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Ms. Huang

Huang Hsiu-Chun

Hair donation planner No.3: Huang Hsiu -Chun

  • Status
    Hair designer & Shop owner (Kai-Li Hair Salon)
  • About her
    Ms. Huang serves as a voluntary traffic conductor in Ping He Elementary School. She gives haircuts to students of minority groups. When she knew this event, she felt that it is obligatory to cut the donators' hair for free. Even hair donators can be free of charged in her salon.

Ms. Huang, you’ve been giving haircuts to students for free in the school since May, 2010. You still volunteer as a traffic conductor once a week after your child graduated from Ping He Elementary School. Although you are busy, you spend time helping people. You are really a role model for us. So, we would like to ask you some questions...

How many years have you been a hair designer? Are you the owner of this shop?

Huang Hsiu


I have been working as a hairdresser for 23 years. I am the owner of this hair salon.

This is Ms. Huang’s hair salon.

How did you know hair donation and then to give free haircuts to donators?

Huang Hsiu


The school has been promoting hair donation to help cancer patients. I think it is a meaningful activity. So, I am glade to cut donators’ hair for free.


Ms. Huang came to cut the donators’ hair in each donation.

How many people did you give haircuts for free?
Are most of the donators adults or children? Any male?

Huang Hsiu -Chun

I gave free haircuts to more than 10 donators. Most of them are children. They are all female. So far as I know, there are no boys donating their hair.

Ms. Huang thought that children are little but kind.

Was there any people donating more than once?

Huang Hsiu -Chun

There was no one making two donations. Hair takes years to grow long. Besides, the activity in the school are held within those two or three years. It is too short to grow hair, to be long.

There were pairs of mother and daughter donating.

Did any people cry while having a haircut?

Huang Hsiu -Chun

None of them cried! It might be because they got prepared before the haircut. Besides, helping others is well manner. If there is someone crying during cutting, I would encourage her and let her go home with a smile.

We thanked Ms. Huang for her assistance.

Did any people ask for a specific hairstyle after cutting?

Huang Hsiu -Chun

It wasn’t necessary. I will design suitable hairstyles for the donators.

Ms. Huang designed a donator’s hair carefully.

Did you ever donate your hair? How did you feel when you cut the donators' hair?

Huang Hsiu -Chun

I had never donated. As a hair designer, I need to change my hairstyle often so that I couldn’t donate my hair. When I cut their hair, I feel they have compassion and courage. I admired them.

Ms. Huang is unable to make a hair donation due to her job.

How did you handle the cut hair?

Huang Hsiu -Chun

I cut the hair off and tie it well by rubber band. The donators can deliver their hair to Our Home Client Service Center in person or I can do it for them.

The hair is for donation.

Will you recommend the customers the activity of hair donation? How did you recommend it?

Huang Hsiu -Chun

If long hair customers come in my site, I will recommend the activity while chatting. I will suggest them to donate the cut hair to help cancer patients.

12 inches measured tip to tip is the minimum length.

Would you please explain the process of free haircuts?

Huang Hsiu -Chun

O.k.. The donator needs to wash his/her hair clean and dry it out before cutting. Then I cut the hair neatly and tie it properly with a rubber band. I will deliver a certain amout of donated hair to Our Home Client Service Center.

We took a photo with Ms. Huang.

Photos & Text From The Ping-He Doves