Background  Work Experience  Interview  What others say about him

In order to better understand Jimmy Huang, we traveled from Changhua to Taipei to interview several with partners who have worked with Jimmy for a long time. By their sharing, we can have an in-depth understanding of the Jimmy Huang at work or in private.

Interview with Tian-gui Lin of Arrow Cinematic Group—from enemies to friends

Others may think that Jimmy and Tian-gui Lin are just work partners, but in fact, the two of them have a fraternal friendship. In the Chinese New Year, Mr. Lin visited Jimmy’s home! However, they did not start out like this, but got to know each other in the filmmaking process. Before Double Vision, they had conflicts for scene issues and misunderstanding, and no chance to know each other more. Until the filming of Double Vision, Mr. Lin found the producer’s serious attitude and carefulness, and he was also impressed by Jimmy’s efficiency and decisiveness. Therefore, they opened their hearts and made friends. Even after Double Vision, they often help each other and cooperate together.

● note : the Arrow Cinematic Group - the story of a brave heart
Mr. Lin told us his story about graduating from high school to running a small-scale film studio company. The Arrow Cinematic Group was only responsible for electrical work at the beginning, and Mr. Lin watched and learned how to make a movie. Then, after he learned how to be a cameraman, his brother asked him to take over the Arrow Cinematic Group. Gradually, the Arrow Cinematic Group became professional. Mr. Lin was responsible for equipment and even the studio. He experienced the destruction of film industry: Decline from more than 200 movies a year to a single-digit number a year. Then the era of music video began. Mr. Lin maintained the operations of his company. A few years ago a fire destroyed most of the equipment and studios. Mr. Lin was not frustrated, but borrowed a loan of hundreds of millions dollars to reconstruct the studios. He could give up in Taiwan go to mainland China, but he cared about his staff and chose to fight in court, to construct new studios, and to produce films. We saw incredible courage in Mr. Lin. We believe that is why Mr. Lin is Jimmy’s good friend. They have the same qualities--the courage to face challenges.


Interview with Yun-Chung Chang of Taipei Postproduction—A significant role in film industry

Yun-Chung Chang of Taipei Postproduction has known Jimmy Huang for a long time. He said that Jimmy was full of mystery with a low profile. The film industry in Taiwan went down in the 1960s. It was almost impossible to find a producer, and few producers were able to find a movie and funds. Mr. Chang recognized Jimmy Huang’s ability during hard time, especially Seediq Bale. Jimmy Huang is a very powerful figure, because few people know about film industry like him. The masters in film industry started as assistants. Mr. Huang is a significant role in film industry. We admire his contribution.


Interview with Producer Xu-ren Hao—a professional and enthusiastic teacher

●With a professional smile even after long working hours
In the beginning, Mr. Xu always wondered why Jimmy Huang showed up with a professional smile every day. It was even stranger that Jimmy Huang was professional, enthusiastic, and sensitive. Jimmy was very willing to help subordinates to solve the problem, to take care of them, and to give advices when Mr. Xu encountered bottlenecks. Jimmy Huang is Mr. Xu’s mentor, who learned a lot from him. Their first film is Double Vision. When overspending, Mr. Huang sighed and then talked to investors to raise money. His insistence was right, and he had visions. In other words, a producer thinks before hand, and he can often predict the subsequences.

●Insight and determination
One time, they were shooting in an eight-story building in Tamsui. The lighting group said the light had to come from above, and we used our electricity. At eight in the evening, a homeowner was back, asked for an explanation. Mr. Xu was the assistant to deal with this problem, but the owner said, "I don’t care. Just take down the light. Otherwise, you can’t shoot." The producer came up and said politely, "I am sorry. We are making a movie, and will finish soon. Please." The homeowner still said," No! Right now!” The producer thought for three seconds, and then suddenly raised his voice and said: "I will give you three thousand. Take it or leave it." Everyone was scared by his attitude. The homeowner thought for a moment and said: "OK! Three thousand."

The producer said, "Kenny (Mr. Xu), give three thousand to him.” The producer turned around and left without saying thank. Mr. Xu thought: Wow! So gutsy! How did he know the man would take 3,000 dollars. What if he didn’t take the money? Mr. Xu was impressed by the producer’s communication ability.

The producer is the oldest generation in film industry. It is interesting that Producer Huang got angry at Mr. Xu all the time, but he still cooperated with Mr. Xu. They have one thing in common—despite without relevant education, they love movies and like challenges, learning from working. Mr. Xu shared a lot of experiences with us, and it told us that every learning is worthy.