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  Zi-Yu's Dad Yan-Ming's Mom Di-Yu's Mom
  Yun-Ruei's Mom Kai-Hsin's Mom You Wu's Mom
Parents' Supports

Zi-Yu's Dad
  I am grateful during my kid learning music. I also glad we met such a good teacher to teach my kid. As a parent, I understand her passion about music. I was going to the music competitions with them. The shaking and moving of listening the performance is still in my heart.

  I never wanted my kid learning or doing great in music because I thought it's an expensive investment. Because it's free, I just wanted her to have fun when she joined Children Orchestra. After some times, I always hear she keep talking about Children Orchestra. I think that she's really into it.

  The orchestra members have to finish their own cleaning duty before they join the practice. They all know they have to hurry up and starting their practice. The skill of the songs and the pressure are bigger and bigger since the contest is coming. They just have few days break in summer vacation. The teacher tried her best in Children Orchestra. Even in her own break time. My wife and I glad that we met a great teacher. I believe that the children will also learn the manner from the teacher.
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