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  Zi-Yu's Dad Yan-Ming's Mom Di-Yu's Mom
  Yun-Ruei's Mom Kai-Hsin's Mom You Wu's Mom
Parents' Supports

Yan-Ming's Mom

  When Yan-Ming was in second grade, he enrolled Children Orchestra with confidence because he likes music very much. At first, he started with a tiny pianica. And now, he is the Soprano Accordion concertmaster and General Director. He keeps practicing very hard every day. I was worried about it. He practices at school. He also practices at home. Sometimes I found that he was holding a pen with homework and falling asleep when I came home. Then I know he practices first. Sometimes I would ask he try to relax himself, but he would get angry. Then he would tell me how he loves Children Orchestra and he never quits.
  I had asked Ms. Liu how a student join in Children Orchestra and she said: They don't have to get some skill of music as long as they are wilingl to learn and practice hard. Most of all, they need to learn voluntarily. Don't let the parents "made" them join in Children Orchestra. It would lost their interests. After that, I realize some pianica members never learned music before, but they still help with music competitions.
  Children Orchestra participated in many activities this year. That is because of Ms. Liu's and the members' hard working. Such as joined the TV show, Taiwan kids, Great!, in PST. It broadcasted on 18th, Jan. Yan-Ming had to go to cram school so I watched the show and recorded it. I'm touched of their performance. Sometimes, I would watch it again and again by myself. They also joined the Spreading Warmth in Communities to share their care to the homeless guys with music. Also, they attended Changhua County Music Competition and won the first place advanced in Yuanlin Elementary School on 9th ,Dec. I am happy for their success. When I watched the video in Youtube, they really got better than ever. They learned a lot by join  Children Orchestra. Hope they can also get a good grade in the National Students Music Competition.

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