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  Yun-Ruei's Mom Kai-Hsin's Mom You Wu's Mom
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An Orchestra That Never Quit| You Wu's Mom
  Back in a morning 3 years ago, I heard that Ping He Children Orchestra was recruiting. You Wu was only a 4th grader then, but I encouraged her to give it a try. At that time, the Children Orchestra's instructor was Ms. Lai and You Wu played the pianica. I often saw You Wu bring home her pianica for extra practice on both holidays and weekdays. I still remember our family's New Year celebration of 3 years ago, we chatted, listened to the music played by You Wu and watching her face lightened up with a big joyful smile and self-confidence. Hua Wu, You Wu's sister, influenced by You Wu, got her recorder and joined in You Wu's performance. It was great fun to watch them play together and we had a wonderful time. However, the Children Orchestra disbanded after the Changhua County Music Competition. You Wu, greatly inspired by Ms. Lai, was very interested in the orchestra practice and got so sad about the disbanding.
  A year later, You Wu got in the Children Orchestra again, together with Hua Wu.  Maybe due to Ms. Liu's strictness or the girls' own self-awareness of their needs for improvement, the two sisters spent a lot of time in extra practicing. In fact, everyone in the school could see how much of herself Ms. Liu has devoted to the Children Orchestra. Therefore, when Children Orchestra lost Changhua County Music Competition by a slight difference last year, all the members, encouraged by Ms. Liu, swore to win the champion trophy the next year. The Children Orchestra resumed their practice the very next morning and started preparing for the music competitions. It is the persistence that keeps the all the members going. It is so hard to believe that Ms. Liu gave up all her holidays and vacations just for Children Orchestra practice. For example, when the Children Orchestra won the Changhua County Music Competition this year by a great lead, I though that the practice in that afternoon would be canceled. I was WRONG!! The practice went on as usual.  I was amazed! No pain, no gain, which I think is the most important lesson that all the members will learn from this experience.

  Plus, Children Orchestra is also a big family. With the help from some member's parents, members of the orchestra got chances to perform in different occasions, for example, PTS' Taiwan Kids, Great!, and Spreading Warmth in Communities. These activities promoted not only the school's fame but also the members' self-confidence.  Finally, I hope the members will be confident and proud but not arrogant of their performance. I also hope they will keep working modestly and hard. And I wish all the best for them in the National Students Music Competition.

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