Overview of Cyberfair 2015


Local Enterprises


Sketch of Local Community

¡@¡@For the 2015 Cyberfair Project competition, our team chooses TENNY Co., which aims to create ¡§a pen unique to Taiwan,¡¨ as our research subject. Tenny¡¦s factory is situated in Madou District, Tainan, which in turn is located in central west of Tainan, with its latitude 121.15, longitude 23.11, and a total area of 53.9744 aquare kilometers. Madou District, in the ancient capital of Tainan, occupies the central tract of Chianan Plain, whose terrain is level and soil is fertile. Zengwun River cuts through the south of it, making it a prosperous district. Furthermore, Freeway No. 1, Provincial Highway 1 (Taiwan), and the main railway converge here, making it a very important transportation hub. The wonderful location makes it possible to manufacture and market Tenny¡¦s MIT pens.



Sketch of Cyberfair Project

¡@¡@It is necessary for us students to pay more attention to those ¡§MIT industries¡¨ when the government is actively fostering them. Therefore, TENNY Co., located in Madou, Tainan, is our research target. With the passage of time, ballpoints and other kinds of pens have replaced the fountain pens as the main writing tools. However, why does TENNY Co. insist on keeping developing and producing fountain pens? In order to get insights into its business spirit and expand our horizons, we conduct this research project. ¡C

¡@¡@Meanwhile, through this Cyberfair Project competition, we would like to introduce to the public the beauty of fountain pens, overturing the popular stereotype towards them. We, as a whole team, would like not only to publicize local Taiwanese industries to both domestic and foreign consumers, but to broadcast MIT pens manufactured by Tenny, making their fame spread far and wide.



Internet Environments

Designated high-speed fiber lines and Wi-Fi at school, plus ADSL at students¡¦ homes.


Implementation of Cyberfair Project

Giving consideration to both academic performance and project research¡ÐTime Management

¡@¡@Students don¡¦t have much free time to do this research project. Therefore, we make great use of the lunchtime breaks and holidays to get instructions and hold discussion sessions with classmates. As a result, this project is finished on time.


Preparations of Interviews¡XSorting out the Past to Know the Present

¡@¡@Knowing little about this industry and having no experience in interviewing, we are both excited and nervous to interview Mr. Zidong Guo, the president of Tenny, for the very first time. Fortunately, with lots of preparations of selecting useful material and surfing the Internet to locate Tenny¡¦s profiles, it was not that difficult and went very well after the first question. Finding that Mr. Guo is a person of great affection relieve us of our nervousness, which in turn makes us more confident about our interview.


Trimming the Collected Materials¡XSeparating the Wheat from the Chaff

¡@¡@Having no idea how to deal with the collosal data we collected online and from the library, we are lucky to have the instructors beside us and give us a big helping hand on how to integrate the data, which is a rare opportunity for us to learn to organize the collected data.


Application of Information Technology¡XBeing Modest Enough to Consult the Teammates

¡@¡@Designing web pages is new to us because many of the technuques and skills cannot not be learned from classroom settings. With the instructions from the three instructors, we learn how to design the project web pages, which sharpens our learning. Furthermore, questionnaire writing and dispatching as well as statistical charts and tables designing are new additions to our existing knowledge. Though tiring and sometimes frustrating, all of us experience mental growth doing this year¡¦s Cyberfair project.


Preparations of Industry-School Professional Knowledge and Skills¡XStriking a Balance between Data and Practical Operations

¡@¡@Being commercial school students and knowing little about pens, we don¡¦t know much about the pen industry. Before conducting this project, we read many relevant books and online data. However, that is not enough to us because practical operations and professional knowledge are out of our reach. Through interviewing and fieldwork, we gain lots of precious experiences, solving the predicament of the blind man feeling an elephant. As a result, field interviews with Mr. Guo, Tenny¡¦s president, go rather smoothly.


Maxims of Research Results¡XFinding the Innovative Energy of Taiwan

¡@¡@The process of doing this project has been complicated and demanding, requiring lots of efforts. We are in a hopeless tangle at the beginning, needing patient guidance from both seniors and instructors from data collecting, interviewing, to web page designing. All this plus incessant revisions and repetitious discussions bring on the completion of the project. We hope this research project can help promote Taiwan¡¦s pen industry and boost the nation¡¦s competitiveness.