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One Step At A Time

This is the timeline of our monographic study. Most of our meeting times were during lunch breaks and weekends. These are the records of what we have done this semester.

Research Progress

2012/10/30 Cyberfair project team was formed.

2012/11/01 Visiting the Shenjiang Culture Exhibition of the District Office. Teacher A-gui is the photographer. (note: Cyberfair project members were unable to participate)
2012/11/02 Cyberfair project’s first meeting. We decide on the research direction of this project and our to-do list of activities. Teach A-gui helps us to apply for accounts/passwords for blogs.
2012/11/03 Visit the Shenjiang Culture Festival in Luzhou Elementary School.

2012/11/05 Cyberfair project meeting. Instructor teaches us writing.
2012/11/06 Instructor hands out Shenjiang-related information for us to read and discuss.
2012/11/09 Cyberfair project meeting. Discussion during meeting time.
2012/11/16 Instructors discuss the main direction of this project for us to begin at.

2012/11/20 Director Cheng explains the features of Luzhou Shenjiang statue so that we can understand the culture more.

2012/11/21 Teacher Tsai teaches us how to write our activity afterthoughts by using on-campus blogs.

2012/11/22 Meeting in computer room. Teacher Tsai demonstrates the items that need special attention when writing articles on blogs.
2012/11/23 Director Cheng teaches us how to prepare for visiting Yuching Temple and Hutien Temple. Also teaches us how to prepare questions for interview.
2012/11/24 We visit Yuching Temple and Hutien Temple for the entire morning.
2012/11/26 In the computer room, 6F-1 of Research Hall, Teacher Ming-kui and Teacher Guan-you take turns teaching us what we should do and how to write the interview afterthoughts.

2012/11/28 Director Cheng explains some details about patrol tour for Hutien Temple that we are going to visit on Saturday.

2012/11/29 Teacher Guan-you Guo gives us some lessons for Shenjiang culture.

2012/11/30 We visit Master Wen-chih Lin at his Buddha shop in the afternoon.


2012/12/01 We visit chairman of Hutian Temple and join the patrol and see more Shenjiang statues of Luzhou, and watch some Shenjiang performance.

2012/12/03 In Shenjiang course-teaching training, Teacher Guo teaches us the history origin of Shenjiang, and lets us discuss how to introduce this.

2012/12/04 O then 3rd floor of Research Hall, Director Cheng explains the questions and details for interviewing Mr. Liang-chuan Wang.
2012/12/05 We go to interview Mr. Liang-chuan Wang in the Forbidden City Museum in order to collect more Shenjiang-related information.
2012/12/07 Teacher Guan-you teaches us the origin and development of Shenjiang culture, and compares the interviews with Mr. Liang-chuan Wang and Master Wen-chih Lin for us.

2012/12/9 The first lesson for video production

2012/12/10 Today, students compare the procedures of interviewing Master Lin and Mr. Wang, and let every one analyze these from their own viewpoints.

2012/12/14 Hsin-yu Li and Yu-chi Hsu start to draw the picture for the assembly procedure of Shenjiang statue.

2012/12/15 The second class for making video.


2012/12/17 Teacher Guan-you Guo teaches us the category of Shenjiang today.

2012/12/18 Teacher Guan-you Guo teaches us the roles of Shenjiang today.

2012/12/19 Teacher Ming-kui teaches us how to use Google Doc to organize Shenjiang information.


2012/12/24 Start to make promotion posters and procedures to report.

2012/12/25 Shenjiang teaching class at Class 12 of 5th graders. Shun-wei and Kuan-ting Ho are the main speakers.

2012/12/26 We discuss some details of teaching in Class 19 of 5th grader.

2012/12/27 Teaching class in Class 19 of 5th graders. Yuang-ting Tseng, Ming-hsien Hsu, and Po-hung Wang were the main speakers.

2012/1/2 Promotion for Shenjiang culture in the morning announcements. Today is an announcement for 3rd graders. 



2013/1/3 Review after promotion of morning announcements.



2013/1/4 Computer class for making posters.
2013/1/9 Post our posters in Lujiang Hall, Bader Hall, Zhongxiao Hall and Research Hall.

2013/1/10 Drawing class for Shenjiang statue.

2013/1/11 Prepare for Lehuo Carnival.
2013/1/14 In the library of the second floor of Lujian Hall, we teach 2nd graders to read the Shenjiang poem of our activity subject. We introduce the meaning and subject of this activity, and share our brilliant videos with them. We finish making the four-frame comic today.

2013/1/15 Host carnival on the 5th floor of Lujian Hall. We set up a booth to provide brilliant videos, posters, learning sheet, Shenjiang poster, Shenjiang drawing, and Shenjiang face painting for students to visit. Teacher Ming-gui and Guan-you continue to give us classes.

2013/1/16 We continue to proceed with the verse reciting activity on the second floor of the library. We have two days of verse recitation.
2013/1/17 Data collection before winter break.

2013/1/21 Winter training camp starts. Edit blog afterthoughts and discuss how to make web pages.

2013/1/22 Teacher Tsai finishes the statistic charts. We discuss the statistic charts infrastructures, and learn how to express the results.

2013/1/23 Again, discuss the content of the web pages

2013/1/24 Make website flowchart, and add some photos to enrich the web pages.


2013/1/25 Winter break starts. We edit typos on the website and modify our afterthoughts to make the website look better.