Elements of Cyberfair Project

How did we achieve the goal and theme of Taiwan Schools Cyberfair?

How does this project research contribute to the teaching?

¡@¡@ Our Cyberfair project¡¦s topic for 2015 is ¡§TENNY Fantasy¡XTaiwan¡¦s Awesome Pens.¡¨ We apply what we learn at school. Through collecting data, doing interviews, carrying out the on-the-spot observations and questionnaire surveys, which help to cultivate the ability to integrate the knowledge and solve problems, we integrate classroom instructions and curricular demands.


Introduction to Business

    ¡´The Introduction to Business teaches us things about business in our modern lives. We apply the principles we learn
    in class to observe management model ofTenny Co., such as business flow, logistics, capital flow, and information
    flow. By so doing, we we can appreciate the importance of all sorts of business mechanisms.
    ¡´The Introduction to Business helps us to develop our ability to observe in a business setting. After interviewing
    Mr. Dongzi Guo, we realized that there are many problems about the marketing strategies and combination in
    Taiwan¡¦s pen industry. Besides, we also applied what we learn from business management to research and
    implement the project.
Introduction to Accounting
After interviewing Mr. Dongzi Guo, we got a better understanding of those principles we learn in class of
accounting, such as current assets, cash, bank deposits; fixed assets, land, buildings, machinery and
equipment; intangible goodwill, trademarks, patents; operating expenses payroll, employee benefits,
depreciation; capital structure, etc. All of these are closely associated with successful business.
Chinese, English, art, Introduction to Computer
Through the magazine PEN WORLD, we learnt the process of producing pens and distribution, which
makesus better know the demands of the industry. We applied what we learn in the art class to design the
beautiful images. We also applied what we learnt in the computer class to design our own website.
The monograph emphasizes a combination of theory and practice. We observed the pen markets and
tried to find the issues we were interested in, and then, we collected the data and discuss with each other
to figure out the solutions to the problems.



Things we used to accomplish our project:



When and How
Hardware ¡@ipad,telephones,mobiles ¡@Used to contact the team members, interviewees and teachers.
digital cameras and cameras ¡@Used to record every events like the field trips to Tenny Co. and the meeting with classmates and teachers.
Thanks teachers for offering the cameras.
¡@scanners ¡@Used to scan the data we collected.
Thanks school for offering the scanners.
¡@hard drive and flash drive ¡@Used to record the data and pictures.
Thanks teachers for offering the hard drive and flash drive.
¡@computers ¡@Used to collect data, word processing and websites designing.
Thanks school for offering the computers.
software ¡@Photoshop ¡@Used to process and edit the images.
¡@Microsoft Powerpoint ¡@Used to process and edit the images.
¡@Microsoft Word ¡@Used to do word processing and data integration.
¡@Dreamweaver ¡@Used to design the website of monograph.
¡@IE¡BFirfox¡BChrome ¡@Used to test the results.
¡@CuteFTP ¡@Used to upload the data.
¡@library ¡@Used to collect relevant data.
Showing gratitude to KSVCS library and KCC library.
¡@some relevant softwares ¡@Used to collect data and contact team members, such as E-mail, google and Facebook.
Others ¡@Tenny Co. ¡@Visited Tenny Co. to find out the successful ways to operation and arrange the fieldwork for students to get experiences.
Showing gratitude to Tenny Company President, Mr. Guo Tzidong.
¡@questionnaires ¡@Used to collect data about how consumers feel about the pens.
Showing gratitude to Tenny staff and consumers who help out with filling out research questionnaires.
¡@Interviews ¡@Used to collect the information hard to get.
Showing gratitude to Tenny Company.



The Role of Ambassadors

Information Embassadors Besides the information collected online, the IE went to the school, the communities and the libraries to collected data to help finish the monograph.

Business Embassadors

To get different reports about the president, Dongzi Guo, we conducted interviews to get more information about him and had the conversations with the staff and customers.

Community Embassadors

To enrich the monograph and get a better understanding of the pen industry, we also used questionnaires, which enabled us to do the research outside the school and have more time to interact with the communities.

Teaching Embassadors

This project is divided into 2 parts, the monograph and the website teaching, and supervised by teachers from our school and STU to let us realize the goal and theme of Taiwan Schools Cyberfair.




Impacts and shocks


¡@¡@We are all business students and have little ideas of the pen industry. Before doing this monograph, although we read many books and online data, there were many details we didn¡¦t fully understand. Through this monograph, we started to get a better understanding of the local businesses. Meanwhile, we learnt how to collect data efficiently and make them in order. Furthermore, we also learnt how to manage our time and make use of every events.


Can local people learn anything from your website?

¡@¡@Through our website, people from all over the world can know much about Taiwan¡¦s pen industry, for example, the origin, structures and features of pens. In this way, through the understanding, people can grow an interest in pens, and most importantly, have the chance to get to know a local company, Tenny Co.




Intellectual Property Rights

¡@¡@Since the beginning, teachers have been telling us not to plagiarize. So, when we cited anything, we made sure to put the resource in order to respect intellectual property rights.

¡@¡@We carefully dealt with the data we collected from relevant websites and libraries, and we always put the resources.



Findings, Surprises and Gain

Findings: Through this research, we discovered many things that we didn¡¦t know in the pen industry. We also found that Mr, Guo¡¦s perseverance even though he is physically handicapped, which is a good example for us to follow.


During the data collection, interviews and field trips, we were surprised to know Mr. Dongzi Guo never gave it up to learn and work hard to be awarded Taiwan Excellent Manufacturer Award, which surprised us so much.


From this research, we have learnt a lot, such as teamwork skills and how to cooperate with others. We also have learnt to be open-minded to accept different ideas.