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Liao Chia-Yu

Liao Chia-Yu

Hair donation planner No.2: Liao Jia-Yu

  • Status
    7th Grade student, Changhua County Chang-An Junior High School
  • About her
    She helped to promote hair donation when she was studying in Ping He Elementary School. She donated her hair to cancer patients after graduating from elementary school.


Liao Chia-Yu, you graduated from Ping He Elementary School. We are so impressed by your support to the activity and your generous hair donation. So, we would like to ask you some questions...

How did you know "hair donation"?

Liao Chia-Yu

I knew it when I was a student in Ping He Elementary School.  The teachers told us about this activity.

Chia-Yu took part in hair donation at Grade 6.


Why did you donate your hair?

Liao Chia-Yu

It's happy to help others.  So I would like to donate hair.


Chia-Yu was with long hair at Grade 6.


How long have you kept your long hair? How did you feel about cutting it off?

Liao Chia-Yu

 I have grow my hair since Kingdergarten.  It is really my pleasure to help others, but I did feel upset while my hair was cut.  I had cried for many days after the hair donation.  But I never regret because it is meaningful to help others.

Chia-Yu was embarrassed that she was crying when having her hair cut.


Did the designer give you any special service for you after the donation?

Liao Chia-Yu

I told the hair designer that I wanted to cut my hair for donation.  The designer tie it nice and carefully.  Then my mother gave it directly to Our Home Client Service Center.

Chia-Yu now was wearing a lovely shot hair.


How did you feel after this donation? How did your family and friends react to it?

Liao Chia-Yu

It took me a while to adjust myself to my new look. Now, I think it is not bad to change a hairstyle. At least it is easier and fast to wash my hair. My classmates were surprised. Some of my friends felt pity for me.

Chia-Yu was thought as a new student after donation.

Will you donate your hair again? Will you encourage others to join you?

Liao Chia-Yu

I will donate my hair again if possible.  I will encourage the other classmates for hair donation.

After the interview, we took a photo with Chia-Yu.





Photos & Text From The Ping-He Doves