rose tea ... ... and the other creative dishes. The rose smoothies using aroma of petals of roses and rose petal natural color to create a beautiful purple-red smoothie. It looks so bright dripping.

Food taste

When drinking flower tea, the best of all lesson is brewing, looking at the whole pot of rose petals, meet hot stretch. The air was full of flowers. Creative sushi is replaced by rose petals of roses seaweed, fresh-made sushi taste more delicious. These roses cuisine will provide tourists every day to order. It is very suitable for the whole family come here and close to nature and experience the fun flowers, taste the special rose dishes.













Big Flower farms product


Rose into their own world.

This farm is open for visitors to take roses, $ 10 for one. Everyone can personally pick roses in full bloom in the fields and layout back home. Big Flower farms in addition to let everyone enjoy the rural scenery. There are also many specialty roses production, such as fresh and dried rose petals, rose tea polyphenols, rose dew, flowers ... ....and so on.







Who is our guide?

The guide today was just by chance, graduated from Chongwen junior high school. In other word, she was our school sister. In particular, she recommended rose water, because they are made by organic flowers, and the effectiveness of the rose itself is to repair the wound, small mosquito bites, scrapes, and maintenance, that all can be used. We were feel amazing..






Delicious meals


Farm is provide lunch and dinner, providing light meal featuring rose. From the farmer’s introduction, we know the organic rose petals had aroma and was not miserable. In addition to different varieties , the smell also varies. So rose dishes taste with very rich changes. Whether rose toast stuffed with sushi, tea roses, roses, honey ... ... here we were not want to miss.







Large flower farms traffic routes


Driving car:

Go out the interchange from the South Second highway, turn right onto wire, go straight along the Pingtung airport direction, turn left in three counties 427-428k, then go ahead. Turning right at t-intersection and turn right again. You can reach the Big Flower farms which is located opposite the airport. Because of the farm location, there is no public transportation can be reached, is allowed to drive a car or take a taxi more convenient

contact method

Flower Farm phone:( 08) 7396588

Address: between Pingtung County, nine sets of three-line section of the road , such as 427K-428K

Factory Address : Jiuru nine Township, Pingtung County Road No. 118

FB Search : Organic Rose Flower Farm






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