Ideas & Planning

Project Motivation

Project Process

Design & Blueprint

Family Background

Boundless Learning

Cooperation & Puzzles

Journey of Creation

Design Process

Achievement & Map

Design Showcase

Experience, Honors, & Collections

Initiation & Territory

Public’s View

Future Direction

Arch of Heaven &
Star Atlas

Design Education

Marketing Taiwan

Heart & Homeland

My Homeland

Taiwan Impression

Starry Sky &

Caring and Sharing

Reflections & Feedbacks

Interview Planning

Behind the Story

Project Team

Instructors & Volunteers

Work Journal

Reference & Resources

To the Xinsheng elementary school students:
There’s no end for learning. Always remember to “learn from books, people and things”
Best wishes and regards from Professor Lin

Starry Sky and Follow-ups>.Caring and Sharing.Reflections and Feedbacks.Interview Planning

【Starry Sky and Follow-ups】Interview Planning:Afterthoughts

Cultural literacy is like the DNA of design. Though somewhat hidden, it is the deciding factor of
whether the quality of design could be manifested or not.
Preparation The Interview Afterthoughts
 Ueng, Yu-Chen

Interviewing Professor Apex Lin, Pang-Soong face to face, being able to get up-close with the master and experience his grace was a great honor. From the experience, I realized that both asking and answering questions are skills that need to be learned. We need to be well prepared in order to ask the core question so that we could gain the knowledge.


 Yu, Hsiang-Jung

I think that way that Professor Lin documented everything that is in the form of Taiwan is very interesting. No matter when and where he is, or no matter if it is an object or a scenery, he would take a picture and write down the location. I think the imagination and creativity of Professor Lin are very special and unique.


 Hsiao, Yi-Hua

After so many interviews, I could understand Professor more deeply and widely. This also made me respect this well know master even more. Every time, I could hear from the interviewee of their admiration and praise for Professor Lin. The experiences also made me understand the hard work that a journalist puts in for interviews.


 Huang ,Tzu-Liang

The passion and love for Taiwan and the spirit of respecting the local culture of Professor Lin have left a deep impression on me. His collection of the “Soul of Homeland ”is created using the map of Taiwan as the base. According to different event, set and emotion, he created different forms of Taiwan to document his diary of feelings.


 Weng, Yi-Ming

Professor Lin told us that he believes personal prior talent is not absolutely necessary. What matters is whether you work hard or not. He also mentioned the three steps of creating art which are discovering, representing, and expressing. By using the object that one discovered as the base and recreated it to express the attempt and ideas of one’s own. There are so much that we could learn from Professor Lin, no matter if it is his persist vision on creation, his care for family and friends and the passion and gratefulness that he has for his homeland.


 Hou, Kuei-Ying

President of Want Daily Hwong Ching Long and Professor Lin are both very amiable, passionate and humorous who look after the younger generation. They both have many similarities in their personalities. Even though they excel in different fields of work, they still admire each other greatly. They maintained a deep sense of friendship which is what I admire very much.


 Lu, Meng-Jie

In the process of the interview, President Hwong of Want Daily gave us much precious advice. He was also very kind to us which eased some of my nervousness during the interview session. At the same time, the humorous conversation that President Hwong had with us also helped us get to know Professor Lin much more. We thank you President Hwong for your generous help.


 Cheng, Hao-Wen

I think that Professor Lin is a man with great vision. He always maintains an ever progressing and ever creating attitude towards life. He has high standard for himself and always wants to give his best performances. I admire him very much. Professor Lin said that a person does not absolutely need gifted talent but one must work hard in life. He also said that choose what you love and love what you chose. I will look up to Professor Lin as my model.


 Ueng, Yu-Ting

There were many chances for me to take on the role as a journalist in an interview during the process of participating in the website design contest. I have taken on the journalist role twice. One time was interviewing Professor Lin, the other time was Interviewing Professor Lin’s second eldest brother, Director Lin, Wen-Yan. I learned a lot from both experiences.

The website is designed by the Design Fairy Team